Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

985 Chinese Herbal Medicine Panax Notoginseng Is A Kind Of Hemostatic Medicine!

Baixi County, the river bank.

A burst of laughter sounded, making Nuan Ri more lively.


"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that there are still young people who understand Chinese medicine, okay!"

A man with partly gray hair, probably in his fifties, was laughing heartily like a young man at this moment, and couldn't help patting his thigh with his hands to vent his emotions.

His face was a little red, and there were tears in his eyes. He smiled and his voice became a little hoarse.

After laughing, I feel empty and lost again.

He sighed a long time, and said bitterly, "Oh, the fish got scared away..."

Not far away, under the shade of a tree, a green-haired Shamate couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this, thinking: You two rookies, do you still want to catch fish!?

For so many days, he has never seen these two people not end up in the Air Force, and he doesn't know why the old and the young are so stubborn!? If you want to fish, cast a net, what kind of fishing rod do you use!?

After tidying up the bucket hat on his head, Zhang Qing glanced at the little old man who was smiling and crying, nodded, and agreed, "That's right, just now I saw that a fish was about to take the bait."

Run it away. "

The corners of Shang Sanqi's mouth twitched when he heard this, he was a little speechless, he has been nesting here for three or four days, he almost wondered if there was not a single fish in the river, "Qiujiu San" you are talking to him here! ?I also saw a fish that was about to take the bait!?

Young people don't use Wude!

"Don't talk about it, I went to complain anonymously yesterday, and I guess someone will come here to check the water quality soon!" Shang Sanqi wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and curled his lips. Friends are a little bit interesting, he has long since stopped coming.

As he said that, he put down his fishing rod and asked Zhang Qing, "Xiao Zhang, does your family also have traditional Chinese medicine inheritance!?"

Zhang Qing stared at Fu Piao and shook his head, "No, I just like reading.

After staring at Zhang Qing's face for a long time, the old man Shang sighed in frustration, "That's right, now it is said that Chinese medicine is a lie, there is no scientific basis, and probably no one will be willing to delve into it."


He is different. He will not let his daughter inherit the mantle, and let the Shang family, a family of traditional Chinese medicine, come to an end completely with the new generation. When the world mentions their Shang family in the future, no one will think of "doctor" and "doctor" and so on. Vocabulary is gone.


Shang Sanqi suddenly coughed a few times, saw Zhang Qing looked over, and explained, "It's nothing, it's just a small problem.

Zhang Qing nodded, of course he could see that the other party was not suffering from tuberculosis or something. Shang Sanqi probably suffered from shortness of breath and hurt his heart, but if he takes good care of him, it's not really a problem.

Heart disease is the most difficult to cure, and there is no cure.

"Drink more water."

Shang Sanqi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then almost coughed, "Are you using boiling water as a panacea!?"

He was angry and funny, but he swept away the previous depression.

"That's right, it's meaningless to think about it when I'm 'retired', it doesn't matter whether it's Chinese medicine or Western medicine, as long as it can cure diseases and save people, it's a good doctor.

"Your daughter is a Western medicine doctor!?" Although Chen Jian had investigated the other party's identity and background, Zhang Qing did not go to see it. He knew that the other party had a daughter that Shang Sanqi had accidentally mentioned before.

Zhang Qing even figured out that his father was a Chinese medicine doctor, but his daughter chose to become a western medicine doctor. Then the father and daughter quarreled and ended in a large-scale family ethics drama.

"How is it possible, using your young people's words, to persuade people to study medicine? How can I let my daughter study medicine, and it's Western medicine!?" Even if old man Shang looked at it, it didn't mean he really liked it. Western medicine, in his opinion, those western doctors always ask people to do a full set of examinations. After a round, the patient is tired and the wallet is empty, and finally tells the patient that you just have a small cold. Isn’t this nonsense!?

What kind of doctor is this!? You don’t know how to look, smell and ask anything. What use are you for!?

He admitted that Western medicine is indeed superior to Chinese medicine in some aspects, but it does not mean that Western medicine is really advanced. It is medical equipment that is advanced, not them. Talking and sitting in that position are no different from them. Anyway, everything is done by instruments, and they are simply telling you the result.

Of course, there are also a small number of western doctors who are indeed capable, but these western doctors are actually the same as Chinese medicine. They have worked through qualifications, and most of them are very old, so in the end, all the doctors who are really capable are all young. Senior citizens.

The decline of Chinese medicine is because it can’t keep up with the times, not because they are superstitious and superstitious. If someone specially develops auxiliary equipment suitable for modern Chinese medicine to reduce the cost of training Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine may not be pushed to the point of losing its existence. The point of space.

After all, if Chinese medicine is unscientific and superstitious, then after thousands of years, human beings will no longer exist, and they will already be suffering from various diseases. After all, Chinese medicine has lost to capital, and curing diseases has become a mistake.

Zhang Qing neither agrees nor disagrees with this, because everyone, including those who know the inside story, knows one thing. Traditional Chinese medicine is too profound. If you want to develop auxiliary equipment, you must have a deep knowledge of Chinese medicine yourself, and you have to learn It is simply difficult to refine the knowledge of other disciplines.

If it is said that when you study medicine, you will be struck by lightning, then it is up to the scientific research personnel to do this. They may commit suicide on the spot and show you "Believe it or not!?

Didn’t I see Xiaotian and western countries just buy prescriptions and register patents, instead of delving into it and continuing to dig deeper, thoroughly and then carry forward this science? Because Chinese medicine is profound and profound, and some thinking is even more advanced. If we wait for the technology to improve One or two hundred years, in the era of interstellar travel, scientists may have discovered that certain ideas of Chinese medicine are true and the most correct.

It is hard to imagine that in ancient times, someone touched such advanced wisdom and used it in medicine.

It's a pity that these are castles in the air that have not been proven in this day and age. Even people who study medicine can only be mysterious and don't understand the real mystery inside. It's no wonder that outsiders don't take it seriously and feel completely It's not scientific anymore.

At present, there are so many worlds in the misty space, and no one is a doctor. Even Zhang Qing sympathizes with the experience of Chinese medicine, but with his simple knowledge, which is not very proficient, he plunges into it, and he may lose all his hair. Therefore, it is a correct choice to put away one's sympathy.

Even if he doesn't do it, there will always be someone who will do it, just like Da Lan where Zhang Qing is, not everything needs to be done by an individual named "Zhang Qing", sometimes they just need to touch it behind the back Groups that push humans will move forward by themselves.

Speaking of Zhang Qing, that guy seemed to be having a hard time. He had clearly thought about his retirement plan, but he didn't expect that the first sentence of the final winners would be "Your Majesty, please accept your order and continue to lead us!"

Later, I planned to raise some adopted children, or children of my sisters, to let them inherit the throne, but in the end, they refused all of them, and they were unwilling to kill them. This made the people of Zhang Qing in that world go numb. How can there be an emperor who is more than a hundred years old!?

Sure enough, immortality is definitely not a good thing. I was kidnapped by people's morality, and I was stuck working in that position until I was old..0

Withdrawing his scattered thoughts, Zhang Qing took a sip of water, and then continued to focus on fishing, even if he knew that no fish would be hooked, what if, what if there was a stupid fish with a big heart and no fear!?

Shang Sanqi didn't care about Zhang Qing's silence, he also threw the hook again, and sat firmly on the horse.

Sometimes fishing is not really about catching fish, but for peace.

While counting ants bored, seeing the two guys concentrate on fishing again, Chen Jian curled his lips, not knowing what fun it was, suddenly he noticed that someone was signaling himself, and after understanding the meaning inside, he frowned. Frowning, he stood up, patted the non-existent dust on his trouser legs, and looked towards the driveway not far away.

Sure enough, not long after, a black SUV drove over from afar.

After the other party arrived nearby, he found a place to stop the car, and two young women walked out from inside, one of them was an intellectual beauty wearing glasses, Chen Jian had an impression of her, it was Shang San over there Qi's only daughter, Shangqing, collected information about the president's secretary of the concubine company.

As for the other well-dressed woman with a stronger and fiercer aura, Chen Jian also had the impression that she was one of the four women who were related to that so-called Canglong dog cage, and she was also Shangqing's boss.

Of course, what Chen Jian was wary of was not these two women, but a wanted criminal that the appearance of these two women might attract, or a certain dog licking that recently entered Yuncheng.

As for Li Xiaonan and Shangqing, Chen Jian just sized them up and confirmed that there were no dangerous items on them, and then he didn't pay much attention to them. Except for a little bit of reserved attention on them, he didn't go any further, in order to prevent them from causing trouble. Misunderstanding and other trouble.

Of course, the reason why they are so reassuring is not that they are so unprofessional, but that Zhang Qing has a protective device developed by himself, not to mention knives, even shooting at close range with a rocket launcher is useless. Let Zhang Qing stay outside for so long on vacation.

The only disadvantage is that, given that the energy problem of the Xia Kingdom has not been completely resolved, the power consumption of this energy shield is astonishing once it is opened, so it cannot be popularized in the whole army. Although there is an energy supplement method of solar energy charging , but the conversion rate of solar energy is not high. It is estimated that it will take three or four days to recharge 0.5 even if it is as fast as possible, and it does not count the night or the change of the weather. Otherwise, it will take about half a month for a basic charge.

Aside from this shortcoming, it is undoubtedly a more reliable defensive item than any bodyguards. Currently, Chen Jian and others are mainly responsible for killing the attackers. There is no need for close protection like before. Worry about the interest of distending stomach.

Chen Jian guessed that the reason why Zhang Qing invented this thing was because he disliked them.

After getting off the car, Li Xiaonan and Shang Qing walked directly to Shang Sanqi and Zhang Qing. During this process, there was a trace of nervousness and impatience in the eyes of the two women.

Shang Sanqi, the little old man, seemed to have noticed them too, with a trace of surprise on his face, he couldn't help shaking his head as if thinking of something soon.

Apparently the two women had not come to him once or twice, but he was so disheartened that he didn't want to continue practicing Chinese medicine, even if he was to be a consultant.

Zhang Qing squinted at the two women who walked in step by step, looked at their faces, then looked at Shang Sanqi next to him, and shook his head.

Shang Sanqi's face twitched, and he was a little speechless. What's the matter, he couldn't give birth to such a beautiful daughter!? Don't look at anyone!? The daughter just looks like her mother, but the eyebrows and eyes are still like him, can't you see this? out!?.

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