Just when Zhu Houzhao led the Tiger Roar Army to defeat the army led by the Qing Emperor Kangxi, I saw that at the border between Daming and Daqing, the mighty Daming army arrived in the territory of the Qing Empire.

As the mighty Daming army arrived at the Great Qing Empire, the eyes of the general army of Shanhaiguan finally showed a hint of joy.

"Finally here!"

A trace of emotion flashed in the eyes of the general soldier of Shanhaiguan.

He had been waiting here for a while, and now he had finally waited for the army of their Daming Empire.

Facing the figure of the general army of Shanhaiguan, the general soldiers in the other armies also came to the side of the general army of Shanhaiguan.

Among them, I saw a trace of doubt flash in the eyes of the Liaodong general soldiers, and said, "Why are you waiting for us here?" "

I saw that at this moment, the Liaodong general soldier said suspiciously.

In the face of the words of the Liaodong General Soldier, the Datong General Soldier next to the Liaodong General Soldier also looked at the Shanhaiguan General Soldier with a trace of doubt.

Several other general soldiers also looked at this Shanhaiguan general soldier with a puzzled gaze.

In other words, didn't this guy follow them to conquer the depths of the Great Qing Empire?

Why is it waiting for them at this border?

Faced with the doubts of these general soldiers, the general soldier of Shanhaiguan said so seriously.

"Your Majesty has an order, you don't need to go to the depths of the Great Qing Empire next, you will follow me directly to attack all the territories of the Great Qing Empire."

"What we need next is to bring the entire Qing Empire under the rule of our Daming Empire."

"Remember, Your Majesty said as fast as possible."

The general soldier of Shanhaiguan said with a serious tone in his tone.

In the face of the words of the general soldier of Shanhaiguan, the other general soldiers looked at each other, and they all saw a wave of doubt in each other's eyes.

Faced with the doubts in the eyes of those general soldiers, the general soldier of Shanhaiguan also opened his mouth and answered: "This is so, according to what I know so far. "

"The army led by Cheng Yanjin of the Great Tang Empire has already begun to plunder the territory of the Great Qing Empire, so we can't let all the Great Qing territory belong to the Great Tang Empire, right?"

"We are the main force attacking the Great Qing Empire, and we naturally want to bring most of the territory under the rule of our Daming Empire."

"That's why we need to attack the Great Qing Empire directly."

"Bring all the territories of the Qing Empire under the rule of the Daming."

I saw that the general soldier of Shanhaiguan answered like this.

After listening to the words of the general soldier of Shanhaiguan, the other general soldiers gradually became relaxed, and their faces completely changed into serious.

"So it is!"

"I think I'll have to get it."

At the same time, a trace of seriousness flashed in the eyes of many general soldiers.

"Then I think we should take action at this time, right?!"

A trace of seriousness flashed in the eyes of the Liaodong General Soldier.

In the face of the words of the Liaodong general soldiers, the general soldiers also nodded and said: "No problem, then take action!" "

There was a trace of seriousness in the eyes of many general soldiers.

"The whole army attacked!"

Soon, under the orders of many general soldiers, the mighty Daming border army began to attack many cities in the Qing Empire.



At the same time that the soldiers of the Daming Empire began to attack the Great Qing Empire, the army led by Cheng Yanjin of the Great Tang Empire had begun to attack the territory of the Great Qing Empire.

"Kill kill kill !!"

Shouts of killing began to sound in the city.

With the sound of shouts of killing, many Qing soldiers hiding in the city began to be gradually killed.

As the many Qing soldiers began to be killed continuously, Cheng Yanjin rode a war horse and watched the common people living under the rule of the Great Qing Empire.

"These are the common people under the rule of the Great Qing Empire."

"Although I have long known that the hairstyles of these people are simply ugly, I have only heard about it, and now I see it with my own eyes and find that it is indeed worthy of the name."

A trace of emotion flashed in Cheng Yanjin's gaze.

For the hairstyle of the common people in the territory of the Great Qing Empire, it can be said that the entire Nine Great Empires clearly know what the common people of the Great Qing Empire look like.

They claim to be the so-called money pigtail, but the look of that money pigtail is simply disgusting. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ugly batch!

At least everyone except the Jurchens thought this hairstyle was very ugly.

Although he said that he knew that he knew, when Cheng Yanjin really saw it with his own eyes, he found that this hairstyle really deserved its name.

Ugly batch!

Listening to Cheng Yanjin's words, the deputy general beside him couldn't help but speak: "Yes, the hairstyles of the common people of this Great Qing Empire are simply ugly. "

Listening to the words told by the adjutant general beside him, Cheng Yanjin looked at the fear in the eyes of those ordinary people and said softly: "~ Since this territory has been knocked down by us, then this is the territory that belongs to our Great Tang Empire." "

"Shave all their hairstyles!"

"How can you have such an ugly hairstyle?!"

"Such an ugly existence is absolutely not allowed in the territory of the Great Tang Empire!"

Cheng Yanjin said with a serious look in his eyes.

For Cheng Yanjin, although they say that there are many, many alien races in the Great Tang Empire, none of those alien races have such an ugly hairstyle, at least they are more or less like individuals.

However, the common people of this Qing Empire didn't even look like a person in Cheng Yanjin.

Hairstyles, be sure to shave off their ugly hairstyles!

"Obey the marshal."

"I'll be sure to shave all their hairstyles later!"

"The territory of the Great Tang Empire is absolutely not allowed for ordinary people to wear such ugly hairstyles."

The adjutant general on the side also replied in agreement. (Li Qianhao)

Obviously, for this hairstyle left by this Great Qing Jurchen, and to force all the common people of the Huaxia tribe to leave this ugly hairstyle, they said that they must change it!

Soon, under the fight of the Great Tang soldiers, the entire city completely fell, and at the same time, the flag belonging to the Great Tang Empire fluttered in the sky above the city.

When the Great Tang Empire occupied this city, the people in the entire city began to be driven out of their homes by the Great Tang soldiers.

After a while, as all the common people were gathered together, Cheng Yanjin stood on a high platform and looked at the group of ordinary people below.

"Before that, first of all, your hair needs to be shaved off!"

Looking at the ugly hairstyles that those ordinary people had on the back of their heads, Cheng Yanjin said with a face.


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