In the public cemetery outside Axel City, as the emerald green magic appeared out of thin air, four figures flashed out, it was the four people of Hequan Masamun.

Since Akuya was sitting on Kazuma Sato when teleporting, after teleportation, Akuya's body directly pressed into Kazuma Sato's body from the air, pressing him to vomit several mouthfuls of blood.

"Poof... This, here it is? "

Kazuma Sato, who was unconscious after Megumi's attack from the aftermath of Megumi's bursting magic, finally woke up with the help of Akuya many times (laughs).

Seeing this, Masamune Waizumi stretched out his hand indifferently and said hello to Kazuma Sato, who was still looking around with a confused face.

"Yo, awake?

This time, thanks to me, you were saved, and the fifty thousand Eris should not need me back, right?

At this time, Sato and Majin were still confused, and their eyes were full of confusion when they looked at Masamune Kazumi.

"Are you... Waizumi Authentic?


"Yes, I remember being chased by a group of goblins, and then I was blown unconscious by a sudden explosion."

Megumi, who was in Masamune Waizumi's arms, listened to this and silently shrunk her head into Masamune Waizumi's arms.

"Then, I felt that something kept hitting me, and it kept smashing, and finally it hit me hard, and I woke up."

When Akuya heard this, the expression full of weakness on her face turned her head.

However, at this time, Sato Kazuma did not care about their expressions, but their faces were full of fear, and their limbs trembled at this time because they remembered the terrifying and hideous face of the goblin leader.

"I... I thought I was going to die..." He

Sato Kazuma was just an ordinary neon house squatting to death, where he had experienced that kind of battle, especially the goblin leader's shock of forcing Akuya hundreds of meters away, making him tremble with fear even now.

Wrong!? Flew Akuya hundreds of meters away?

Kazuma Sato turned his head sharply to look at Akuya, causing Akuya to shrink.

"How... What's wrong, I didn't sit on your body and hammer and smash, and sat down from a few meters in the air.

The words that Akuya said with a flickering look in her eyes made everyone's eyes look at her.

Masamune Kazumi and Kazuma Sato are okay, after all, they know a little about this mental retardation.

But Megumi listened stupidly.

Really fake!?

You directly explained the details clearly, hey!?

After listening to Akuya's retarded lie, Sato Kazuma directly stepped forward and grabbed her by the collar, and while his face was full of hideousness, spit also flew out of his mouth.

"So it's you!?

It was also when I was chased and killed before, you wanted to leave me alone and escape, right!?

You useless goddess of waste! How can it be repaired! Seeing

that Sato Kazuma actually dared to grab his collar and blame himself, Akuya couldn't help but think of the various encounters since he was taken down the God Realm, and the anger in his heart instantly soared.

"Huh!? Say that I am a waste goddess but can't even run away from the family, how dare to say it!?

If you didn't bring this goddess down, this goddess would still be enjoying a happy life in the god world!? So it's all your fault!?

Since you have brought this goddess into this world, serve me well!?

When the hell will you understand! I am a goddess, a goddess! Sato

Kazuma couldn't stop trembling with anger when he heard Akuya's words, but Akuya obviously had no intention of stopping, and after seeing him fall silent, his tone became more and more presumptuous.

"If you think clearly, prepare sparkling wine and a big meal for this goddess, so that this goddess can ... Poof~" Before

Akuya could finish speaking, the unbearable Sato Kazuma punched her in the stomach, interrupting her arrogant words.

"Hmm~ Shu Jiu and Zhen actually dare to hit me again! I you fight! "

Fight and fight, who will be afraid of you waste goddess!?"


Kazumi Masamune looked expressionlessly at the two who were scuffling together in front of him, and then turned around and left without hesitation.

"Left them alone?"

Huihui looked worriedly at the two who were still scuffling on the ground.

"Whatever they do, these two guys are related in the god world, even if they die into scum, they will be sent back intact, let's think about how to spend it after receiving the two million Eris, I want to change to a better wand."

Masamune Kazumi said, walking directly in the direction of Axel, without looking back.

"The relationship of the god world!?"

"That's right, the relationship between the god world, you don't Akuya is a mental retard, but she is indeed Akuya, the goddess of water believed in by the Akusis Sect."

"Ah... Akusis Sect..." Huihui

turned her head to look at Akuya again, but at this time, there was no worry in her eyes, but it became like looking at a big trouble.

"Masamune, let's go, if you get involved with the people of the Akusis Sect, it will be finished!"

The Akusis Sect, a sect that made everyone in the Suqing world retreat, the Human Kingdom Army, the Demon King Army, the Elf Race, the Subhuman Race, the Red Devil Race, etc. were all included in this all.

This is not only because of their own strength, but also because of the idiotic doctrine and the crazy missionary spirit of the group of believers.

Anyway, it is right to avoid them when encountering the people of the Acusis Sect, this is the experience summed up by the ancestors of this world with blood and tears.

With the figure of Masamune Waizumi and the two gradually moving away, Sato and Mama reacted, before Masamune Kazumi said that he saved his life? That is, the magic that wiped out the goblin was actually used by Masamune Kazumi or his companions?

"Hey, Akuya, you..."

"Good opportunity!"


Sato and Mamoto wanted Akuya to stop first, and it was also a good choice for them to catch up and hug Masamune Kazumi's thigh, but before he could finish, Akuya, who thought he had caught the flaw, punched him in the abdomen.


The Adventurers' Guild, Masamune Kazumi maintained an indifferent expression, and walked towards the counter of the guild, while Megumi followed behind him like a follower, and his face couldn't help but be happy.

Peng's sound, this is the sound made by Zhengzong Hequan slapped on the counter.

Luna at the counter was frightened by this sound, and the waves on her chest directly dazzled Masamune Waizumi, who was still pretending to be calm.

"Ah... Arno, Mr. Waizumi, is there something wrong with you? But

Masamune Kazumi still couldn't take his eyes off the towering mountain, and even if he had seen it several times, he still couldn't imagine why he was so tall so big.

Seeing Masamune Kazumi staring at her proud place, Luna couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Mr. Hequan, if there is nothing to do, I will be busy, and the guild still has a lot of things for me to deal with."

It's not that Luna is pretentious, her own work clothes already mean that she doesn't mind being seen by others, after all, this is her advantage.

But if this person is Wasizumi Masamune, then it is another matter, after all, she knows the degree of perversion of Waizumi Masamune.

Didn't you see Megumi, who was still crying and crying the day before yesterday, and followed behind him obediently today, not crying or making trouble?

Must have used special means to make her obedient, right?

This is not only Luna's idea, but also the thought of most people who notice Waizumi Masamune.

Suffice it to say that first impressions matter.

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