"This is the system mall."

When Zhu Houzhao looked at what was displayed on the system interface, there was a deep thought in his eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken, these things are probably the things that belong to the world behind everyone in the chat group."

Zhu Houzhao looked at what he had in the system mall, especially at the magic sword that should be said to belong to the Legend of Immortal Sword and Legend IV.

And it is clearly marked as a magic sword without a sword spirit.

There is no doubt that this should be the magic sword parasitized by the original dragon kui, but this magic sword does not have the sword spirit of the dragon kui.

"Interesting, so interesting."

Zhu Houzhao's eyes flickered slightly.

"And the currency of this system mall actually belongs to luck."

When Zhu Houzhao looked at the qi luck needed to exchange the things in the system mall, there was a smile on the corner of Zhu Houzhao's mouth.

"It seems that the system mall of this chat group has the same function as this national transport system, and it is necessary to rely on the power of luck to use it."

Zhu Houzhao for the things in this system mall that he has in this chat group, can Zhu Houzhao not be hungry?

That's impossible.

Although his National Games summoning system can indeed summon some things, when he uses the National Games summoning system, he basically summons something that can increase his strength or summon some armies, but summoning some things alone seems to really not come.

Now there, this system mall in the chat group completely replaces what he doesn't want to summon.

The National Fortune System is used to summon something that can make the entire Daming Empire more powerful, and as for the system mall in the chat group, he can summon some of the things he needs.

"It's so interesting.."


A burst of maniacal laughter sounded from Zhu Houzhao's mouth.

And at the same time that Zhu Houzhao began to laugh maniacally, after several other people in the chat group looked at the things that could be exchanged, everyone's eyes had a trace of deep excitement in their eyes.

They actually saw the legendary Immortal Cultivation Technique in the system mall of this chat group!

That's right, they can definitely say that this is the legendary Immortal Cultivation Technique!

Thinking that they could actually exchange this Immortal Cultivation Technique, all the guys couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement.

"Redeem exchange!"

"I want to redeem this Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong!"

I saw Xiongba's eyes said with an excited opening.

Just as Xiongba's words fell, a cold and emotionless voice came into Xiongba's ears: [Qi luck is not enough to be exchanged. 】

As the cold and emotionless words reached Xiongba's ears, Xiongba's excited eyes had a trace of confusion.


"Can't redeem?"

"What is Qi Luck?"

A trace of deep confusion flashed in Xiongba's eyes.

He suddenly found that the system mall in this chat group seemed to need this thing called Qi Luck Value to redeem it.

In the face of the confusion from Xiongba, the guys in several other worlds have also encountered the same scene at this moment, and they can't help but want to exchange after seeing the dazzling things in the chat group.

However, a cruel fact is in front of them, in order to exchange this thing, you must first need qi luck.

What they want to redeem shows that they don't have enough luck. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Soon, everyone who was immersed in the system mall came to the chat group again.

"Guys, do any of you know how to get this thing?"

Xiongba said the regret in his heart slightly.

If he knows how to obtain this Qi Luck Value, then he must use all means to obtain this so-called Qi Luck Value, and he must obtain the Immortal Cultivation Technique of the Eight Classics!

Facing Xiongba's words, I saw that Ye Man couldn't help but speak: "That's right, I have seen an immortal cultivation technique, and the result actually told me that my qi luck value is not enough to exchange." "

"It's really sad news."

Ye Man's eyes carried a trace of deep helplessness.

Facing Ye Man's words, Yue Buqun at this moment and Ninth Uncle at this moment spoke slightly: "~ Qi luck value this thing, although I don't know what this thing is, but this should be linked to Qi luck, right?" "

For the Ninth Uncle and Yue Buqun at this moment, they were both Daoist disciples of the Eight Classics, so they could also understand the thing of Qi Luck to some extent.

Just when everyone's eyes were filled with a trace of regret and puzzlement, I saw Zhu Houzhao just speak: "Qi luck, this thing is your respective qi to put it bluntly." "

"It's easy to understand."

"Luck is something that all of you have, and once this thing is too strong, then it is like a son who belongs to God."

"This door picks up money, falls off a cliff and can touch the inheritance left by I don't know how many years ago, and even (Zhao Nuo's) casually accepting a little brother is likely to be the reincarnation of some ancient power."

"That's what a peak of luck does."

"It can't be said that all atmospheric luck people can become immortals and become ancestors, but the existence of those who become immortals and ancestors is definitely not weak in their own qi luck."

"As for those guys with weak luck, you can understand that drinking cold water will stuff your teeth, which is an existence that the whole world will target."

"That's luck."

Zhu Houzhao spoke to everyone in the chat group and probably said about the magic of luck.

And listening to Zhu Houzhao's words, the entire chat group fell into silence for a while.


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscription to donkeys".

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