Just as the two stopped to talk, the distance between the goblins and Sato Kazuma became closer and closer.

The huge body of the goblin leader behind the two made the ground shake with each step, and the vibration seemed to step on their hearts, making their faces pale with fright.

However, at this moment, seeing that Akuya was about to be caught up, his speed suddenly increased, which had been on par with Sato Kazuma.

It was completely impossible to believe that just now she was punched and flew hundreds of meters away.

"Hey! Akuya, are you trying to abandon me?

It's just that Akuya didn't mean to stop at all, but the speed became a little faster.

Obviously, the big fight of the goblin leader just now has already sobered her up.

"How can it be repaired! You goddess of pit goods! Seeing

that Akuya was running faster and faster, without the slightest intention of slowing down and waiting for herself, and the movement behind her was getting bigger and bigger, Sato Kazuma felt as if he was going to be cold.

(Is this going to die?) Obviously reborn in another world, but has not yet begun to imagine that the life is about to die in the accident of the first commission? I'm so unwilling, I'm so unwilling!

Although the speed of escape did not slow down in the slightest, Sato and Mama had no hope in their hearts at this time.

As a reincarnation who did not choose a good golden finger, he could not find the slightest chance to survive in the face of such a predicament.


The goblin leader who was running in the front of the goblins looked at Kazuma Sato, who was about to hook up in front of him, and a hideous smile appeared on his face.


With a deafening roar, the goblin leader raised the huge weapon in his hand, and then pointed it at Kazuma Sato.

But before it could make its next move, a familiar voice made its skin and hair stiffen.


Roar!! (It's that voice!) Is that the voice!!

The goblin leader stopped abruptly and wanted to look in the direction where the voice was coming from, but it was too late.

Because the firelight... It's already on fire.


The crimson enchantment spread to the feet of the goblins, then turned into pillars of flame at a speed faster than they could react, enveloping them in them.


With the sound of the roar, a mushroom cloud rose behind the goblin leader, and the wave of qi directly flew away from Akuya and Sato Kazuma, who were still fleeing, and finally flew in the direction of Masamune Kazumi and the two.

With three clicks, Kazuma Sato and Akuya plunged in front of Masamune Kazumi by grabbing the ground with their heads, and Megumi also fell softly on the ground.

"Huh!? Not wearing it!?

Masamune Wakaizumi did not care about Kazuma Sato and Megumi, but immediately saw the scenery displayed in front of him.

Since Akuya was upside down on the ground, he could clearly see the appearance under Akuya's skirt at this time.

Akuya actually didn't wear fat at all.

However, at this time, Izumi Masamune had a strange look.

"Obviously I should be very excited, why... Why don't I feel anything at all!?

Could it be that because she is Akuya, she can't be colored at all?

Akuya, who was still with her head in the ground, heard Heizumi Masamune's words, and directly pulled her head out, and then stretched out her finger at him with an angry face.

"Clam!? Your guy's name is Masamune Waizumi, right? What do you mean!? What is it called because it is Akuya, so it can't be colored at all!?

And who said I wasn't wearing it!? I just used my divine power to make the fat times invisible, so that stupid wolves like you can't see my fat times, hum~"

Listening to Akuya's explanation against the sky, Izumi Masamune looked over his head expressionlessly, so it is said that he is mentally retarded.

"Hey!? What kind of expression are you!? Even if you don't see the fat times of this goddess, you are peeking.

If it weren't for 300,000 Eris, I'd have spread this story to Axel everywhere!

Akuya said with a smug look, as if she had grasped the handle of Kazumi Masamune.

Masamune Kazumi looked at Akuya with an idiotic expression.

"Pass it on as you like, I don't care anyway.

Instead, you have to think hard with your brain, which doesn't know if there is a walnut kernel, and if you spread this matter, whether you suffer or I suffer, Miss Akuya, the goddess of water.

"Peek at the bottom of the goddess's skirt!? Will be scolded for being perverted! Really don't care?

It's just that Kazumi Masamune listened to her words, but still looked at her indifferently, without meaning to be afraid at all.

Joke, his reputation is already so stinky, and there is such a little thing?

Akuya touched her head when she heard this.

"What's going on, why don't you guy care about your reputation at all? Is it a mental retardation with brain problems? "

Masamune Waizumi: .

It is regarded as a mental disability by the goddess of intellectual disability.

After complaining in his heart, Masamune Kazumi was ready to cast teleportation magic and take Megumi back directly, he didn't care about Akuya and Sato Kazuma, it would be bad if he was entangled.

But as soon as Masamune Kazumi raised his wand, Akuya, who had been staring at him, discovered the clue and flew directly over and hugged him tightly.

"You guy wants to go, right!? Are you actually ready to leave the goddess here alone like this!?

Akuya said, a pitiful expression appeared on her face, and large tears erupted from her eyes.

"Since you're leaving, take me with you!" Take me with you! I don't want to stay in this damn place for a moment! It's terrible!

"Let go, let go! Obviously Kazuma Sato brought you down from the God Realm, right? Why are you pestering me!? Go find him!

Kazumi Masamune said, directly pulling Akuya's hand holding him, and then quickly retreated in the direction of Megumi, ready to take Megumi and leave directly.

Seeing this, Akuya sat directly on Kazuma Sato, and then cried like a child.

Kazuma Sato: Poof~~~

"Wow wow! I'm a goddess, why am I so unlucky! Wow wow wow..." Seeing

this, Izumi Masamune, who had already picked up Megumi, did not mean to bird her at all, after all, he knew how troublesome this guy Akuya was, and he was still poor and useless mentally retarded.

Seeing that Masamune Kazumi didn't mean to stop, Akuya cried louder, and at the same time pounded Kazuma Sato's body with both hands, like a sloppy shrew.

Kazuma Sato: Poof~~ (vomiting blood)

Megumi, who has been witnessing all this, saw this, reached out and pulled Masamune Wakaizumi's clothes.

"Masamune, they look so pitiful, or should I bring them with me?"

Masamune looked down and saw that Megumi's little face was full of worry and pleading, hesitated for a while, and finally sighed softly.

"Alas, you'll know how much trouble they have later."

After Masamune finished speaking, he directly began to chant the spell of teleportation magic, and the emerald green magic spread out, wrapping all four people present in it, and then flickering, everyone disappeared above the green.

Not long after a few people left, a huge green palm burst out of the giant pit blasted out by the bursting magic.


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