Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 36 Mu Chen: "Would You Like Some? Gaga Is Delicious! Gaga Dazzling!"


six in the morning...

Mu Chen, who woke up naturally, opened his eyes.

The sun shines on his blue eyes, making his eyes shine like gems.

Mu Chen sat up and stretched.

"Sleep soundly~"

Moving his muscles and bones, he got out of bed and put on his school uniform.


Mu Chen, who was dressed, moved in a space and appeared directly in the bathroom.

After simply washing and going to the toilet, he teleported again and came to the kitchen.

Opening the refrigerator, Mu Chen glanced at the ingredients in it.

"For lunch, have boiled pork slices and double-cooked pork with Mapo tofu."

"For breakfast..."

Mu Chen Yu Jiao glanced at the small pot he bought.

I looked at the balls in the refrigerator again.

"Having hot pot for breakfast should be reasonable."

What is heavy and not heavy?

He just wanted to eat hot pot.

Heat the oil in a pot, and Mu Chen takes out the ingredients.

Sliced ​​pork, diced tofu.

Seasonings such as chili, sesame pepper, minced garlic, salt, etc. are prepared, and Mu Chen starts to cook.

His cooking skills are pretty good.

In past life and present life, we basically cook and eat by ourselves.

About half an hour later, the fragrant "double-cooked pork", "boiled pork slices" and "Mapo tofu" were all out of the pot.

He took out three large lunch boxes and put all these dishes in.

Then I picked up the small pot and hot pot ingredients, and left the house with my lunch to go to school.

As for why not eat at home?


He finally got supernatural ability, how can he not test the water with Shizuo Hiratsuka?

After leaving the house, Mu Chen was walking on the street.

After living for almost ten minutes, he turned into an alley and estimated the location.

The space moves to the rooftop of the General Gaowu Academy.

The current time is about 6:50.

There are already students entering the school one after another.

Mu Chen came down from the rooftop, arrived on the third floor, and entered his class.

Right now, there is only one Hirano in the class.

"Eh? Are you here so early today?"

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Mu Chen curiously.

She didn't expect Mu Chen to come so early today, and he actually brought a box lunch.


What is this pot?

And the ingredients in his hand, are they hot pot balls?

Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes widened.

"Yo, Ping Nao, you are here too."

Mu Chen came to his seat on his own, and put the bento into the table.

Then he walked to the left side of the podium, moved a bench, put the small pot on it, plugged it into the power supply, poured water and hot pot base, and started to cook the soup.

Spicy and fragrant smell came out.

It made Hirano, who had just eaten breakfast, hungry again.

"My name is Xue Nai!"

Yukino Yukino looked at Mu Chen coldly, "It seems that Mu Chen really doesn't have a long memory. Are you treating the school as your home? Yesterday's pillow, today's hot pot, and how can anyone eat hot pot in the morning?"

"Only a pervert like you can eat like this!"

Mu Chen's face was flat.

This level of poisonous tongue is really not bad.

I want to see her and Xia Laofei taunt each other.

At this moment, Kaguya Shinomiya and Ai Hayasaka also came to the classroom.

But the two of them saw Mu Chen who was cooking hot pot, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

And Mu Chen didn't say a word from beginning to end.

The next second, his wife Na also came in, with the same expression as the previous ones.


time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was seven fifteen.

The students in the class have come one after another.

Only one or two did not arrive.

Look carefully.

You will find that they are all looking in a certain direction, their eyelids are twitching, and their expressions are basically the same.

"Chenjun, what is this doing? Didn't he go offline very early yesterday?"

Benjo Feng looked at Mu Chen suspiciously.

It stands to reason that Mu Chen should be able to get up and have breakfast today.

But what's the situation now?

This maple is very puzzled.

"I am not sure as well."

Bai Feng Lisha shook his head, and then whispered: "But eating hot pot in the morning, and it's still at school, the taste is really unbearable."

While Bai Feng Lisha spoke, he swallowed.

The aroma of the hot pot made her feel like she had eaten breakfast today.

Two minutes later, the last two people entered the class, and the whole class was already there.

Mu Chen patiently took out a bowl.

After putting his own seasoning into the bowl, he opened the lid of the hot pot.


The aroma of the hot pot is strong again!

Let the whole class shout "death!"

After sandwiching a piece of fat beef, Mu Chen blew it in front of his mouth, then dipped it in some seasoning, and finally put it into his mouth.


"He's a genius~!"

The whole class: "..."

Seeing Mu Chen's beating expression, everyone wanted to give him a slap.

And Mu Chen ate a few mouthfuls of meat one after another, feeling that it was a bit wrong to eat while standing, so he looked at his nearest wife, Na.

"Wife...cough, Yuuki-san, can you lend me your desk?"

Yuuki Asuna: "..."

The rest: "..."

What did your boy just say? wife?


With a slightly rosy face, Yuuki Asuna kindly reminded: "That... Mu Chen, you should hurry back to your seat and put away the hot pot, or Mr. Hiratsuka will come over in a while."


Mu Chen waved his hand, "If I were afraid of her, I wouldn't eat hot pot at school."

"Suck it~! This meat is really fragrant!"

Yuuki Asuna: "..."

The rest: "..."

But you influence us like this, you know?

After eating a ball, Mu Chen raised his head, glanced at everyone present, and found that they all looked at him with a strange look.

After thinking for a while, Mu Chen suddenly realized.

I saw him pick up a piece of fat cow and put it into his mouth.

"Do you want some? Gaga is delicious! Gaga dazzling!"

The whole class: "..."

All were silent and silent.

"I'm not active in cooking, and I have problems with my thoughts."

Seeing this, Mu Chen felt that he wasn't enjoying himself a bit, then wiped his mouth, got up and left Class D.

The classmates in the class were puzzled and did not understand what happened to him.

Afterwards, Iori Kitahara's roar came from Class E next door.

"Slot! You kidnapped me yesterday, and I haven't settled with you yet!"

"Don't be impatient, I'll bring you something good to eat!"

"I seem to smell the smell of hot pot."

"How is it? Let's go together?"


"Mu Chen, Iori, you two, wait! I'll go too!"

Class D: "..."

(Yuki Asuna: Picture)

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