Seeing that most of the survivors in front of him were old, weak and sick, Su Hai didn't have too many surprises, after all, he had already guessed everything when he came back.

With a slight movement of Su Hai's thoughts, a space passage was opened in front of everyone.

And signaled to Colony Dora and others to enter this space passage.

It's just that Clooney Dora looked at the one-meter-wide, two-meter-high, very dark portal in front of her. However, there was a slight hesitation, and he subconsciously turned his gaze to Rikdora.

There was a hint of questioning in his eyes.

Although Clonidora has learned from Rikdora's mouth, Su Hai is also a human, not a human being of other sequence races, nor an enemy of human survivors.

But in such a short period of time, it was impossible for Chronidora to trust Su Hai easily. The survivors who can survive in such an era have experienced hardships and have very strong vigilance.

Until Rick Dora, the current leader of the human survivors, nodded solemnly, Colonel Dora took the lead and led all the human beings into this space channel in turn.

In this way, after a while, all the human survivors entered the world inside Su Hai's body through the space tunnel.

Faced with such a situation, Su Hai also dodged and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had returned to the world inside his own body.

Clooney Dora and others who came to this world first were already stunned, standing there and looking at everything in front of them in shock.

This world may be nothing to Su Hai, after all, it is a very familiar existence.

But for people like Clone Dora, even the air is so wonderful.

Today, the outside world has long been unsuitable for human survival. If humans want to go out, they need to wrap themselves tightly to avoid contact with certain substances in the air, thus being corroded by the energy in the air.

But in this world there is not only fresh air, but also endless greenery, all of which exude a breath of vitality.

At the same time, the dragon spirits and elves who were busy building their own homes were constantly flying in the sky, which was also a scene that Cronee Dora and others had never seen before.

"From now on, this is where you live."

Except for "the Kabbalah tree of life in the center, you can find a suitable home anywhere else as your future home."

"If you need any help, you can talk to me, or talk to other people here, and they will all help.

Looking at the astonished Clooney Dora and the others in front of him, Su Hai smiled slightly, not too different.

After all, facing such an environment, even Xiaobai, who was an Ex-Machina, was surprised for a moment.

And what about the nominally ordinary survivors like Clone Dora?

The first to react was Rick Dora. As a human being full of wisdom, Rick Dora has a calmness far beyond his peers.

Therefore, he was the first to recover from the surprise, after confirming that everything in front of him was real. Rick Dora looked at Su Hai in front of him with an unprecedented smile on his face.

Because from the moment he came in, Rick Dora deeply realized the vastness of this world, which is no smaller than the real world outside.

Rick Dora is very clear that the existence that can create such a world is definitely a powerhouse at the same level as God of War.

With such an existence as Su Hai, Rick Dora is full of confidence in his plan to deal with the God of War next. Finally, I feel that overthrowing the God of War and recasting the world is no longer a distant dream.

After explaining everything, Su Hai took Xiaobai and Jibril and turned to leave, preparing to go to the place where the forest spirit and the dragon spirit were located, and have a look at the current situation of the two parties.

As for the settlement of the survivors such as Colony Dora, Su Hai was not worried at all.

As for the tenacity of human beings, Su Hai can be said to be very clear, as long as there is a suitable living environment, human beings can develop completely.

Husband "×2!

After a while, Su Hai took in the Kabbalah Tree of Life in the center, and saw the oncoming two daughters Weilong and Conglong.

Apparently, the second daughter felt Su Hai's presence at the moment Su Hai entered the world, so she deliberately waited for Su Hai to come.

The moment they saw Su Hai, the Second Women's League called out in surprise. At the same time, the whole person flew over and quickly plunged into Su Hai's arms.

Obviously, after this period of separation, both girls miss Su Hai very much.

It turned out that when Su Hai left the inner world, Su Hai wanted to promote the rapid development of the elves and dragons, and the evolution of the world as soon as possible.

So speeding up the flow of time in this world, although Su Hai seems to have only spent more than ten days outside, it has actually been decades in this world.

This is one of the reasons why the second daughter is so happy to see Su Hai.

"How is the girl doing now?"

In the face of the two girls who suddenly rushed over, Su Hai's reaction was also very fast, and he quickly opened his arms to catch it.

While feeling the softness in his arms, Su Hai also asked with a smile.

And this question, Su Hai was also a little surprised, because the development of the forest elves and dragon elves has far exceeded Su Hai's expectations.

In this perfect world where resources and resources are needed (good Zhao Zhao), the forest spirit and the dragon spirit species are developing at the fastest speed and without end.

But in just a few decades, the number of dragon spirits has increased by 1/3, and the number of forest spirits is even more incredible, and the number of personnel has almost tripled.

And under the leadership of Phil Nierbalen, the genius girl of the elves, the elves also researched the zeroth permanent protection of the void on the basis of the zeroth protection of the void.

This brand-new Void Dima permanent protection can combine the power of all the elves, and at the same time cast the Void Zero Blessing.

As the number of people increases, the power of Void Zero's permanent protection will increase. In theory, there is no upper limit.

In other words, as long as there are enough forest elves who can cast the zeroth protection of the void, they can even resist the attacks of powerhouses far exceeding their own strength.

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