"Interesting, you guys surprised Xuan. "

At this moment, a voice full of majesty reached the ears of the Shaolin abbot and many elders.

In the face of this majestic voice, I saw that the faces of the Shaolin abbot and many elders suddenly changed greatly.

"Plop plop..."

In an instant, one figure after another knelt directly on the ground without hesitation.

"See Your Majesty!"

In an instant, one after another respectful words came out of the mouths of the Shaolin abbot and many elders.

At the same time, this Shaolin abbot and many elders also had a deep confusion in their hearts.

"What's going on?"

"The emperor actually came in person?"

"This, this..."

At this moment, a deep shock flashed in the hearts of the Shaolin abbot and many elders.

They originally thought that what they would need to face next was the general in the imperial court, that is, the general of the Great Master Realm who was rumored to destroy the undefeated Great Master Realm in the East.

But what?

The court general had not yet seen it, but they had seen someone they had not expected.

O emperor of the Daming Empire!

The question is, how did the emperor appear here?

Although they don't know what exactly happened to this, it is certain that the identity of the other party is the emperor!

Who dares to impersonate the emperor in the Daming Empire?

The most important thing is that the other party dares to use this title among these ten thousand armies, then the identity of the other party must be the emperor of the Daming Empire.

Thinking that this existence in front of them was the emperor of the Daming Empire, all the elders and the abbot felt trembling.

"Tread, tread..."

In the face of the action of many elders and abbots kneeling down like this, Zhu Houzhao, who was in the center of the army, walked directly and lightly in front of the crowd.

"The abbot of the Shaolin Temple, and the elders. "

"You guys chose to serve the imperial court, right?"

Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of calm flashing in his tone.

Facing the calm in Zhu Houzhao's tone, the Shaolin abbot replied so respectfully: "See Your Majesty, Shaolin is willing to serve the imperial court, Shaolin Temple itself is a part of the Daming Empire, in the face of His Majesty's order, Shaolin Temple will definitely not refuse Your Majesty." "

A firm voice came out of the mouth of the Shaolin abbot.

Facing the Shaolin abbot's reply, the elders behind him also hurriedly spoke, "That's right, Your Majesty. "

"I am willing to serve the imperial court. "

One after another, respectful words came out of the mouths of many elders.

In the face of the words of many elders before this Shaolin abbot, a trace of satisfaction flashed in the eyes of Zhu Houzhao, who was standing in front of everyone.

"Good, it looks like you've made the right choice." "

For this choice made by the guys of the Shaolin Temple, Zhu Houzhao had already expected it, but when they really made this choice in front of him, he still felt a burst of satisfaction.

Looking at the group of guys kneeling in front of him, Zhu Houzhao's brows frowned like this.

"If Xu is not mistaken, there seems to be more than just one Shaolin Temple on Song Mountain, right?"

"It seems that there is also a Songshan faction, right?"

"What about the guys from the Songshan faction?"

Zhu Houzhao's eyes narrowed slightly.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, the Shaolin abbot and many elders were instantly blinded.

What should this make them go back?

They really don't know how to reply to this.

Just when there was a sense of confusion in the eyes of the many elders, the Shaolin abbot directly and honestly spoke: "See Your Majesty, the guys from the Songshan Sect obviously do not want to join the imperial court. "

"They should have to contend with the imperial court. "

I saw the Shaolin abbot honestly speak.

In the face of the words of the Shaolin abbot, the elders behind him also nodded and replied: "That's right, Your Majesty, those guys from the Songshan Sect are obviously going to compete with the imperial court. "

One after another, serious words came out of the mouths of many Shaolin elders.

Although the Songshan Party is also respectful to their Shaolin Temple, and even to some extent, the Songshan Sect can be regarded as a junior brother of their Shaolin Temple.

In the face of this situation today, they feel that the Songshan faction is just that, or give up honestly.

Since the other party chose not to join the imperial court, it must be an existence that chose to compete with the imperial court!

Facing these Shaolin monks who sold the Songshan Sect without hesitation, Zhu Houzhao directly ordered Li Cheng'an next to him: "Destroy the Songshan Sect." "

"Then bring all the previous things from their Songshan Sect. "

Zhu Houzhao's tone carried a hint of flatness.

It was as if the group of guys from the Songshan Sect were just a group of ants in his eyes.

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's words, Li Chengan's eyes flashed with a trace of seriousness and replied: "Obey the order, Your Majesty!"

"Come, follow me to the Songshan Sect!"

"Go and destroy them!"

A serious word first came out of Li Chengan's mouth.

In the face of Li Cheng'an's order, one adjutant general after another and one officer after another, soon led an army directly towards the Songshan faction on Mount Nasong.


A shaking march began to sound at the foot of Mount Nasong. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

After a while, a contingent of almost a few thousand soldiers directly attacked the Songshan faction.

Looking at the figures of those soldiers, a deep seriousness flashed in the eyes of the group of Shaolin monks kneeling in place: "It looks like the Songshan Sect is about to be destroyed." "

For those soldiers of the imperial army, at this moment, the monks of this Shaolin Temple can only say that this is indeed worthy of being able to destroy the existence of the Sun Moon God Sect in one fell swoop.

The strength of all soldiers is the power of the acquired realm!

This is the power of the acquired realm!

Maybe it may not be particularly powerful, but what if the number is as high as 200,000?

"I saw that the Daming Empire would be completely revived in the hands of the current emperor. "

One thought after another appeared in the minds of these many Shaolin monks.

And while Zhu Houzhao stood at the foot of the mountain and looked at the Song Mountain faintly, many guys in the Songshan Sect also felt something was wrong.

Zuo Lengchan's brows jumped slightly.

"This, what's going on?"

"How do you feel like you're coming to a catastrophe?"

Zuo Lengchan said to himself.

At the same time that Zuo Lengchan was talking to himself, a burst of hurried words came into his ears: "Senior brother, something is bad!"

"The soldiers of the imperial court are attacking our Songshan faction!"

Ding Mian, who had been directly promoted to the head of the thirteen taibao of the Songshan Sect, rushed towards his senior brother Zuo Lengchan at the fastest speed, and the news in his mouth made Zuo Lengchan's face instantly darken.

........................... Winter...

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