Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

989 Li Bing Returns From The Counterattack!

In a rental house near Hengsha Film and Television City, several girls divided a room of six to seven square meters into eight beds. Inside, mattresses, clothes, shoes, socks, plastic buckets, etc., were piled up together, giving people Feeling full.

It is really hard to believe that this is the living residence of several girls in their early teens and early twenties, even if it is temporary.

If a male creature with fantasies about a woman's room sneaks in, I'm afraid it will be disillusioned, and it will take a few days of mental work before it can continue to estrus.

In fact, not only these eight girls are like this, but also many similar girls around. Most of these girls are naive heads who have come to fantasize about becoming famous with passion, but not only the college entrance examination is the result of thousands of troops and horses. The single-plank bridge, the film and television industry also came up with it~ It is not easy to get a head and a head.

Except for a small number of young masters and young ladies with powerful families and profound backgrounds, for the rest of them, it is more difficult than buying a lottery ticket to win the jackpot.

"Where is the comb, have you seen where I put my comb!?"

"Look for it yourself, it should be there, oops, that wicked kicked my shoe away!?"

"Fen, why is your bad omen on my bed, don't throw it around, and don't always sleep naked!"

"What are you afraid of!? Everyone is a girl, I am not ashamed anymore, what are you afraid of!?"

Early in the morning, with the sound of cock crowing, the room became noisy and lively. It is not an exaggeration to say that the chickens are flying and the dogs are jumping. These girls jumped out of the bed or sat on the bed to search for their supplies, which often made people feel uncomfortable. The already messy room became even more messy.

There are even some thin and transparent pieces of cloth scattered on the ground. The sunshine in May is full of spring, and the peach blossoms are in full bloom.

After a while of fussing, one of the fat girls noticed that Li Bing in the lower berth was unexpectedly quiet today. He hadn't made any sound since the beginning, and he hadn't seen his "active" figure just now.

He couldn't help but looked in the direction of his bed, and saw that there was still a person lying there, motionless.

"Li Bing!?"

"Li Bing!"

The girl tried to call out Li Bing's name, but the person on the bed was like a "sleeping beauty" and didn't respond at all.

The other six girls who were still fighting seemed to realize that something was wrong, they all stopped what they were doing, and even brushed their teeth halfway, staring at Li Bing and the fat baby girl with froth in their mouths. voila.

The fat baby girl thumped in her heart, remembering that last night Li Bing seemed to say that she had a little fever, and she asked her if she needed to go to the hospital, but Li Bing shook his head and said that he could just take a fever-reducing medicine and sleep, there is no need to waste it Money to go to the hospital.

As if thinking of something bad, the fat baby girl's face turned pale, and her lips began to tremble. The other six girls hugged each other closely, and they didn't even dare to come over. And the lively room instantly became audible.

"Li... Li Bing!? You... did you hear me calling you...!?"

The fat baby girl continued to call the other party's name, her eyes were full of helplessness, but the other girls just swallowed their saliva, and no one stepped forward to comfort her.

She could only creep towards Li Bing's bed step by step, step by step, and it felt like she had walked a hundred meters away from the distance of one or two steps.

However, the distance is only so small, no matter how much she prayed and hesitated, it was useless, and finally came to Li Bing's bed, the fat baby girl was frightened into tears, but she still stretched out her hand tremblingly... Put your fingers under Li Bing's nostrils.

"Wow!" The fat baby girl withdrew her hand like an electric shock, then looked helplessly at the other girls living together and said tremblingly, "Li... Li Bing... Li Bing, she, she, she's not breathing …”

"...….what to do!?"

But no one said anything, because everyone didn't know what to do, and the girl in the same room died, maybe I waited for someone to sleep in the same room with the corpse last night, the great fear made the girls lose Proper.

tick tock....

The ticking of the alarm clock's hands became the only sound in the room, and the girls' breathing was almost inaudible. They even closed their mouths and noses intentionally, not daring to breathe.



A burst of alarm broke the silence, and the girls were taken aback. After a long time, they found that nothing happened, and they searched the room for the source of the sound. Soon they found that the alarm clock was ringing next to Li Bing's pillow.

But after discovering the source of the sound, everyone didn't go to turn off the noisy alarm clock and let it rang endlessly.

While everyone was silently waiting for the alarm to stop automatically, someone suddenly stretched out a pale hand and pressed the ringing alarm clock to stop. Everyone was startled, looked at each other, and found that the seven of them They are all there, so whose hand will this be!?

It's... Li Bing!

It's a dead body, everyone's hands and feet are weak at this moment, and the fat baby girl who is the closest has even fallen to the ground, but she didn't go forward to support her, if it wasn't frightened, maybe someone had escaped outside the door .

"Li Bing" opened her eyes in a daze, and heard the nerve-piercing alarm bell in her ears. She was angry to get up, and just about to pick it up and throw it out, she found that her hands seemed a little weak, but it was okay. Fortunately, the hand she stretched out from the quilt just landed on the button to turn off the bell, and turned off the disturbing sound.

She felt that her head was a little chaotic, she didn't know what happened, and her throat was a little sore.

Just when she was about to continue to sleep like this, a strange sound in her mind startled her suddenly.

[Ding—! The Almighty Goddess system is being bound...]


"Li Bing"'s mushy and hard-to-rotate thinking seemed to become clear in an instant. She wondered if she had auditory hallucinations. If you play tricks, you don't have a chance to speak.

She was really on the verge of despair. From the age of sixteen to fifty, she spent almost her whole life here. Seeing that her youth was gone, her face was full of wrinkles and her figure was out of shape, but she still didn't get out of it. The slightest sign.

In her spare time, she also reads some web articles, especially the web articles that contain cheats like the system. She also fantasizes that one day she will also have a system that can change the fate of the sky, but the reality is that there is no such thing.

"Li... Li Bing!?" Seemingly recovering, the fat baby girl got up and yelled weakly.

Li Bing was still thinking about the system, when suddenly she heard a familiar and distant voice, which seemed to have been familiar deep in her memory, she slowly turned her head to look sideways, and there was a fat baby on her bed. The girl knelt on the ground with her hands propped up, raised her head and stared at herself.

The fat baby girl is about seventeen or eighteen years old, she looks a bit fleshy, but she is not that kind of puffy, she is probably the so-called loli girl, but her appearance is not outstanding, at most she is middle-aged posture.

"...Yu Na!?" The appearance of the other party evoked Li Bing's long-lasting memory. A name suddenly appeared in his mind, and Li Bing read out the name that existed in the long past with some doubts.

Yu Na is also a fat baby girl. Hearing Li Bing call out her name, she seemed relieved, "I was scared to death, Li Bing, why didn't you answer me just now!? I....I thought you... ..”

Yu Na didn't continue, but her eyes were full of resentment. At this moment, her hands and feet were still a little weak, and she couldn't stand up at all, so she had to slow down.

0 for flowers...

The rest of the girls were in the same situation, and they all blamed Li Bing for it.

Li Bing listened to the denunciation of the seven people, and became more and more confused about the situation in front of her. She stood up and looked at the seven girls who came up around her. Although they were all very young, Li Bing still recognized them.

Except for Yu Na before, the other six people are also familiar with each other.

"You..." Li Bing really wanted to ask why you all came here!? But when she saw the Chen Yan who had died a long time ago in the girl's memory, she was startled and held back her screaming. It seemed that he realized that something might happen to him.

(System!?) Li Bing called out in his heart.

【Host, what are your orders!?】

(System, you really exist!?)

[I don't understand what the host means. Of course the system is real. The system can help the host become an omnipotent goddess and be loved by everyone. 】

In an instant, Li Bing was filled with surprises, and his pale face became rosy.

Yu Na didn't know that Li Bing was no longer the original Li Bing, she patted her chest and finally stood up, then reminded Li Bing who was still on the bed, "Li Bing, don't be dazed, get up quickly, or it will be too late to leave , the good characters are gone.

Even though that is the case, most or most of Yu Na can only play tricks, as some extras, not to mention that they are not too beautiful, even if they plan to be unspoken, the director will not be able to see it superior.

Li Bing came back to her senses and figured out the situation. She traveled back to the year she was nineteen years old. Knowing her future direction, she still has the system by her side. Naturally, she can't see such trashy roles played by extras. See Yu Na urged, she waved her hand and said, "I still feel a little uncomfortable, so I won't go today."

Yu Na looked at Li Bing suspiciously, but she didn't suspect that she had changed people, she nodded, "Okay then, but I suggest you go to the hospital, don't hold back, some money should be spent flowers."

The reason why Yu Na was surprised was that Li Bing was uncomfortable and insisted on going to work several times in her memory, but this time she was willing to rest, just like the sun coming out from the west.

After getting Li Bing's consent, Yu Na left with other roommates.

Li Bing's eyes flickered, he took out his "ancient" mobile phone, and started searching the Internet for the news he wanted. After finding that the situation was no different from what he knew

Li Bing was instantly filled with surprises.

She clearly knows which dramas in the future are not expected to be popular but the most popular ones. With the foresight, she has many opportunities to be popular. The only thing she needs to worry about is that her appearance is too ordinary, even Yu Na can't match it Sophisticated acting skills are useless, some directors may not allow her to play an important role, and if she is still a secondary maid, even foresight is useless.

But now she has a system.

"Huh!?" Suddenly Li Bing saw the announcement photos of the web drama "Runaway", which was nothing at all, but when she found out that the candidate for the heroine was not the "National Girlfriend" in her memory, one of the four future female roles in Leng Meng When he was in Yao, Li Bing was taken aback, a little unbelievable.

There is no reason, she is clearly worthy of Leng Mengyao's road to fame. Although she has no acting skills, but with her amazing appearance, she just made this idol drama that has been criticized in all aspects become popular.

Why change now!?

Li Bing couldn't help thinking, she just came back, it shouldn't be affected by her butterfly effect, could it be someone else in the last life, but later changed to Leng Mengyao!?

Because Li Bing only knew about Leng Mengyao after she became famous, so she was not very clear about what happened at the beginning.

"However... since Leng Mengyao has not been selected yet, can I replace her! Someone?".

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