"Aya, are you taking your little beast for a walk again!?"

"Do you want to feed more meat? Seeing that it is so thin, it may not be able to carry you even if you are an adult."

Walking on the territory of the Ziyuan tribe, two small figures, a man and a woman, greeted the laughter of the tribesmen all the way, especially those "warriors" who rode on the huge beasts, and even deliberately controlled the beasts to stop on the ground. The two children stepped forward, as if they wanted the girl to see clearly the gap between the two.

Listening to the provocative (molesting) laughter of these bad guys, the little girl named Aya was so angry that her cheeks swelled up, and she stared fiercely at these boring guys.


In the end, Aya stared at Xiaozhi, who was being held by her with a rope, with a bit of resentment. It was because this idiot "Savage Beast" was too picky about eating. Obviously she prepared meat for it every time, but this idiot didn't even look at it. I just like to pick those fruits to eat, how can this grow strong!?

You must know that in this barbaric era, there are no wild beasts that eat grass completely, because such picky eaters cannot survive at all, and will only become the food of other wild beasts.

Natural selection has become the highest law here.

Vegetarian monks like Xiaozhi are simply outliers in this era. To put it bluntly, they are mentally ill and will be eliminated sooner or later.

Xiaozhi was a little dazed listening to the little girl babbling at him. The other party seemed to be a little angry, but Xiaozhi didn't understand why she was angry. Instead, he was being led like a dog. He should be the most angry!?

However, Xiaozhi was a little shocked to see that Aya's clansmen were able to tame those ferocious Pokémon without relying on Poké Balls.

It turned out that those big guys who stayed with him before were not waiting to be slaughtered, but were they ready to be tamed!?

Wait, that means I'm being treated as a humanoid Pokémon!?

Xiaozhi wanted to explain, but he couldn't understand the language, so he was asked to explain for a long time, and Aya, who was mistaken for some strange curse skills, was knocked out with a stick. So far, Xiaozhi understood that the greatest invention of mankind It is "language" and "words" that can understand each other.

After reprimanding this unsatisfactory "Little Wisdom Beast", Aya brought Xiaozhi to the construction site. The construction here is in full swing day and night. Not only people work here, but also people Tamed wild beasts, they will carry or grab huge stones with their claws, place them in a suitable position, and then use high temperature or other abilities to glue the stones together.

In just one or two days, under the witness of Xiaozhi, it has been built to a height of five floors. Although I don't know how many floors there will be in the end, Xiaozhi doesn't think it will take too long.

Speaking of which, in Xiaozhi's observations, including Aya, he suggested to use branches and leaves to add some wrapping in the house, saying that the house is more like a tent, and it has a taste that it will be demolished at any time to facilitate the migration. .

But such a group spends manpower and material resources to build such a high tower, Xiaozhi can't figure it out, maybe if he can understand what they say, he will gain something!?

"Hurry up, you are now the beast tamer of Aya, the strongest warrior in the future, you cannot be underestimated by those adults!"

Aya pulled the rope in her hand, signaling the distracted little wise beast to come back to her senses and move those huge stones. She also bent down and lifted a big stone.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Although I really want to say, do you have any misunderstandings about human cubs, but seeing that Aya, who is about the same age as me, is so capable, Xiaozhi, who doesn't want to lose to girls, immediately bit his lower lip and took out the milk The strength... um... well, I can't lift it up.

Sure enough, after tossing for a while, Xiaozhi raised his head and saw Ayana's pouting, speechless and disgusted Nanny Rong's tender face, and immediately blushed, feeling ashamed.

Aya felt that she had picked up a trouble and went back to the tribe. She felt that the other party could not help her, and she had to feed herself. Perhaps it was because of this useless wood that it was killed. This savage beast is too useless, and she, the warrior Aya, is the only one who cares about it.

Aya, who was moved by her kindness again, pulled the rope and said, "Let's go, really, it's me, otherwise you would have starved to death outside."

As a newcomer, it was the first time for Xiaozhi to be underestimated by others, and he felt frustrated.

However, I still followed Aya who was carrying the big stone in dejection, and I was a little surprised why Xiaoxia and the others haven't come to find me after a few days, isn't this too much!?

Aya and Xiaozhi came to the fifth floor under construction along the "overpass" built of wood, and saw the shirtless patriarch uncle with a big belly. The rest of the tribe, who were in high spirits, seemed out of place.

"Patriarch!" Aya put down the big stone and greeted each other.

After the patriarch's reaction was slow for half a beat, he also smiled and nodded to Aya, "Aya, you are still young, didn't you say that you can leave this place to the adults!?"

"No, I'm a warrior recognized by Grandpa Wu. I can do what other people can do! Don't treat them differently!"

When Aya was stubborn, the men who were working hard on the side praised loudly, and some people shouted at the patriarch, "Yes, patriarch! Aya is our warrior!"

These words were obviously very useful to Aya. She puffed out her chest with nothing to sell, and her arrogant appearance of "that's it", immediately amused more adults, and even those beast tamers couldn't help but look at this little guy.

Of course, for Aya's constant statement that the little wise beast is a savage beast like them, these domesticated beasts sneered and felt insulted.

"By the way, patriarch, why did you look so frowning just now, what happened!?"

After the complacency passed, Aya returned to her senses, then blinked her big eyes and looked at the patriarch with some expectation, as if she really wanted to worry about Fen Kun.

"Ah........." The patriarch couldn't help but smile bitterly, "I'm just a little worried about the progress of the construction. You should know that the set time is not far away..."

The patriarch dealt with Aya with half-truth and half-fiction. Since the other party's grandfather, who is a wizard in the clan, didn't explain anything, the patriarch naturally wouldn't talk too much.

To be honest, the patriarch always felt that the wizard seemed to be hiding something, and could building this tower really save his family from the crisis of annihilation!?

If this is the case, why did the wizard look so sad when he said it!?

Perhaps, there are only a very small number of people who can escape the disaster

Thinking of this, the patriarch couldn't help but glance at Aya, and then thought about the other children in the clan, "Then let these children stay..."

0 looking for flowers......

"Patriarch! Patriarch...Really, why are you always distracted when I talk to you!?"

Aya looked at the patriarch with a little dissatisfaction on her hips. Is this ignoring her, the future super warrior, Master Aya!? Damn sir, hum!

"Sorry, sorry! I just...."

just what!?

I don't know if it was just a dream. Xiaozhi felt a little dazed. The voice of Aya talking to the patriarch gradually faded away. He didn't know how long it had passed. He felt a chill and found himself lying on the floor go to bed.

There was a gray moon above his head, and the moonlight was falling on his body. He saw the other end of the rope, but there was no familiar figure of Ayana.

Xiaozhi slowly got up from the ground, a little confused about what happened!?

He looked around and found that he seemed to be on a very high platform. While untying the knot around his neck, he approached the edge.

When he was able to lie on the edge, he found that he was on top of the tower he had built before. Strangely, it was only five floors different from the last one in his memory that was still under construction. With a height of nine floors, he is among the top floors.


That is different from the other eight floors. It is hollowed out on all sides, and only four pillars support a pavilion. Xiaozhi stands inside, like a bird in a cage.

There was no one but him, as if everything he had experienced before was a false dream.

"What happened!?"

Xiaozhi felt weird, and the atmosphere he was in now made him feel very uncomfortable.


Just when Xiaozhi was about to start looking for clues or the way down, a familiar voice sounded in his ears, it was the girl who caught him and put him on a dog leash.

Xiaozhi followed the voice and found the other party smoothly. At this moment, she was very surprised with the energetic girl. The other party was sitting on the dome with his legs crossed. Seeing Xiaozhi looking at her with his head, it was just a reaction Faint.

Xiaozhi opened his mouth to ask something, but the other party pointed to the moon on his finger, with a sad face.

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, and also looked at the gray moon. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the moon was much bigger than when he saw it before.

When Xiaozhi wanted to ask something again, he was surprised to find that Aya who was there before had disappeared.

But he didn't see the other party come down!?

"Hey! Where did you go!?" He could only shout loudly like this, but his voice was loud in this silent night, but it was like a stone falling into the sea, unable to shake the slightest waves, and on the contrary, it seemed more and more lonely and lonely here. emptiness.

Cracks appeared all around like glass, and Xiaozhi heard the crisp sound of cracking.

He seemed to see something swooping down from the Nine Heavens.

Then he lost consciousness again. Does the huge hovering dragon shadow really exist!?

"Hey! Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi, wake up—!"


When consciousness returned again, Xiaozhi felt some pain on both sides of his face. After opening his eyes, he saw Mei and the others who were a little guilty.

Covering his drowsy head, Xiaozhi sat up and asked, "Is this...!?".

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