In this way, the group of three continued to set foot on the road to the middle of the forest, and with Su Hai's departure, these demons that were frozen into ice sculptures also shattered.

In the end, it turned into countless tiny ice crystals and fell to the ground. Obviously, the dead can no longer die.

In this way, on the way, Su Hai and his party encountered some low-level demons who wanted to devour them.

Unfortunately, without exception, each demon was inexplicably wiped out before they could get close to the three of them.

Or turned into ice crystals, or burned by the red lotus karmic fire that emerged from the body, although it was a different attack, but without exception, these demons did not -- they just survived.

Obviously, these belong to Su Hai's handwriting, these monsters are not at all threatening to Su Hai, but as a different scenery on a boring trip, it is still good.

As the three of them went deeper, the environment in front of them gradually changed. It was a dark, bare forest. The trees with life gradually appeared.

The further you go inside, the more green leaves on the trees, and the more lush the trees grow.

The strangest thing is that after the three of them reached the emerald green area, they never met a single demon species again. Obviously, someone killed all the demons in this area, or drove them to the periphery.

"Stop, who are you?"

"This is the territory of our orc race, and outsiders are not allowed to enter."

In the green forest, after walking for a while, Su Hai and his party finally came to the most central area.

They were also a little surprised by the scenery in front of them. Surrounded by dense forests, a city full of European style with a city wall dozens of meters high appeared in front of the three of them.

Moreover, at the entrance of the city, there are still two young orcs guarding.

One has wolf ears and wolf tail, and the other has a very strong body with a round brown animal ear. Judging from the observation, it should be the werewolf family and the capable human family, which are the branches of the orc race.

"Don't get me wrong, we have a deal to discuss with your chief.

"So please let me know!"

Facing the two goalkeepers in front of him, Su Hai didn't want to take action against them if it wasn't necessary.

After all, the purpose of Su Hai's visit was to cooperate with the orcs, and it was not a good idea to injure the other's subordinates before they met.

Our "leader can't see outsiders, you should go back wherever you came from?"

It's a pity that although Su Hai wants a peaceful solution, it's a pity that the two guys in front of him are obviously not very friendly.

"Master, leave it to me!"

Faced with this situation, before Su Hai had time to make a decision, Jibril spoke bluntly.

There was a hint of danger in his eyes, and he looked at the two new-born calves in front of him who were not afraid of tigers. In Jibril's heart, Su Hai, the master, was undoubtedly the supreme being.

Now it's just two slightly stronger swarms of ants that dare to offend Su Hai.

It was really an act of courting death. According to Jibril's character, the two had already been sentenced to death in her heart.

"Yes, but do it lightly and don't hurt their lives."

"We're not here to kill, after all.

At this point, Su Hai also understands that he will definitely not be able to enter the city with just one mouth.

That being the case, it would be good for Jibril to make a fuss. As long as he is serious, he will not only be able to enter the city smoothly, but he may also be able to attract the leader of the beast race.

After getting Su Hai's consent, Jibril's face finally showed a morbid smile, and she had to move towards the two orcs guarding the door.

In the process of walking, Jibril unfolded her angel wings again. It turned out that when she was walking on the ground, Jibril usually folded her wings.


"You're a Flügel!"

Seeing Jibril's changes, the two orcs guarding the door were also surprised.

As a member of the orc race, although both of them are very young in age, they have not participated in previous wars.

0… ask for flowers 0…

But I have also heard from the older generation in the race that they know what kind of existence Tianyaozhi is.

For a while, both of them became tense, took a defensive stance, and at the same time took out a signal flare, which was successfully placed in the sky.

Jibril didn't stop what the two did, after all, Jibril's purpose was to attract the attention of everyone in the city.

"Where are you looking?"

Just as the young werewolf boy and the capable man showed their sharp claws and fangs and were ready to fight, Jibril who was in front of them suddenly disappeared.

When they reappeared, they were already behind them.

"How is that possible? What a speed!




Feeling the sound coming from behind, it sounds very pleasant to outsiders, but to the two people in the field, it is like a devil whispering in their ears.

The two dodged subconsciously, and at the same time turned around and waved their claws.

But unfortunately, both of them seemed too weak and childish in front of Jibril, both in terms of speed and strength.

Before the two of them touched Jibril, they were blown away by the wave of spirit power that erupted from Jibril's body.

Flying upside down in mid-air, the two orc youths with blank heads also understood that in their current state, they could not be Jibril's opponents at all.

So he used his hole card without hesitation, and in an instant, countless scarlet patterns spread all over the two of them.

It looks like a terrifying blood vessel, and it is obviously a kind of secret technique of augmentation.

And the fact is also true, blood bad is the innate ability of every orc race, and it is also the most secret and powerful trump card.

When used, it can greatly increase the all-round strength of each orc species, but unfortunately the side effects are too great.

Therefore, blood damage is almost a double-edged sword. Until the moment of crisis, it is a last resort. Orcs generally do not use this ability. Fives,

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