"Prepare for the royal conquest!"

"I want to annihilate the Great Qing Empire in one fell swoop!"

I saw Zhu Houzhao's eyes flash a trace of killing intent and said.

"The next thing about government affairs, then leave it to the group of guys in the court first."

Zhu Houzhao ordered to the Qinglong commander.

"Your next task is to monitor the civil and military officials, if they dare to do something harmful and unreasonable, you just need to record it and wait for Xuan's return!"

Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of killing intent flashing in his eyes.

Next, he must be the imperial driving family, so when he is the imperial driving family, the questions about some government affairs in the court can only be handed over to the remaining group of civil and military officials.

Although those civil and military officials cannot do anything big, it is not a problem to maintain the current situation.

Moreover, Zhu Houzhao will not really let them do some big things, these guys will have to retire sooner or later, and after the successful imperial examination of his reform, there will be a new batch of officials in the court, and sooner or later all of these old officials will retire from the stage of history.

But today's Daming Empire can only use this group of guys for the time being.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's order, the Qinglong commander replied with a trace of seriousness flashing in 370's eyes: "Obey the order!" "

At the same time, a trace of killing intent flashed in the eyes of the Blue Dragon Commander.

He understood what his next task was, and his next task did not seem to be difficult, but to some extent, it was related to the safety of the Daming Empire.

After all, their majesty needs to drive the imperial conquest next, then the problems in the court will definitely not be solved, then the burden on him, the commander of the brocade guard who stayed in Kyoto, will make the burden on him even heavier.

Therefore, if the group of civil and military officials in Kyoto did something that endangered the interests of the Daming Empire, then he must use the killer.

"Let it go, don't be afraid of the threat of any official, Xu is the backer behind you."

Looking at the killing intent in the eyes of the green dragon commander, Zhu Houzhao said encouragingly.

Behind the other party is him, the emperor of the Daming Empire, then if he really encounters any threats from some guys, the Qinglong commander can directly choose to ignore it!

This is what he, the emperor, specifically allows!

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, I saw that a trace of deep seriousness flashed in the eyes of the Qinglong commander at this moment.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

Soon, as Zhu Houzhao's order fell, the only group of civil and military officials left in the court also knew what their majesty needed to do next.

They will go to the imperial chauffeur again in the next game, and the next questions about some government affairs of the empire can only be handed over to them for the time being, but the Blue Dragon commander will monitor them.

As for where exactly did this Blue Dragon Commander come from?

Then after this period of killing, they naturally knew that the original Jin Yiwei would only achieve five at once.

From the original command post to the current five commanders.

Green Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Xuanwu plus Qilin.

The original brocade commander belongs to the Qilin commander, then the current Qinglong commander belongs to the new one.

Of course, this is not a big problem.

The big problem is that the next Jinyiwei commander will always monitor them.

For the current group of civil and military officials, they really felt a deep tremble.


"It's time to be scared again."

One after another civil and military officials in Kyoto carried a deep heaviness.

In the face of one after another civil and military officials in Kyoto, a deep heaviness flashed in their eyes, and at this moment, Zhu Houzhao had already arrived in the depths of the palace.

"See the ancestors."

At the same time, Zhu Houzhao's eyes were so serious as he bowed to Zheng He in the depths of the palace.

Zheng He, who was in the depths of the palace (ceag), faced Zhu Houzhao's visit like this, and a trace of seriousness flashed in Zheng He's eyes and said: "Your Majesty, this is going to let me move?" "

Facing Zheng He's words, I saw Zhu Houzhao's eyes flash with a serious opening and reply: "That's right, ancestor." "

"Next, it's your turn to do it, the ancestor." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The Daming Empire and the Tang Empire are preparing to make a move against the Great Qing Empire."

"Then when the time comes, the powerhouse of the Heavenly and Human Realm of the Great Qing Empire can only let the ancestor pull his hands."

"As long as the ancestor can drag down the powerhouse of the Heaven and Man realm of the Great Qing Empire, then the Great Qing Empire will completely become the territory of the Daming Empire, although it is said that part of the territory will become the territory of the Great Tang Empire, but most of the territory will still become our Daming Empire."

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed a trace of seriousness and said.

This is a national battle for their Daming Empire.

The strength of the Great Qing Empire may not be very strong, but the Great Qing Empire is also one of the nine empires that belong to the Eight Classics.

Therefore, in the face of the next war, the Daming Empire must not be the same thing, and their Daming Empire must use all its strength!

Then those armies in the Daming Empire must also need to be dispatched!

At that time, their ancestor Zheng He in the Daming Empire also needed to go out to solve the Heavenly and Human Realm Ancestor of the Qing Empire.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's words, he was also looking at the firmness contained in Zhu Houzhao's eyes.

A trace of emotion flashed in Zheng He's gaze: "Since Your Majesty has such ambitions, Your Majesty wants to restore the Daming Empire to its former hegemonic status." "

"I'm definitely not going to sit still!"

"Then that guy from the Heavenly and Human Realm of the Great Qing Empire will be left to me to solve!"

Zheng He's eyes flashed a trace of seriousness and said.

That existence of the Heavenly and Human Realm of the Great Qing Empire?

Although Zheng He had not fought him, Zheng He could probably understand what the other party's strength was at at a level.

The strength of the other party is the same as him, and it belongs to the existence of the realm of heaven and man, but except for the strong person in the realm of heaven and man, the overall strength of the Great Qing Empire is completely incomparable with the Daming Empire.

In that case, why didn't the Daming Empire launch an attack on the Qing Empire?

As long as their Daming Empire can annex the Qing Empire, then their Daming Empire can definitely return to the strength of the former Hongwu and Yongle periods.

Thinking of what might happen next in their Daming Empire, a deep firmness flashed in Zheng He's eyes.


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