Soon, the orders issued by the imperial court were frantically transmitted throughout the territory of the Daming Empire at the fastest speed.

Readers everywhere felt a burst of joy when they learned the news that the imperial examination opened in advance, but they did not particularly care about the fact that the content of the imperial examination might change in the future.

After all, they all knew something about what was happening in the Daming Empire today.

In recent years, even ordinary people know what shocking things have happened in today's Daming Empire, and these readers who themselves are very concerned about the court.

They really felt a wave of fear for the ruthlessness of the current emperor, but fear was fear.

They don't have any thoughts of fighting the emperor, and the blood in some places has not dried up, who dares to call the emperor at this time?

Is it because the butcher knife in the emperor's hand is not sharp enough?

Isn't it the content of the imperial examination?

But the emperor originally had this right, not to mention that the imperial examination was opened in advance, and coupled with such a major event happening in the Daming Empire today, then these readers directly chose to accept it.

In this way, all the readers in the entire Daming Empire began to prepare to participate in the imperial examination.

When the readers in the Daming Empire were preparing to take the imperial examination, a holy decree that belonged exclusively to the craftsmen began to frantically spread among all the craftsmen.

When those craftsmen in the Daming Empire learned that their emperor Majesty was actually preparing to open the imperial examination for their group of craftsmen, all the craftsmen were completely mad.

For that is what the Holy Will says above!

That is to say, these ordinary people, these ordinary people who do not even know a few words, actually have the qualifications to participate in the imperial examination, and this holy decree also says that as long as they can successfully pass the examination, then they can directly enter the Ministry of Works to become officials!

As long as it was a guy with Chinese bloodline, no one could refuse the word official, so when these craftsmen learned that as long as they could pass the exam set by their majesty, they could go directly to become an official, all the craftsmen were completely plunged into a madness.

Just when the readers and craftsmen in the Daming Empire fell into a burst of madness, Cheng Yanjin from the Tang Empire led the army to the Daming Empire.

"This is the Daming Empire."

"I didn't expect that my old Cheng could lead the army to the Daming Empire one day, it's incredible."

Cheng Yanjin shook his head slightly and sighed.

Being able to lead an army directly to another sovereign state was obviously impossible in their empires.

It is completely possible in the dependent countries of their empire, but in the same level of empire, it is impossible for these guys to lead the army to other countries.

But now it is different, now as a general of the Great Tang Empire, he directly led the army of the Great Tang Empire to the Daming Empire.

Facing Cheng Yanjin's emotion, a deputy general beside him couldn't help but speak: "Yes, I didn't expect that we could actually lead the army to the Daming Empire in an upright manner." "

One after another, the guys fell into a burst of emotion.

Obviously, as far as these generals of the Great Tang Empire at this moment are concerned, they lead the army belonging to their Great Tang Empire to appear in the Daming Empire so brightly, that is, they have no evil intentions.

If the current relationship between the Great Tang Empire and the Daming Empire was a mortal enemy relationship, I am afraid that they would have already attacked the surrounding cities.

"Marshal, what are our next moves?"

I saw that a general beside Cheng Yanjin at this moment opened his mouth and asked.

Now that they have come to the territory of the Daming Empire, how should they act now?

Although they led the army to the Daming Empire in an upright manner, it does not mean that they can really go blind in the Daming Empire.

If they really wander around in the Daming Empire, then they will probably be greeted by the army of the Daming Empire.

Although the strength of the Daming Empire has lived up to its former strength, the current Daming Empire is also one of the nine empires, and the most important thing is that the strength of the Daming Empire today is not weak.

Therefore, at this moment, they must not walk blindly in the Daming Empire.

Facing the words of the current general, Cheng Yanjin's eyes flashed a trace of calm and replied: "Just stay here honestly." "

"At that time, the Daming Empire will come and take the initiative to contact us."

Cheng Yanjin said lightly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He didn't dare to lead their army around the Daming Empire.

Although his position in the Great Tang Empire is completely belonging to the top group of existences, the position they are in now is not the Great Tang Empire!

The location they are in now is the Daming Empire, and they absolutely cannot wander around.

Because once they wander around, it will cause a war between the two empires, and if the war between the Great Tang Empire and the Daming Empire really breaks out because of him, even if he is the top figure who holds military power in the Great Tang Empire today, he will also be punished, and it is even very likely that he will be the first to die.

Don't look at him, Cheng Yanjin looks like a big old man, but in fact, he is fine.

They just need to be honest now.

"~ obey, Marshal."

Facing Cheng Yanjin's order, I saw that the adjutant general beside him replied so respectfully.

In this way, Cheng Bitjin led their army of the Tang Empire to station directly in the Daming Empire, and when the Tang army led by Cheng Bitjin came to the Daming Empire, this news also passed towards Kyoto at the fastest speed.

As this news was transmitted to Kyoto, Zhu Houzhao, who had been dealing with government affairs, soon received the news from Jinyiwei.

"See Your Majesty, Cheng Yanjin, the general of the Great Tang Empire, led the Great Tang army to our Daming Empire."

The Qinglong commander respectfully spoke to Zhu Houzhao.

Facing the words of the Qinglong commander, Zhu Houzhao, who was dealing with things, instantly lit up his eyes.

"The army of the Great Tang Empire is here."

"It's also time to act!"

At the same time, Zhu Houzhao said with an excited look in his eyes.

........................... Jay...

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