
In an instant, one after another Eight Flags soldiers roared in pain on the battlefield.

"Plop plop..."

As one after another Eight Flags soldiers roared in pain on the battlefield, many Eight Horse soldiers directly lost their lives on the battlefield.

At this moment, the infantry from the Tiger Roar Army also came to the battlefield.

After facing the heavy armored infantry in the Tiger Roar Army appeared on the battlefield, the Jurchen Eight Banners also understood at this moment what is called a dimensionality reduction strike.

Among them, an interesting scene occurred, nearly 100 Eight Flags soldiers surrounded a dozen soldiers of the Tiger Roar Army.

This seemed like no chance of victory for the Tiger Roaring Army, but this was not the case on the battlefield at the moment.

The soldiers in the Tiger Roar Army held halberds and launched an attack on the surrounding Eight Flags soldiers, and in the face of the attacks of the soldiers in the Tiger Roar Army, they could only constantly retreat behind them.

Because they found that their attack did not have any effect on this Daming soldier, on the contrary, the attack of the Daming soldier could make the Eight Flags soldiers feel what is called true despair.

Therefore, even if on the surface, the number of troops of the Eight Banner soldiers completely exceeds that of the Daming soldiers, and even the number of troops of the Qing Empire is hundreds of thousands more than the number of troops of the Daming Empire.

But it is a pity that this extra army of hundreds of thousands is not enough for the Daming soldiers to lose, and even the Qing Empire, which has hundreds of thousands of extra soldiers, is not enough to feel safe.

The million-strong army of the Great Qin Empire felt what is called true despair in the face of the attack of the Daming Empire.


One after another, the Eight Flags soldiers began to swallow their saliva one after another.

Facing the Eight Flags soldiers with fear in their eyes, one of the captains of the Tiger Roar Legion directly ordered: "Brothers, take up the weapons in your hands and kill!" "

"Let this group of barbarians understand the strength of our Daming Empire."

As the captain's order fell, the tiger roaring soldiers behind him clenched their halberds one after another.

"Kill kill kill !!"

In the face of this shout, the captain waved his hand, and at the same time, the voice of the whole person rushed forward without hesitation.

"Tread, tread..."

When the captain took the initiative to rush forward, many soldiers behind him also clenched their weapons and followed closely behind their captain.


In an instant, in the face of the charge of one soldier after another, many Eight Flags soldiers began to throw down their weapons without hesitation, and then fled directly towards the surroundings.

Let them fight with the Daming soldiers?

Sorry, if they hadn't fought, they would have picked up their weapons and attacked the Daming soldiers without hesitation.

But now?

Unless they are mentally retarded, they will choose to fight with the Daming soldiers.

They now understood a truth, unless they wanted to reincarnate as soon as possible, they could choose to fight with the Daming soldiers.

No one wants to die, let alone these Eight Flags soldiers who used to do bad things.

Their status in the Great Qing Empire is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and their status in the Great Qing Empire is not ridiculously high, but at least it is much better than the status of ordinary people.

Even their life in the entire Kyushu continent can be regarded as very good and good, among which is that they are Jurchens in the Great Qing Empire, and it should be enough to represent that they can enjoy good treatment with their status as Jurchens.

Let me ask, who wants to die at this time?

No one wanted to send them to death, so in the face of the attack of the Daming soldiers, one Jurchen soldier after another directly couldn't help but retreat madly behind them.

Watching the Jurchens on the battlefield constantly retreat, Qianlong, who was in the rear of the battlefield, directly showed a trace of anger: "You damn it! "

"Take your weapons and kill them!"

I saw a trace of anger flash in Qianlong's gaze and roared.

However, in the face of Qianlong's roar, many Qing soldiers on the battlefield looked at each other like this, and they all saw a silence in each other's eyes.

Let them go to fight with the Daming soldiers?

I'm sorry, but they don't think they need that at all.

Why do they have to fight with the Daming soldiers? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Is it just to send death?

Facing the many soldiers on the battlefield, there was a feeling that they were about to flee, and the figures of many generals also came to Qianlong's side one after another: "Your Majesty, I think what we need to do now should be to retreat first..."

"The situation is very bad for us."

A general's gaze flashed with a hint of anxiety and said.

Although he said that he did not go to the battlefield to fight with the Daming soldiers, it did not prevent him from watching how far the gap between the Daming soldiers and the soldiers of their Qing Empire was.

"Your Majesty, all the Daming soldiers are wearing armor, which is a very unfavorable situation for us."

"The weapons of our soldiers are completely unable to break the armor of the Daming soldiers, on the contrary, the weapons in the hands of the Daming soldiers can directly pierce our soldiers."

Another general also spoke to Qianlong.

In the face of this word after word at this moment, Qianlong's eyes looked at the beaten Qing soldiers on the battlefield with a hint of livid blue.

Especially looking at those Daqing soldiers at the front, they didn't have any will to fight at all, and they had even begun to prepare for the action of escaping.

A trace of heaviness flashed in Qianlong's gaze.

"Is this the soldier of the Great Qing Empire?"

"How could it be like this?!"

I saw Qianlong at this moment roaring with a hint of anger.

In the face of Qianlong's roar, many generals beside him directly chose to shut their mouths.

How do they reply 1.5?

Could it be that they could say that the strength of their Great Qing Empire was not so strong?

It is said that their Great Qing Empire can't actually defeat the Ming Empire at all?

No, no, no, they felt that if they really dared to say such words, they would definitely be directly removed from the position of general by their emperor at that time.

"Your Majesty, we are now."

The other general spoke silently.

Anger to anger, the current problem is on the surface.

Do they want to watch the total rout of the army or do they choose to retreat?

Facing the gazes of the many generals, Qianlong gritted his teeth and said, "The whole army retreats!" "


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