"Then let me introduce me, I am a young master of an inn, and my dream is to walk the rivers and lakes with a sword!"

Li Xiaoyao said with an excited look in his eyes.

If Li Xianyao thought that he might just be a dream before, then now after Li Xiaoyao joined the chat group, he felt that he was probably no longer a dream, and he was really likely to achieve this!

Thinking that his dream was likely to come true, Li Xiaoyao forced himself to hold back the excitement in his heart.

He didn't want his aunt to discover his secret because of his momentary excitement.

That's right, at this moment, Li Xiaoyao seems to be his secret.

While listening to Li Xiaoyao's words, Zhu Houzhao's eyes instantly lit up.

"In this case, this is obviously Li Xiaoyao in the world of Sword and Fairy!"

"This should be Li Xiaoyao, who belongs to the TV series version!"

For the words told by Li Xiaoyao at this moment, then the current Zhu Houzhao can instantly affirm that this Li now completely belongs to the 24 TV series version of Li Xiaoyao.

It was the Li Xiaoyao who he was familiar with.

Facing this Li Xiaoyao, who he was familiar with, Zhu Houzhao at this moment only wanted to say that the story of the Daming Empire would usher in a new flying party.

"The TV series version of Li Xiaoyao, the Daming Empire can usher in a new take-off with Li Xiaoyao!"

Zhu Houzhao said to himself with an excited look in his eyes.

Perhaps the current Li Xiaoyao is very, very weak, but Li Xiaoyao is the protagonist of the Eight Classics in the world of Sword and Fairy, and with Li Xiaoyao's next fate, as long as the Daming Empire can participate in it, then what the Daming Empire has obtained can definitely be described as shocking.

Thinking that the next Daming Empire was likely to obtain the things in that Immortal Cultivation World, Zhu Houzhao's eyes forced himself to hold back the excitement in his heart.

"Next, it looks like you need to have a good relationship with Li Xiaoyao."

Zhu Houzhao's eyes flickered slightly.

And along with Li Xiaoyao's words fell, I saw Xu Xian in the White Snake World just said the situation she currently had: "My words are just an ordinary student, I have a little research on medicine, and my brother-in-law is a catcher." "

Xu Xian said so honestly.

In the face of Xu Xian's words, Zhu Houzhao had a deep seriousness in his eyes.

"Wait, this one."

"Could it be that this is the TV series version of the Legend of the White Snake?!"

"It's the Xu Immortal of the real Sun Snake!"

For a moment, Zhu Houzhao had an incredible gaze in his eyes.

If Li Xiaoyao's world is a fairy world of the Zheng'er Eight Classics, then the world where Xu Xian is located is a mythical world of the Zheng'er Eight Classics, after all, the world where Xu Xian is in exists the Heavenly Court and the Earth Mansion Spirit Mountain.

In the world of Xu Xian, there are characters such as the Jade Emperor Rulai Buddha and the Yan Luo King in that prefecture, and I am afraid that there are even characters who only appear in various myths that do not appear in the plot, which is obviously the mythical world of the Eight Classics!

"The world this Xu Immortal is in is even bigger than Li Xiaoyao's world."

Zhu Houzhao's eyes carried a deep heaviness.

"But maybe this is an opportunity, as long as the Daming Empire can seize this opportunity, the Daming Empire will definitely be able to truly usher in takeoff!"

Zhu Houzhao's eyes carried a deep excitement. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although he didn't know whether the world Li Xiaoyao was in was powerful or the world that Xu Xian was in, was strong.

After all, the world you are in now has the legendary Fuxi Shennong and even Nuwa and the like, although Shennong and Nuwa have died, but Fuxi is not dead, Fuxi not only did not die, but even became the Heavenly Emperor of the God Realm in the Six Realms.

This is definitely a bigwig-level figure, and it is also not simple in the mythical world where Xu Xian lives.

The Nuwa in the mythical world where Xu Xian is located is alive, and characters such as Fuxi also exist, but I just don't know who is stronger and weaker than Fuxi in Li Xiaoyao's world.

But the only thing that is certain is that the things that are in these two worlds are all things that belong to the urgent needs of today's Daming Empire, as long as the Daming Empire can obtain some things in these two worlds, then the Daming Empire can definitely usher in a real take-off at that time, and even the time for the Daming Empire to unify the entire Kyushu continent can be shortened a lot.

"It looks like the Daming Empire is busy next."

Zhu Houzhao had a deep thought in his eyes.

Since these two group friends have been added to the chat group, Zhu Houzhao will naturally not treat these two guys indifferently, and even 710 Zhu Houzhao will choose to treat these two guys with a kind attitude.

After all, whether the Daming Empire can take off next depends on whether he can get some of the things he needs in the world behind these two guys.

After facing Li Xiaoyao and Xu Xian after introducing themselves, the other people in the chat group did not have any other feelings.

After all, this introduction of Xu Xian and Li Xiaoyao is not as impactful as Nie Xiaoqian.

You must know that Nie Xiaoqian belongs to the only existence in the entire chat group that is not human, and still belongs to the kind of ghost similar to the legend.

However, at this moment, the chat group has joined in, and these three people have ushered in some new changes.

Naruto Uzumaki, who had been diving, couldn't help but speak: "Everyone, the system mall is open. "

"The big guy can buy things in this system mall."

I saw that Naruto Uzumaki's words had just fallen, and the entire chat group instantly fell into silence.


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscriptions".

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