Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

988 The Kindness And Resentment Of Xiangsu And The Su Family!

Hewu City, Xiangjia.

Xiangmu Tang Cuihua watched the servants close the door, she frowned and thought for a long time before she came out of the room and walked to the living room.

"Ma'am." A maid who was packing teacups saw Tang Cuihua coming, but she didn't care about cleaning up, and hurriedly greeted her.

"Well, Aunt Wang, go down first, I have something to talk to the old man." Tang Cuihua smiled, and told the old servant, and he came to the side of her husband who was smoking a cigarette by himself sit down.

Aunt Wang was stunned for a moment, but she didn't think too much, she didn't take the tea set away, but left the utensils on the tea table, she turned around and walked out of the living room.

After Aunt Wang left, Tang Cuihua looked down at Xiang Fugui who said nothing. The couple were born in the countryside, so it was impossible for their parents to give them any educated and nice names. They didn't call them Ergou or Dog eggs are pretty good.

However, the couple decided on the name "Ziqi" after a lot of thought for their only daughter.

Zi: The original meaning is a baby, son or daughter; it also refers to the proud son of heaven, a person with knowledge and virtue. The meaning of the name Zizi: Zi refers to the meaning of dragon and phoenix, talent, and noble quality among people;

Qi: beautiful jade; rare. The meaning of the name Qi: Qi refers to excellence, brilliance, wealth and pride;

Combining the two characters, the meaning of Ziqi's name is the meaning of blooming wealth, being outstanding, having both ability and political integrity, pure and pure, rare treasures, and great wealth.

It can be said that the couple gave all the beauty and love to their only daughter Xiang Ziqi.

Of course, these couples did not tell Xiang Ziqi himself that the love of parents for their children is silent, especially in the Xia Kingdom, it is rare for parents to tell their children how much they love you all day long , How do you repay them when you grow up.

It is precisely because of this that the couple who have supported them all the way to this day should have a deep relationship, but because of the Su family, the family is about to "break up", and naturally Tang Cuihua will not give good looks to the Su family, even the old brother Su The same goes for Su Ming, that's why she avoided seeing Su Ming when he came just now.

But seeing her husband like this now, Tang Cuihua became furious, "What's the matter, what is he doing here again! 393? Our daughter has been made to deny us by his family, what else do you want!?"

"Does Laoxiang really owe them something to our family!? Even if there is a kindness, it's not like this! What do you think? Haven't we helped their Su family all these years!?"

In fact, even without Xiang Ziqi's muddled marriage contract, Tang Cuihua didn't like the Su family very much, not because of other reasons, but because she thought she was born in a city from the beginning.

The Su family, which is also a "scholarly family", looked down on their husband and wife's two muddy legs.

Do you still remember how the people of the Su family looked at them ten or twenty years ago!? Tang Cuihua will never forget that kind of look of disgust and disgust like looking at a beggar or dirty things, even if it is Su, whom Xiang Fugui recognizes. Although Big Brother Mingsu pretended to be very good on the surface, deep down he looked down on the two of them. As a woman, Tang Cuihua was more sensitive, and she could easily see the superiority hidden in the Su family's heart when they faced them.

Perhaps because she hated this kind of gaze, Tang Cuihua put all her energy into her career, and gradually became a shrew and a strong woman in the eyes of others. At that time, the Xiang family was not as big as it is today. What did the people of the Su family say about her behind her back? , She also knew it clearly, and felt that she was just messing around if she didn't stay at home and take care of her husband and children.

Then Su Ming still used the banner of being good for Lao Xiang. When drinking with Lao Xiang several times, he wanted to brainwash Lao Xiang and divorce her, and then introduced to Lao Xiang the girl from his neighbor's family to be his wife.

But the members of the Su family would never have imagined that Lao Xiang is not a man with no ideas. Although he is a dull gourd, he is not the kind of fool who can do whatever others say, not to mention that Su Ming also misjudged the relationship between their husband and wife. When Lao Xiang came back, he told her everything.

The nonsense that brothers are like siblings and wives are like clothes doesn't make sense here at all. If it weren't for that, the couple wouldn't be able to stay in harmony all the time. Occasional quarrels are just trivial things. The biggest one is when Lao Xiang really He drank too much, talked nonsense, and made a joke, but it was taken seriously.

It can be said that the Xiang family did not owe the Su family anything, but the Su family has benefited a lot from them over the years.

Old Xiang Fugui blushed, but still insisted, "I've heard from you that you are no longer helping their Su family, and it's not like you don't know."

This is naturally not a lie. It is precisely because they don't want to communicate that they moved to Hewu, not Hangcheng where the Su family is located.

"Then why is he looking for you!? We have promised not to participate in the affairs of the juniors, what else do we want to do!? Why do we have to kneel down to apologize to the Su family and help the girl go back to the bridal chamber!? Is he worthy of Su Ye!? "

The saddest thing for someone else's son-in-law is the father-in-law, but when it comes to Xiang's house, it's not that Xiang's father has a problem with the pig who wants to give his own cabbage, but the mother-in-law looks down on the son-in-law.

Not to mention Su Ye, the third child, the two elder brothers in front of him are not much better, but they are not as good as Su Ye, and they are not good people.

Besides the friendship between the Xiang and Su families, the three sons of Su Ming never came to pay New Year's greetings to them, probably from the beginning to the end, they felt that the Xiang family were mud-legged and disdain to associate with each other.

What Tang Cuihua was most dissatisfied with was that every year during the Chinese New Year, Lao Xiang would go to Hangzhou to give the other party a new year gift in person. If she had to say it, she could just pretend that the two parties did not know each other. They were not relatives in the first place, but Su Ming When the two of them came out of the countryside, I just mentioned them who didn't understand anything at that time.

And the so-called "promotion" is also a pitfall. If he can really make a fortune, Su Ming probably won't tell them at all. He just wants to see how the two bumpkins from the countryside are doing. Simply put, it's just occasionally Wanting to have some fun, the couple just happened to run into this "great kind man" and "great kind man".

However, it may be because the couple are stupid and have stupid blessings, which is obviously a "pit", but in the end they were given a lot of money, "and also have the principal of starting a business.

But precisely because this is the wealth that can only be obtained from Su Ming's "reminder", Lao Xiang has always remembered Su Ming's "great kindness" for giving charcoal in the snow, and recognized this "good" brother, even at that time Su Ming said "Borrow "They gave half of their "principal" to do business without any hesitation, and didn't even mention "interest".

In the end, of course, Su Ming lost everything. He is not a material for doing business, so the matter of paying back the money naturally has nothing to do with it. It has been more than 20 years, almost 30 years, and the other party has not thought about it. After repaying the money, one can imagine how poor their character is, and I don't know how the Su family has the confidence to look down on them!?

When his wife asked him this question, Xiang Fugui's face suddenly became weird, he hesitated and didn't know how to speak.

Tang Cuihua has also developed a straightforward temperament over the years, and she hates people like this the most, and immediately slapped Lao Xiang on the back of his hand, "Don't keep holding your cigarettes, I told you to quit, why don't you listen (cafi) !? Come on, did you introduce him to some distant cousin or something like that!? Or is it that his scumbag son bullied our daughter, let us leave it alone!?"

"Really, I'll kill him right now!"

Tang Cuihua was about to explode with anger. This Su Ming was obviously a big man, but he was still disturbed by those vixen women of Xiaosan. If time could be turned back to more than 20 years ago, she would definitely drag Xiang Fugui back then to change If you go to the city in time, you won't know such a dog.

"Uh, calm down first, our daughter is doing well, she has already started filming her second work." Of course, Xiang Fugui has always sent someone to keep an eye on his precious daughter, although the father and daughter had a big fight, but It doesn't mean that he really doesn't care about Xiang Ziqi, it can even be said that Xiang Ziqi's every move, what he has done, what he ate today, he knows exactly what, the only thing that surprised him is that his good His daughter actually made a micro movie that made him have a nosebleed, which made him quite embarrassed.

There is no way to make him want to show off his daughter to his old friends, this is impossible!

Tang Cuihua frowned, but she didn't really continue to get angry. She calmed down and asked, "Then what is he doing here!? Is it borrowing money again!? Or let you help to get through the relationship!?"

After finishing speaking, looking at the dead man Xiang Fugui who was silent, Tang Cuihua suddenly had something she didn't understand, and said with a sneer, "Okay, I have caused so much trouble for our family, and I still have the cheek to ask you for help, no, It should be asking for your help! You are so bright!"

Hearing the old wife's angry words, Old Xiang couldn't take it any longer. After coughing, he explained, "Although I did ask for my help, it's a little different from what you thought, and this time I refused."

"Oh!? You refused, I didn't say, Lao Xiang, you have finally woken up, or were you taken away by someone!?" Tang Cuihua obviously didn't believe it very much.

Faced with his wife's doubts, Xiang Fugui said helplessly, "Do you really think that I have no temper!? The reason why I have never severed ties with their family is not because I don't want to be left with a stigma of being ungrateful and ignoring people when I am developed. , after all, our family started to get rich from us. In the eyes of many people, we are nouveau riche. Once our reputation becomes bad, we are afraid that we will suffer even greater losses and implicate Ziqi..."

He is not stupid and simple-minded, how can he not see clearly what he is like, Big Brother Su!? But sometimes you are destined to have certain labels on you until the day you die. It is not because you are rich and prosperous The boss will be able to completely erase the change.

Not to mention other people, Xiang Fugui also knows that many of his employees don't think highly of the couple, especially those with high education. It can be done, and even better.

But why don't these people think that if they can build such a huge foundation and maintain it without defeat, is it true that the couple really only have "good luck" left!?

After snuffing out the cigarette butt in his hand, Xiang Fugui continued, "Old Su is here this time because he wants me to make some connections to clear the way and save his big brother."

"Su Ye!?" Tang Cuihua raised her eyebrows, and a name appeared in front of her eyes in an instant, and she looked at Xiang Fugui for confirmation.

Xiang Fugui nodded, "It's that bastard thing. I don't know who the other party provoked in Yuncheng. Now people have entered, and Su Ming's begging for no one will work. Now they are locked up and they are not allowed to visit. So don't talk about trouble with your daughter, our daughter has never seen anyone else."

At the end, Xiang Fugui still had a schadenfreude smile on her face, Tang Cuihua was taken aback for a moment, and she also swept away her previous scowl, beaming with joy, if she hadn't had some sense of propriety, "I would have shouted in that thunder and firecrackers to celebrate.

"It's a good thing! It's a good thing!"

"If that's the case, what were you doing smoking alone just now!?" After she was happy, Tang Cuihua suddenly recalled what she had put on her hips and stared at Fugui with dissatisfaction. of.

Xiang Fugui twitched cheekily, "What are you smoking? I just didn't realize it for a while. Do you know how unexpected this news is!? And it's not easy for me not to laugh!"

Xiang Fugui felt a little wronged, in front of Su Ming, of course he couldn't have gloated and laughed out loud, otherwise all these years of forbearance would have been in vain, and it was hard for him to deal with this "good big brother" old Su past, will

Is it easy for him to send someone away!?

"Hmph! You did the right thing this time, but don't be complacent. How many times have you pissed me off before!? You only did it right once, so don't expect me to praise you.

"Let me tell Ziqi the news first, you can also find out what happened to that son of a bitch later!? I'm afraid that bitch Su Ming will deliberately make trouble because you don't help him.

If you know yourself and the enemy, you will not be easily cheated.


Seeing his wife leaving in a hurry, Xiang Fugui shook his head, "It must be difficult to inquire..."


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