"The whole army retreats !!"

"Retreat !!"

In an instant, one after another hurried words roared loudly directly on the battlefield.

In the face of this rapid roar, the Daming soldiers did not have any thoughts, on the contrary, after the large group of soldiers opposite them heard the words coming from behind them, all the Daqing soldiers showed a deep excitement.


"Hurry up and retreat!"

In an instant, one after another Great Qing soldiers rushed towards the rear without hesitation.

If they did not dare to choose to run away before, now they have no pressure at all after escaping.

Because if you choose to flee when you don't have an order before, you will be killed at that time, but now you have an order to escape, it is simply running away according to the order!


I saw that the many Eight Flags soldiers did not hesitate to choose to throw down the Daming soldiers opposite them, and at the same time, they didn't even bother to pay attention to their teammates around them.

Maybe teammates could have saved their lives under normal circumstances, but if they escaped by 24 at this time, their lives would be gone.

What are teammates at this time?

Even if the emperor escapes with them, they are likely to crouch down and escape alone.

As many Daqing soldiers began to retreat frantically, could the Daming soldiers just watch the retreat of that group of guys.

"Kill kill kill !!"

"Don't run away, you guys!"

At the same time, one after another Daming soldiers looked at the fleeing Daqing soldiers in front of them with a killing intent in their eyes.


After many Daming soldiers looked at the Qing soldiers who were preparing to escape, they were anxious for a while.

You must know that the Tiger Roar soldiers in the rear did not even kill anyone, and even some soldiers of the Tiger Roar Legion had just arrived on the battlefield, and as a result, the enemy's Daqing soldiers actually chose to escape?

How can this be acceptable to those Tiger Roar soldiers who have just arrived on the battlefield?

"You damn cowards, don't run away!"

"Let me kill you!"

Many soldiers of the Tiger Roar Legion shouted.


At the same time, they began to gather the internal force in their bodies to their legs, and their whole bodies began to rush forward madly as if they had added a motor.

"Brush brush brush!"

As the soldiers of the Tiger Roar Legion rushed to the side of the Daqing soldiers who did not have time to retreat, they directly picked up the halberd in their hands and swept away fiercely at the Daqing soldiers.


In an instant, half of the body was directly split completely, and at the same time, some of the Great Qing soldiers who were split half of their bodies did not die immediately, and those Great Qing soldiers who did not die immediately all showed a desperate gaze to those Daming soldiers.


I saw a roar of pain roar coming out of the mouth of the Great Qing soldier.

In the face of a roar of pain, the soldiers of the Tiger Roar Legion who had just rushed to the front line showed an excited gaze.

"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill you fucking barbarians!"

One after another, the killing intent rushed into the sky, and the bodies of many soldiers of the Tiger Roar Legion erupted madly.

Compared with the killing intent that erupted from the soldiers in the Tiger Roar Legion, the soldiers from the Eight Banners of the Great Qing Dynasty showed a deep heaviness and despair.

"Hurry up and escape!"

At the same time, looking at this scene at this moment, the remaining group of soldiers understood that if they did not escape quickly, they would also be killed by then.

Thinking that the result of their failure to escape would be death, all the Eight Flags soldiers wished that their parents did not give them two more legs.

"Tread, tread..."

The overwhelming sound of escape began to sound on the earth.

Looking at this scene at this moment, Zhu Houzhao, who was wrapped in the Great Snow Dragon Rider, calmly ordered: "Stop attacking." "

"Clean up the battlefield!"

Zhu Houzhao said coldly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At the same time, Zhu Hou looked after the retreating Qing soldiers, with a deep disdain in his eyes: "Hehe, escape? "

"Where can you escape?"

"I don't believe it, it's hard for you to escape to the ends of the earth."

For the retreating soldiers of the Great Qing Empire, Zhu Houzhao did not care at all.

Where can they escape?

They don't have any place to escape.

They have only one ending!

That is to be directly and completely killed by the army he leads.

He wanted to personally kill Qianlong, the emperor of the Qing Empire.


Listening to Zhu Houzhao's order, Li Chengan and Li Anguo immediately replied solemnly.

"Stop the offensive and clean up the battlefield!"

In an instant, as one order after another fell, the soldiers in the Tiger Roar Army who were ready to rush forward to kill the remaining Qing soldiers could only honestly stop their steps.

"Alas, it's a pity!"

"I didn't rush to the front earlier to kill those barbarians."

One after another, the soldiers in the Tiger Roar Army looked ahead with a trace of unwillingness, and the Qing soldiers could see their figures at that breath.

"I'll kill them next!"

At this moment, many soldiers in the Tiger Roar Army spoke with a firm word.

In this first battle, they did not kill the Qing soldiers, but in the second battle of 887, they must kill all the Qing soldiers.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to come to the battlefield without killing a single person, right?

"Tread, tread..."

Soon, the soldiers in the Tiger Roar Legion also began to clean up the battlefield.

While the soldiers in the Tiger Roar Legion were cleaning up the battlefield, the spies of many empires who were watching from afar also looked at the Tiger Roar Legion of the Daming Empire with a hint of surprise.

"Is this the army of the Daming Empire?"

"The army of the Daming Empire is actually so powerful?!"

The spies of many empires have a deeper understanding of the strength of the Daming Empire.

Although they already knew about the army of the Daming Empire when they were charging, they already knew roughly how strong the army of the Daming Empire was.

However, after the almost 300,000 Daming soldiers defeated the million-strong Qing army, many imperial spies had a deeper understanding of the strength of the Daming Empire's army.

That is, this army is enough to withstand an army of millions!

In the face of this Daming army that was enough to resist a million-strong army, all the spies of the empire looked at the murderous Tiger Roar Legion with a huge and incomparable gaze.


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