The 15th floor of Tianding Building, Baixi County, President's Office of Concubine Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Li Xiaonan was drinking warm coffee while frowning at the reports from various departments on the desk, especially the concubine sales this year were not ideal.

Of course, Li Xiaonan knows the reasons. First, as a new company, she founded Feizi Biotechnology Co., Ltd. for a short time, which is not enough for consumers to trust and choose her products.

The second is that compared to those big and well-known brands, Concubine is not well-known. Although the brand name is not old-fashioned, but because it is not famous, it gives people a feeling of cheap and unreliable, and it is also because of lack of trust.

The third is that even if the concubine company has its own R&D team and laboratory, after all, the time is short, and the R&D funds are not as sufficient as those big companies. In addition, there are very few people in Xiaguo who research products related to women. For foreign experts and technicians, otherwise it would be very difficult for Xia Guo to explore on his own, and he would have to go through many detours.

But the problem is that handing over the most important part of one's company to others, especially foreigners, is an extremely dangerous choice in itself. If something goes wrong, it may fall into the abyss. A sentimental woman, whether she has a strong desire to control or has excessive paranoia, it is impossible for her to plant a disaster that is difficult to solve in the future for short-term benefits at the beginning of her business.

The concubine is her concubine, and she cannot allow others to interfere.

However, just because her "stubborn" concubine's research and development expenses are a heavy burden every month, if Li Xiaonan is not really capable of doing business, perhaps even if her heart is higher than the sky, it may not be enough to accommodate her The "ideal" of the concubine could not persist for a long time.

But because of this, her daily workload has also increased significantly. Sometimes when the employees are off work, she has to work overtime by herself until very late. Compared with some people who are really bewildered, she is the only one worthy of praise. The most important thing is to know how to measure, no matter how much work she has, she will take time to give herself a vacation, instead of working all day long.

It can be said that in the novel "Evil Dragon Returns to the Flower Capital", the reason why she became one of the heroines is not without reason. This is a typical role of a strong woman with her own abilities. Even if the protagonist Xiao Nan does not help She, Li Xiaonan, if there is no big accident in the future, her concubine company will take off one day.

Of course, in this process, as a latecomer, she faced a lot of tests, and the competition among peers was enough to make the concubine company exhausted. It was far from Xiao Nanyue's less visible methods. easy.

But even if Li Xiaonan knew about the plot, she would not choose to rely on Xiao Nan. She herself is excellent, she is not bad, she is even beautiful, and there is always no shortage of suitors. If she really wants to, she will grab a lot of people Help her, but she is an independent person, she doesn't like her things to be defiled, even if the other person is helping her, she hates things that become impure, she is the same as some clean freaks in this regard.

The concubine is just her carefully cultivated treasure, it is her painstaking effort, she does not allow any outsider to dye it with other colors, so it is just a little bit, even if that person is her lover.

So if Li Xiaonan knows the plot like Xiang Ziqi, she will only wonder if the "she" in the plot has been taken away by someone!? Because this is not like her at all, and her arrogance can't tolerate anyone calling "love" "Her banner helps her, let alone as a woman of the new generation, or a self-employed boss, she may not value love, but if she really needs a husband, she will not choose to serve her husband together Yes, not to mention just being the other party's underground lover.

Unless she's not her anymore.

On this point, the reason why she, Xia Rou, Xiang Ziqi, and Wu Xiaoxiao can get along well and build a deep relationship is precisely because their ideas may be somewhat different, but they do not conflict. Relying on men is very self-reliant.

However, unlike Li Xiaonan, a strong woman who absolutely does not allow men to interfere with her, Xia Rou and the others do not rely on men, there is a premise, if the man is their husband or father or son, they will not really Just reject them completely, because in their opinion, it is right for a family to support each other.

But Li Xiaonan was different, she really couldn't accept this, so to a certain extent, this woman Li Xiaonan was indeed "sick", but it was not a harmful disease.


The door of the office was knocked from the outside, and Li Xiaonan, who was worried, didn't get angry, but she still frowned and then let go, the expression on her face became calm and unwavering, she seemed very calm and calm, probably no one was there at all. Thinking of her worried look just a moment ago, she cleared her throat and said, "Come in."

There was a hint of coldness in the voice, obviously there was no ups and downs, but it made people subconsciously a little afraid.

The person who opened the door and came in was Li Xiaonan's secretary Shang Qing, also Li Xiaonan's school girl, she was a very capable woman, and because of this she was affirmed by Li Xiaonan, in fact Li Xiaonan thought about letting her be her assistant, but Shang Qing Qing doesn't seem to be interested in this aspect.

Shang Qing, who wears glasses, gives people a rigid and serious look, but she is not bad in appearance. Of course, she is not as good as a beauty like Li Xiaonan who can become one of the heroines, but compared to her appearance, In Li Xiaonan's opinion, ability deserves more attention.

So far, Shang Qing is still very satisfied. It can be said that without the other party, she might not be as relaxed as she is now.

Shang Qing pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and she didn't waste any time with Li Xiaonan when she came in. After making simple eye contact and greetings, she directly and clearly explained the purpose of her visit.

"President, that young master of the Su family has come to look for you again, how do you return it!?"

Li Xiaonan frowned, "Just drive them away like usual, didn't I explain this kind of thing before!?"

Li Xiaonan didn't quite understand why Shang Qing, who had always reassured her, would suddenly bother her because of this kind of thing. that's it.

Of course, Shang Qing is not pretending to be someone else. Even if there is such ability or technology in this world, no one will use it on her. After all, the concubine company is located in Yuncheng, a third-tier city, and it is still a small Baixi County. It's not enough to attract the attention of this type of people.

Shang Qing naturally didn't know that the senior she admired would have such nonsensical thoughts, she continued to push her glasses and said, "The other party has learned to be smart this time, he said that he is not here to pursue someone, but to discuss business cooperation Yes, in order to prevent the concubine from being misunderstood by people in the business world, being unreasonable and xenophobic and other negative images, so our people don't use too strong methods to drive away the other party."

No matter what age businessmen attach great importance to two things: one is reputation and credit, and the other is vision and skill.

The former is often more important than the latter, because those who are upright help more than those who are unjust. If you give people a bad impression, not to mention that your peers will step on you, and the public will boycott all your products. The importance of reputation is so important, so Li Xiaonan will personally inspect the factories under her from time to time, strictly control every link, and prevent cutting corners or using raw materials that are harmful to the human body. Of course, she also puts effort into management to prevent pests from breeding.

Hearing Shang Qing's words now, Li Xiaonan frowned even more, "I remember that the Su family produces and manages home appliances, right!?"

Li Xiaonan doesn’t understand how two unrelated industries can cooperate!? Displays installed on the bottles of shampoo, shower gel and other products can be used as TV sets!? Are you crazy!?

And their concubines don't need such fancy things.

"I don't know about that, that Young Master Su said it's a commercial secret [Song will talk to you about it."

I don't know if it was Li Xiaonan's illusion, but she always felt that there was a little smile in the eyes of Shang Qing who said this, as if there was some bad taste in it.

"Want to meet him!?"

Li Xiaonan leaned back in the chair, said without thinking, "No, I will not see or listen, let him roll as far as he can!"

Shang Qing was not surprised when she heard the words. In fact, she had expected this to happen a long time ago. After getting along for so long, few people understand the "sickness" of this "senior sister" and "boss" better than her, but it is still a sickness. , It can only be said that she is too rational and will not make mistakes easily.

As far as Su Ye is concerned, perhaps other unconfident or curious bosses will really meet each other, but Li Xiaonan will not, because even if Su Ye can really help her, such as matchmaking It's the same for finding help for her, because Li Xiaonan, who has already clearly marked the price of every gift in fate, doesn't want to have too much intersection with the other party at all.

ask for flowers...

If the concubine really came to the moment when the great summer was about to fall, she would just watch it fall, and there was no compromise in the first place.

She will rely on herself instead of connecting through someone to owe favors that she shouldn't have, because she knows that the most expensive thing is a favor, and it is also the hardest to repay.

So if Su Ye thought that she could see him with this, then he was thinking too much.

After explaining things at work, Shang Qing returned to her private state. She joked, "That's a pity. I still want to see how toads eat swan meat!?"

Li Xiaonan rolled her eyes, "You want to see it, but go by yourself, maybe if you dress up, he will fall in love with you at first sight too! After all, you were also a school belle back then!"

Yes, Su Ye fell in love with Li Xiaonan at first sight. If time could be repeated, Li Xiaonan would definitely tell himself to go to work at a different time that day, so that he would not be caught by Su Ye, and there would not be so much trouble now.

That guy sent flowers to confess his love every day, which annoyed Li Xiaonan very much, especially after complaining to Xiang Ziqi and the other three, he also learned from Xiang Ziqi that the other party was Xiang Ziqi's unlucky fiancé and was divorced Li Xiaonan hated seeing each other even more.

When Shang Qing was in school, she was indeed considered a school flower. After all, after her appearance reached a certain level, it was really difficult to make a big difference. There are bonus points, so Shang Qing was indeed a school belle for a period of time back then, even though there were a few prettier than her in the same class, she could only be inferior to her.

Regarding this, Shang Qing curled his lips, "That's not necessary, I don't have a hobby of inserting cow dung."

As for Su Ye, an outsider, Li Xiaonan has naturally investigated the identity of the other party. As Li Xiaonan's secretary, Shang Qing also shared the information. Although it seems that Su Ye has turned his prodigal son back recently, it doesn't mean that he has turned his prodigal son back. The mistakes he made can be written off, not to mention that Su Ye didn't seem to get much better after turning around.

If this kind of rotten person is not from a wealthy family, who would want to take a second look!? At least Li Xiaonan and Shang Qing, who are proud and arrogant, will not. In Shang Qing's view, calling the other party cow dung is an insult to cow dung.

"You don't have this kind of hobby, so I have it, so hurry up and send people away, I'm busy!" Li Xiaonan rolled her eyes and said.

Shang Qing also put away her smile, "No, I've ordered someone to do it a long time ago.

This time I came here for other things. When my father was fishing, he met a very powerful fishing friend. Although he was very young, he was very knowledgeable and knew some knowledge of Chinese medicine.

, I think if people are really so powerful, can we try to solicit them? You also know that our current products do not have much advantage, simply do not damage healthy skin

The skin is not enough. Although the products of other brands will not rot the skin, the damage is not too great. Depending on the normal functions of the human body, this kind of damage cannot be seen. "

"Uncle!?" Li Xiaonan naturally knew Shang Qing's father. In fact, Li Xiaonan also wanted to recruit him. After all, Shang Qing's father was an old Chinese doctor.

The situation of Chinese medicine practitioners is already very bad. Even Shang Qing's father is an unlicensed and unrecognized doctor, otherwise he would not have retired so early.

Since it was what Shang Qing's father said, Li Xiaonan naturally believed it, but if the other party was really so good, Li Xiaonan didn't think that he could recruit the other party, or that the other party was now

He is already someone from other competitors. After all, excellent talents are everywhere.

However, Li Xiaonan nodded and said, "I will find time to meet in person and give it a try."

Shang Qing smiled, "Then I wish you success soon, and I won't bother you anymore. By the way, stop drinking the coffee when it's cold. It's bad for your health!

As he spoke, he picked up the coffee cup on Li Xiaonan's desk, planning to go outside to change it.

Li Xiaonan shook her head, "En.", and let the other party go.

After Shang Qing left, she turned her head to look out of the window, and murmured in her heart, "One day, I will go back in a good way, when the time comes... Qian".

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