"Master, anyway, according to the news we got, as long as we pass through this demon forest, we can reach the territory of the orc race."

Under the sky emitting a bewitching red light, a young human boy stood quietly on the edge of a black forest.

Beside him, there was an angel girl and a purple-haired girl with a few mechanical parts on her body.

Obviously, these two are Su Hai, Jibril and Xiaobai who have come back to the outside.

After living in their own world for a few days, the surviving humans chose a place to settle down. Su Hai, Jibril, and Xiaobai returned to the outside world.

This time, Su Hai's target was the orc race in the very center of the forest in front of him.

"Let's go in!"

Faced with such a situation, Su Hai didn't hesitate at all, turned his head and glanced at Xiao Bai and Jibril next to him.

He lifted his foot and stepped into this forest that seemed to be shrouded in endless darkness, full of black dead wood, without a trace of vitality.

When Jibril and Xiaobai saw this, they didn't hesitate at all, and hurriedly followed.

The three of them are not ordinary people. Although they did not use the means of flying or shuttle between 377, but even this seemingly slow walking, the speed far exceeds the normal running speed of ordinary people.

It didn't take long for the three of them to go deep into the forest for several kilometers, constantly approaching the center of the forest.



But at this moment, Su Hai, who was walking at the front, seemed to sense something and stopped suddenly.

His eyes glanced around, and there was a hint of interest on his face.

In the next moment, Xiaobai and Jibril, who was an angel, also felt something and did the same thing.

With a roar like a beast, the three of them felt something approaching quickly.

And the fact is also true, in the place where the three people are less than a few meters, more than a dozen beasts with a body over four or five meters, showing their bodies from behind the dead trees.

Showing off his sharp teeth and claws, his scarlet beast pupils had a ferocious gaze, apparently taking the three of Su Hai as prey.

Judging from the situation of these monsters, it is obvious that there is no rationality, otherwise, it would be impossible not to feel the powerful aura emanating from the three of Su Hai.

Now the behavior of these beasts is no different from death. Obviously, it is because they have no reason, so they are driven by the desires in their hearts.

"Is it a monster? I didn't expect that there is a monster here, but it's just a few miscellaneous soldiers."

Master "Let me solve it!"

It turned out that these were not ordinary beasts, but members of the Sequence Race Intentional Demon Species.

Seeing these monsters, Jibril was actually a little surprised, because as early as in the previous war, the creator of the monsters, the god of this race, had been defeated and swallowed by the god of war.

And the demon species was also in that war, and the place where they lived was almost completely destroyed. Jibril had also participated in that battle, and knew that almost all the demon species at that time were wiped out.

Jibril even thought that there should be no demons in this world, and she didn't expect to meet again here. However, judging from the current situation, the demon species is indeed almost extinct.

These are just miscellaneous soldiers who escaped by luck.

In Jibril's mind, these weak beings don't need Su Hai's shot at all.

Brother Su Hai "Xiao Bai can also help."

The moment Jibril finished speaking, Xiaobai said not to be outdone.

It is worth mentioning that, after getting along for a while, Xiaobai's name for Su Hai has also become Su Hai brother.

Moreover, (adaf) Xiaobai has been clamoring to have a baby with Su Hai, saying that in this way, he can find the answer that human beings have hearts.

This made Su Hai a little dumbfounded. Although Su Hai didn't know what was going on, Xiao Bai suddenly had such an idea.

But Su Hai vaguely felt that the reason why Xiaobai possessed these strange knowledge was definitely related to Phil Nirbha Lien, a forest elf.

During these few days in the inner world, Xiaobai often played with Phil Nierbalian. Phil Nierbalen, as the leader of the entire forest, usually seems to be a very mature and stable girl.

But Su Hai is very clear, Phil Nierbalen is actually a natural black character.

Su Hai naturally had no problem with the idea that the two girls wanted to solve it.

However, Su Hai didn't have time to say anything. The surrounding monsters couldn't wait for a long time. After all, delicious food was right in front of them. For these monsters who had been hungry for some time, there was no resistance at all.

What's more, there is a voice in the instinct of these monsters that tells them that if they can devour the three guys in front of them, then they will definitely reach a new height.

Driven by instinct, the dozen or so demons launched attacks in unison, with their powerful limbs acting on the ground and leaping into the air.

He opened his bloody mouth, revealing rows of sharp teeth, and lunged towards Su Hai.

But at this moment, the whole world seemed to freeze, and a white mist suddenly appeared in the originally dark space.

The surrounding space was shrouded, and the dozen or so demons that were still alive in the sky stood still in mid-air as if they had been immobilized.

The extreme ice instantly covered the bodies of these monsters, freezing them into ice sculptures one after another.

"As expected of the fairy controlled by the master? Although it is not the first time I have seen it, this kind of power that seems to be able to freeze everything, even space and time, is still so shocking...

At this time, Jibril did not pay attention to the scene of being frozen into an ice sculpture in midair, but turned to look at Su Hai next to her and said with a smile.

I don't know when, a huge phantom has appeared behind Su Hai. There is no doubt that this phantom is Cang Bing, Su Hai's Beast Monster.

The reason why these 12 demons were frozen in an instant was also because of the power of this beast.

On the contrary, Xiaobai seemed very calm from the beginning to the end, because to Xiaobai, no one else was important, only Su Hai was the one who needed to observe.

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