Comprehensive Manga: Team Up With Maple, The Shield Girl!

Chapter 38 The Novel's Name Is So Strange.

The corners of Chabashira Sae's mouth twitched.

Even the other teachers do the same.

Iori Kitahara and Hide Tabata looked at Mu Chen as if they were looking at a brave man!

Why is the name of your novel so strange? !

Chabashira Sae glanced at Mu Chen.

No wonder she has never been afraid of her peacefulness.

It turned out that the two of them were directly treated as peers in my heart.


"Are you interested in me, teacher, or Hiratsuka-sensei?"

Chabashira Sae calmly took a breath.

"It's all interesting!"

Mu Chen spoke subconsciously.

"Huh~? The appetite is quite big, so it's hard to fall in love with two teachers."

There was a rare smile on Sabashira Sae's cold face.

It is clear.

Occasionally joke with a sand sculpture.

Had a pretty good day.

"What are you doing in love?"

Mu Chen looked at her dumbfounded, and then said confidently: "Dating in love hurts money, can't you just get married in one step?"

Chabashira Sae: "..."

Teachers around: "..."

Two sand sculptures: "..."

You kid is such a chatting genius!

Get married directly? Are you sure you're not hungry? ?

"Young man, you are too young."

The deputy head teacher of Class E, Mediterranean Sea, couldn't help but interject, "My hometown is Lanling City. My son got married last week, and he spent a total of 500,000 betrothal gifts!"


Mu Chen looked confused, and subconsciously said, "Isn't this a big injustice?"

Mediterranean: "..."

Are you polite?

He was almost hurt by his anger, and the Mediterranean turned around resentfully, with two lines of tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

Mu Chen ignored each other and continued to chat with the beautiful teacher.

"Teacher, my family is quite big~"


Sasuke Chabashira stopped Mu Chen from speaking. This kid's mouth is too powerful, so he directly told Teacher Zhang that he was autistic and couldn't let him talk anymore.

"By the way, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Chabashira Sae suddenly noticed that Mu Chen's eyes were different from the previous two days.

In the sapphire-like eyes, a hexagram gold pattern is printed, which looks lifelike.

This makes Mu Chen's original appearance to a higher level!

And Sabashira Sae can be sure!

This is definitely not a beauty!

For a time, she was extremely surprised.

"It's alright, I'm wearing makeup."

Mu Chen smiled lightly and lied.


Chabashira Sae also did not expose the other party. Since Mu Chen didn't want to say it, as a teacher, she naturally wouldn't force him to say it.

"Speaking of which, the scene where you singled out 100,000 players last night was pretty good." Sabashira Sae said suddenly, thinking of the live broadcast he saw last night.

"Yes, yes! Brother, you were really handsome last night!"

"It's more burning than watching bloggers."

The voices of Kitahara Iori and Tabata Hideno suddenly sounded behind them, and Mu Chen turned to look and saw that they had left the Mediterranean teacher at some point.

"Aren't you afraid of what your deputy head teacher would say when you do this?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Kitahara Iori waved his hand indifferently, "You said he was autistic, don't worry about it, it's fine."

The two laughed happily.

When Mu Chen heard it, he didn't bother about it, and immediately said, "Yesterday's 100,000 players were too hot, and Gao Wan didn't even have a purple outfit, so he could easily kill them all."

At this stage,

No player has purple gear!

A technical player like Mu Chen who mixes with Ouhuang, to abuse 100,000 players is like killing 100,000 ants, without the slightest pressure!

Such a speech from Versailles made Kitahara and Iori very angry.

"By the way, what's your reward?"

Sasashi Chabashira took a breath and asked.

"Golden materials, and a material manual."

This is a lie!

It is impossible for Mu Chen to speak out about the breath of God so early.

Chabashira Sae did not doubt.

After all, the material is complete, and it is indeed worthy of the first reward.

in the next time.

The three of Mu Chen were chatting with Sabashira Sae.

Topics continued.

It can be said that there is a chatting genius like Mu Chen, they can't be without topics!

And Chabashira Sae's iceberg-like face rarely showed a smile.

jingle bell~~

The bell rang and the morning reading was over.

Kitahara Iori and the others quickly returned to their positions and stood up.

On the other hand, Mu Chen sat on the chair very calmly.

"Aren't you afraid of Hiratsuka-sensei hitting you?"

Sasashi Chabashira couldn't help but ask.


Mu Chen was no longer happy, "She beat me? I'm not wrong at all!"

"Ha ha."

Chabashira Sae smiled.

She remembered that Shizuo Hiratsuka had broken a muscular man.

Therefore, the power of Hiratsuka Shizuo's fist should not be underestimated.

step, step, step~~

A group of head teachers entered the office one after another.

When they saw Kitahara Iori and the two standing there in Kirisu Mayu's position, it was very strange, but they didn't ask much.

Until Hiratsuka Shizu and Kirisu Mafuyu entered the office.

"Your skin is itchy? You still sit down?"

Hiratsuka Shizuo held a small pot in his left hand, clenched his fist in his right hand, and walked quickly to Mu Chen.

"Just kidding! Am I afraid of you?!"

Mu Chen hummed and smiled.


Without a word, Hiratsuka Shizuo punched Mu Chen's head.

Before Mu Chen saw this, he raised his hand and grabbed the opponent's fist directly.

This scene surprised all the teachers present.

catch? !

Someone actually caught Hiratsuka-sensei's fist!


Mu Chen sneered: "I'm not who I was yesterday!"

"Okay, you boy."

Hiratsuka Shizuo withdrew his fist, and his face returned to dullness immediately, "Boy, are you not going to be punished? What do you think about eating hot pot at school in the morning?"

"Cough cough."

Seeing that Shizuo Hiratsuka no longer shot, Mu Chen was dull.

"I understand, Teacher Jing, I won't anymore."

"Okay, it's the first time you do this kind of thing, I won't pursue it this time, but there's no next time!"

"I understand!"

"Well, let's go back to the classroom."

Hearing this, Mu Chen got up and left the office.

Hiratsuka Shizuo didn't fight with himself, and he was helpless.

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