Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 26 Brother Iori, I'll Show You A Big Baby! !

Mu Chen grinned, walked to the other side, and put his arms around his shoulders.

"Good brother, don't be so excited, I'll show you a big baby."

With that said, Mu Chen looked around cautiously, then covered his body and took out a bottle of wine from the inner pocket of his pajamas.

Kitahara Iori: "???"

Why is there alcohol in your pajamas?

Kitahara Iori complained in her heart, but her eyes lit up.

As a sand sculpture, Iori Kitahara's favorite is wine!

White, red, beer!

There is wine to make him more sandy!

"Good brother~"

Kitahara Iori grinned, and Mu Chen put the wine back inside the pajamas.

The actions of the two aroused the curiosity of the whole class.

The most annoying thing for them is that people like Mu Chen and Iori Kitahara are half-talking.

What kind of good stuff is it, take it out for everyone to take a look at!

"Go! Go to your class, it's not suitable here."

Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, call Tianyu big sister."

Kitahara Iori nodded again and again.

Immediately afterwards, the two left Class D and entered Class E together.

Leaving a group of very curious students.

High school E class.

In this class, unlike class D, it is full of anime male and female protagonists.

But there are a lot of anime supporting characters here.

And the force headed by the class is Tian Yu Zhan Zhan.

At the same time, there are many girls who call Tian Yu Zhan Zhan a big sister.

The five girls headed by them are called "Five Swords"!

Like Tian Yu Zhan Zhan, these five are the heroines of the anime "Armed Girls".

As for the male protagonist, Mu Chen didn't meet him in junior high school.

Not only that, Mu Chen also forged a rich friendship with female Di Tian Yu Zhan Zhan in junior high school.

looking at guys...

Most of them are sand sculpture men in "Men's High Daily".

At this time, Mu Chen and Iori Kitahara came in, and immediately attracted the attention of a large group of people.

"Mu Chen? You...dressed very fancy."

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was eating, her face was flat at first, but when she saw Mu Chen's two-dimensional pajamas, she didn't know what to say, she could only subconsciously complain.

"Bring something good and give you Kangkang~!"

Mu Chen smiled and went to the table in front of Tian Yu Zhan Zhan with Iori Kitahara and sat down.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled off his pajamas and took out the beer.

A full five bottles!

I don't know how to put it on!

Class E student: "..."

On a horse!

Do you bring alcohol to school? ! !

All the students were dumbfounded and froze in place.

"Go two people and close the door!"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan gave the order, ran over to two classmates in an instant, and closed the class door.

Mu Chen called all the beers.


A certain sand sculpture man with eyes suddenly rushed over.

"Is it appropriate not to take me for a drink?"

Tabata Xiu pushed his eyes, took out four disposable cups at the same time, and filled them with wine.

"Come on, you're welcome."

Mu Chen picked up a glass of wine and stood up.

"I won't say more. First of all, I would like to apologize to Iori."

While speaking, his body suddenly turned to the left, and a third of the wine in the wine glass in his right hand was spilled.

"Yesterday, it was my brother. I cheated on you, so don't forget to go to your heart."

With a shake of the right hand, a third of it is scattered again.

"I've finished this wine, you can do whatever you want!"

When the words fell, the right hand slammed away, and a lot of wine was spilled again, and finally there was only a little bit left in the glass.

With his head lifted, Mu Chen drank the wine in the glass.

"Good wine!"

Class E member: "..."

For some reason, the corners of everyone's mouth were drawn out again.

They are not blind, what are you drinking? All the wine spilled out!

"Stop him for me!"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan suddenly shouted.

Iori Kitahara and Hide Tabata stood up subconsciously, and directly raised Mu Chen from left to right.

I saw Tian Yu Zhanzhan pick up a glass of wine and slowly get up.

"Okay, have you raised fish to me?"

Mu Chen smiled: "I have a little stomach upset these two days."

"Stomach is bad? Do you want me to feed you with my mouth?"

Tian Yu slashed his red lips and said with great interest.

"Cough cough."

Mu Chen coughed twice and glanced at the dumbfounded classmates in Class E.

"It's not impossible, but let's forget it now."

"Okay, wait for me after school!"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan waved his hand.

Iori Kitahara and Hide Tabata saw this and released Mu Chen.

Mu Chen moved his arms, thinking that the doctor was right now.

He has a bad stomach and can't eat hard vegetables.

Only eat soft rice.

The young man did not know the fragrance of rich women, and he mistakenly planted his youth upside down~

needle does not poke

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Tian Yu Zhan Zhan three people, "Okay, okay, this is for you, hurry up and drink it!"

Hearing this, Tian Yu cut them off and drank them directly.


Class D of high school.

"Zarban, what do you think Mu Chen is doing next door?"

Shinomiya Kaguya asked the little secretary.

Just now, her curiosity arose, she didn't know what the big baby Mu Chen was talking about, and it tickled her heart.

Hayasaka Ai: "..."

Unlike the internet idiot Kaguya Shinomiya.

Hayasaka Ai suddenly thought of some memes on the Internet, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

After pondering for a while, she spoke slowly.



"Riding on a horse! Hideyoshi Tabata! Take off your shirt! Can't you afford to play?!"

"Yes! Take it off quickly!!"

"Monkey Monkey Monkey...!!"

"Monkey Monkey Monkey Hou...! (Monkey doesn't know what to call it, so write it like this.)"

Class D students: "..."

The monkey next door suddenly screamed, and they couldn't fix it.

What happened to Class E?

For a time, the whole class felt as if they had been stabbed by a knife, very uncomfortable.

While they were feeling uncomfortable, Tong Gu and the human figure found something and pointed to the front door.

"I seem to have seen classmate Mu Chen just now."

"You're wrong."

Kinoshita Hideyoshi glanced at the front door and found nothing.

"Really? Maybe it's my illusion."

Tonggu Kazuo was puzzled.

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