Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 37 A Half-Hour Visit Ticket To The Office, A Privilege Of Nobility!

After a minute...

Class D of high school.

"Hush ~ breath ~ inhale ~!"

"Ah~! Delicious~!"

Kitahara Iori and Tabata Hideyoshi both showed happy expressions.

The two of them held a paper cup and a pair of chopsticks, and squatted next to the hot pot with Mu Chen to eat meat.

"I have to say, this meat is really delicious!"

Kitahara Iori said, and put a piece of meat in his mouth again.

Tabata Xiu looked up and glanced at Class D, and found that the whole class was looking at him.

"What are you looking at? I want to eat and come together!"

"I'm not active in cooking, and there are problems with thinking!"

When the words fell, Tabata Xiu swallowed a ball in one gulp.

Class D: "..."

As expected of the person who mixed with Mu Chen!

Even the way they speak is so similar!

A lot of people complained in their hearts.

step, step, step~~

At this moment, the footsteps of high heels hitting the ground came from the corridor, which made Mu Chen and the three suddenly stunned.

"The class teachers are here, what do you think?"

Tabata Hideyin asked Mu Chen.

"Am I afraid?"

Mu Chen asked rhetorically.

"No! The big deal is to stand in the classroom for a while and continue to eat!"

Kitahara Iori waved his hand, saying that I have already experienced this operation, and it is not a big problem.

"Then keep eating."

Mu Chen finished his words and continued to eat hot pot.

The other two were not cowardly and ate on their own.

at the same time.


The front door of Class D was pushed open.

Before Hiratsuka entered the classroom, he smelled the strong smell of hot pot.

The scent wafted out of the class and immediately filled the entire corridor!

The head teacher of Class E, who is closest to Class D, "Mafu Kirisu" stopped in his tracks, turned around and walked towards Class D slowly.

But seeing the twitching corner of Shizuo Hiratsuka's mouth, she was puzzled at first, then she probed and looked inside Class D.

I saw on the other side of the podium, three big men were surrounding a small hot pot, making a mess, stuffing vegetables into their mouths desperately!

Click ~!

The whole person was instantly petrified, and Tong Xu Zhendong was suddenly stunned.

because she saw...

The two students in my own class are also dazzling here! !

Taking a deep breath, Shizuo Hiratsuka scolded: "Enough! Stand up for me!"

Swish swish! ! !

The three of Mu Chen put down the bowls and chopsticks instantly and stood up together.

The class D classmates burst into tears when they heard Hiratsuka Shizuo's roar.

Finally, someone is going to accept these monsters.

Tongsu Mayu also reacted at this time, and immediately looked cold:

"Eating hot pot in the class early in the morning? Tell me whose idea it was."

Swish swish!

Mu Chen pointed to Tabata Hideyoshi, Tabata Hideto pointed to Kitahara Iori, and Kitahara Iori pointed to Mu Chen.

The three looked at each other and remained silent together.

After a moment, Mu Chen smiled.

"Isn't it because I didn't eat in the morning, so I ate it directly at school, and most of the students' lunches are eaten in the class, so it shouldn't be a problem."


Hiratsuka Jingmei stared at the other party, "Your family eats hot pot in the early morning??"

"Am I not eating?"

Hiratsuka Shizuo: "..."

Tongsu Mayu: "..."

"Come, come here."

He had a kind smile on his face.

"And you."

Kirisu Madong's face was cold, and he stretched out his white and tender little finger and pointed at Kitahara Iori and the two of them.

The three looked at each other and left the classroom at the same time.

"Go to the office, I'll clean you up when the morning reading is over!"

Hiratsuka Shizuo pointed to the location of the office in the distance.

"So do you two."

Tong Xu Zhendong agreed in a cold voice.

When the three of Mu Chen heard that, they walked towards the office.

Hiratsuka Shizuo and Kirisu Mafuyu entered their respective classes and began to lead students to read early.

After walking for a while.

Feeling that the distance between the two classes was getting farther and farther, Mu Chen couldn't help but look behind him.

"What's wrong?"

Kitahara Iori was puzzled.

"It's useless for you to go back now. We were arrested in person."

Tabata Xiu's expression was dull.

"Do not!"

Mu Chen turned his head and looked at them seriously: "I'm just worried that my little pot was thrown away by Jing Kawai."

Kitahara Iori: "..."

Tabata Hideyoshi: "..."

I knew it! You sand sculpture!

When he came back to his senses, Tabata Xiu noticed something was wrong.

"Wait! What do you call your head teacher? Jing and cute??"

Tian Dianxiu yelled, and Kitahara Iori was stunned.

This kid is too brave!

Call your teacher Jing cute? ?

"Yeah, isn't she good-looking? Isn't she cute?" Mu Chen said as he should.

It makes sense!


The two of them shuddered at the thought of Pingzhong's sturdy appearance.


You are the bravest!

The two gave Mu Chen a thumbs up at the same time.

At the same time, the three of them finally came to the door of the office.

Mu Chen clenched the handle, opened the door of the office, and walked in naturally.

Kitahara Iori and the two followed closely behind.

This time!

The teachers in the office all looked at them.

And Mu Chen ignored these teachers, walked naturally to Sabashira Sae, pulled a chair and sat down.

Kitahara Iori and the two walked up to the deputy head teacher of Class E.

Their deputy head teacher is a middle-aged Mediterranean uncle, at least in his fifties!

"Teacher, I have a bad stomach these two days, so I can only eat soft rice."

Mu Chen said to Sasuke Chabashira with a smile.

After the morning reading was over, Hiratsuka Shizuo understood the situation and would definitely not be able to resist hitting himself.

It's time to have a go at her.

And now this time.

He intends to contact Chabashira Sae to get in touch.

"Have you made a mistake again?"

Chabashira glanced at Mu Chen with a flat expression, and took out a cigarette.

"Hey, it's all little things."

Mu Chen smiled and took out the lighter and lit a cigarette for Sasuke Chabashira.

Chabashira Sae did not refuse, and after lighting a cigarette, he took a deep breath.

"How did you get this lighter? Say you smoke?"

"I don't smoke. As for the lighter... I wrote a novel when I was in junior high school and got some pocket money. This lighter was also bought when I was eating with others and I needed to let cigarettes go."

"What is the name of the novel written?"

"My day-to-day sharing with my female teacher."


(Tongsu Mayu: Figure)

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