"Your Majesty, ahead is the so-called Shaolin Temple. "

I saw Zhu Houzhao and his party come to the Shaolin Temple, a Buddhist holy place in the Daming Empire.

When Li Chengan looked at the Song Mountain in front of them, a seriousness flashed in Li Chengan's eyes.

In the face of Li Cheng'an's serious words, a flatness flashed in the eyes of Zhu Houzhao beside him: "Shaolin Temple, they should make a correct choice, otherwise it will be difficult to say the fate of their thousand-year-old temple at that time." "

Zhu Houzhao said faintly.

For the group of monks in the Shaolin Temple, Zhu Houzhao's attitude was the same.

If they can choose to join the imperial court, then it is not impossible for them to survive just like that.

But what if they chose to fight the imperial court?

That's sorry, don't think that they are thousand-year-old temples, they belong to the competition of the Daming Empire Buddhist holy places can survive unharmed.

Do you really think that he, the emperor, does not dare to make a move on them?

Isn't that a joke?

He, the emperor, does not believe in Buddhism, why does he dare to make a move on Buddhism?

10 really pressed him, and he didn't mind a Buddha slaughter at all.

"Don't be so nervous, as long as the guys in the Shaolin Temple don't want to watch Shaolin die, they will make a right choice." "

Zhu Houzhao looked at the nervousness in Li Chengan's eyes beside him, and Zhu Houzhao comforted softly.

As for whether the group of monks in the Shaolin Temple will make the right choice?

Zhu Houzhao was not sure, but he believed that they should not watch their Shaolin Temple be annihilated in one fell swoop.

Zhu Hou's blind date with the group of guys from the Shaolin Temple should have made the right choice.

Behind him is not just a 200,000 army, behind him belongs to the Daming Empire!

Although Shaolin Temple is a Buddhist holy place in the modern Ming Empire, it is also a famous Buddhist temple in the entire Kyushu continent.

But if you insist on confronting an empire, then the fate of this Shaolin Temple is believed to be no need to guess.

Because there is only one fate of this Shaolin Temple, that is, death.

"Up the hill!"

"When the time comes, let's see what kind of choice these guys from the Shaolin Temple will make." "

Zhu Houzhao's tone carried a hint of faint words.

"Obey, Your Majesty. "

Li Chengan said respectfully.

"Up the hill!"

Soon, as that order fell, the mighty army began to tighten the weapons in their hands, and then began to walk directly towards Song Mountain directly in front of them.

As the mighty army of 200,000 began to advance in the direction of Songshan, the two sects above Songshan received this news one after another.

Zuo Lengchan, the head of the Songshan Sect, was looking at the mighty army that was vaguely visible in the distance with a hint of flat gaze at this moment.

"Hehe, I'll see how you solve it. "

For the arrival of the imperial court army, Zuo Lengchan did not panic at all, because behind him was the Shaolin Temple, which belonged to the Buddhist holy place in the territory of the Daming Empire!

Then how could the imperial court make a move on this Shaolin Temple?

So Zuo Lengchan didn't panic at all.

In the face of Zuo Lengchan, the head of the Songshan Sect who was not panicked at all, the Shaolin Temple, which he regarded as the backer, fell into a state of tension at this moment.

The abbot of Shaolin Temple looked at the many Shaolin Temple elders in his eyes and exhaled deeply: "Everyone, now is the time when our Shaolin Temple is at stake. "

"Follow me down the mountain to meet that court master, we have no other intention in Shaolin Temple!"

"We are willing to be part of the imperial court and are willing to serve the imperial court. "

I saw that the Shaolin abbot's gaze fell into a serious look at many elders, and a heavy opening flashed in his tone.

"No problem!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

One after another serious words came out of the mouths of many Shaolin abbots.

For what they need to do next?

Isn't it just choosing to serve the imperial court, then do it!

It may be a little humiliating, but alive!

And the most important Shaolin Temple can also be preserved!

Isn't that the best outcome?


Looking at the heaviness in the eyes of the many elders, the Shaolin abbot directly waved his hand.

"Tread, tread..."

With the sound of footsteps, I saw that under the leadership of the abbot of Shaolin Temple, many elders followed behind the abbot of Shaolin and began to arrive directly at the foot of Song Mountain.


The mighty shaking sound began to reach everyone's ears.

In the face of the mighty shaking sound, everyone who came to the Shaolin Temple at the foot of the mountain looked at the huge army in the distance with a solemn gaze.


Facing the army that was encircling Song Mountain in the distance, many elders in the Shaolin Temple were carrying a solemn gaze at this moment.

"Is this the army of the imperial court?"

"The imperial court actually has such a powerful army, it seems that the imperial court is hiding from everyone in the entire world. "

For the army currently owned by the Daming Empire, the many elders in the Shaolin Temple seem to belong to the previous emperors to hide.

When it came to this kind of emperor today, he felt that he could no longer hide it, so the other party directly made the imperial conquest and bloodied all the corrupt officials in the Daming Empire.

This may be cruel, and even 410 may lead to the collapse of the Daming Empire.

But in this group of people in the rivers and lakes, it seems that as long as the imperial court has this powerful army in its hands, then even if the Daming Empire is likely to be in danger of collapse, but where there is danger, then where this army will appear, then what danger will there be?

There may be some problems with the Daming Empire, but the Daming Empire will definitely not perish!

And this powerful army is right in front of them.


As the eyes of many elders of that young man had a deep thought in their eyes, the mighty army directly surrounded this group of Shaolin Temple elders.

"See Lord General, our Shaolin Temple is willing to serve the imperial court. "

A solemn voice came out of the mouth of the Shaolin abbot.

"I'm willing to serve the imperial court!"

In the face of the words of the Shaolin abbot, the many Shaolin elders behind him also shouted loudly without hesitation.

In the face of the words of those many guys, Zhu Houzhao, who had just arrived at the foot of Song Mountain, also heard the words one after another.

"Interesting, you surprised Xuan." "

A word full of majesty reached the ears of the Shaolin abbot and the elders.


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