Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 27 Mu Chen: "Iori Save Me!!!" (For Collection, For Flowers)

the other side……

In fact, Master Tong was not mistaken.

The person he saw was really Mu Chen!

Just now, the group of sand sculptures in Class E, for some unknown reason, suddenly attacked Hideo Tabata.

The atmosphere of this group of sand sculpture boys made Mu Chen feel that he was out of tune with them, so he hurried away.

He is an elegant man who inspires to become a "hair sprayer".

How could it be possible to mix with this group of sand sculptures?

So, he left.

As for what is he doing now? Needless to say?

Of course I went to the office to get a pillow!

The teaching building of Zongwu High School is divided into five floors.

The third floor is the high school classes.

The fourth floor is the high school sophomore classes.

The fifth floor is the various classes of senior three.

The second floor is the floor for various club activities.

The first floor is where the school leaders work.

In Zongwu High School, the high school office is on the third floor like all the high school classes.

Thinking that all the teachers are going to eat now, Mu Chen couldn't help himself with excitement, and then he couldn't help humming a little song.

"Childhood dreams are ridiculous~like dark clouds hide~"

"The world outside is dark ~ and I'm still a bonfirer~"

The beautiful singing echoed in the corridor, causing the students to look sideways.

Of course, the attention was not the songs sung by Mu Chen, but his otaku-like pajamas and handsome appearance.

After a while, Mu Chen hummed to the door of the office, and then pushed the door in.

he didn't see...

He was already followed by a small tail behind him.

Just now, Hayasaka Ai was called out by Kaguya Shinomiya and went to Class E to find Mu Chen.

Although Hayasaka loves to be puzzled, he still leaves the class.

However, when she was just out of class, she found Mu Chen who was heading to the office, so she followed.

"It sings nicely, but it's too shameless."

Hayasaka loves to complain.

at this time,

She saw that the door of the office opened again, and then Mu Chen hugged the pillow in a panic and ran out from inside.

This made Hayasaka Ai immediately stunned, not understanding what was going on.

But the next moment, she suddenly realized.

"Boy! Stop for me!!!"

Hiratsuka's scream came out of the office, and then the classmates in the corridor saw Hiratsuka's cigarette, and rushed out of the office angrily, chasing after Mu Chen.

What's going on here?

View back ten seconds ago.

Mu Chen entered the office, saw his pillow at a glance, and immediately hugged it excitedly.

But before he was happy for long, he saw Shizuo Hiratsuka and Sasashi Chabashira smoking in the office, and ran out in a panic.

As the head teacher, Shizuo Hiratsuka saw that Mu Chen was so arrogant and came to the office to steal pillows in front of him, how could he bear it?

So without saying a word, I just chased it out.

So, there is now this scene.

"Wait! These two smokers didn't go to dinner, but smoked in the office? How do you think?"

Mu Chen complained, and accelerated a lot, hurried to the back door of class E, opened the class door and ran in.

Glancing at the chaotic E class, he quickly locked his target.

"Iori save me!!!"

"Huh? Who dares to bully my brother?!"

Kitahara Iori took a glass of wine and walked towards Mu Chen angrily, wanting to ask who was looking for trouble.

But before he could speak, Mu Chen slipped away from him, ran to the front door, and rushed out.

This confuses the entire E class.

But soon, another voice came from the back door.

"Yo, your class E is okay, but you still drink and go shirtless?"

Swish swish~~! !

All the staff looked towards the back door, only to see Shizuo Hiratsuka rolling the eyes of the dead fish, staring at Iori Kitahara quietly.

"Tell me, who has been drinking?"

Swish swish~!

The whole class invariably pointed to Iori Kitahara.

Tabata Hidezawa, who was also shirtless, squatted down with his drink in his arms, and hid behind his classmates tremblingly.

Seeing that he was sold by the whole class, Kitahara Iori's lips trembled with anger.

"Come to the office for me."


Kitahara Iori put down the wine glass in his hand decadently, got dressed and followed Shizuo Hiratsuka to the office.

On the other side, in a corner of the corridor, Mu Chen smiled and looked at Iori Kitahara, who was taken away by Shizuo Hiratsuka, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Does he need to run faster than Shizuka Hiratsuka?


He just needs to be able to run past his teammates.

Class E is so messy, didn't he take the initiative to give himself the opportunity to sell his teammates?

In a good mood, Mu Chen walked out holding the pillow.

Click ~!

A discordant voice sounded, and Mu Chen turned to look.

I saw a white-haired girl with an expressionless face, taking pictures of herself with her mobile phone, the voice and the flash were not related.

The atmosphere gradually became awkward.

"Hu~? Miss, you are not honest~"

With a wicked smile, Mu Chen slowly walked towards the young lady.

This lady is no one else.

It is the famous angel, Lihua Zou!

There was a famous saying in a previous life, which was exactly what was used to describe her.

Standing in the flashy world, playing the sound of nature!

"You're weird."

Lihuazuo calmly retracted his phone, and prepared to leave with his lunch.

Mu Chen also saw that the other party's lunch was a "Mapo Tofu"!

"Do you like Sichuan food too?"

Mu Chen said something.

Li Huazao stopped, turned and walked towards Mu Chen, then stopped in front of him and looked directly into the other's eyes.

"You like it too?"

In this world, because of the unification of Sakura Island in Kyushu, Lihuazuo has a very broad understanding of Sichuan cuisine.

She not only likes Mapo Tofu, but also other famous Sichuan dishes.


"Spicy, spicy and fragrant, who doesn't like it?"

Mu Chen nodded.

Of the eight major cuisines, his favorite is Sichuan cuisine.

Gaga Hyun! quack! Quack spicy skin swallow!

"Umm~ do you want to eat together?"

Lihua played an expressionless face, showed a smile, and sent an invitation to Mu Chen.

"no problem!"

Only then did Mu Chen remember that he hadn't had enough to eat yet.

So he followed Lihua's performance and went to the rooftop.

(Lihua performance: picture)

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