As Zhu Houzhao fell into a burst of silence, Shifei Xuan also felt a deep solemnity.

Facing the silence of the hall for a while, Zhu Houzhao, who was sitting on the dragon chair, directly and calmly spoke: "Say, what is the purpose of your Cihang Jingzhai?" "

"I'm afraid your purpose in coming to the Daming Empire is not as simple as it seems, right?"

"Don't tell Xu that you came to the Daming Empire to come and see what kind of existence the Daming Empire really belongs to."

"I don't want to hear some speeches, otherwise even if you Cihang Jingzhai is in the Great Tang Empire, the Daming Empire can still strike at your Cihang Jingzhai."

Zhu Houzhao looked at Shifei Xuan with a calm expression.

As for the purpose of Shifei Xuan coming to his Daming Empire, then Zhu Houzhao really didn't know what the other party's purpose was.

He is not the kind of existence that can predict the future, nor is he the kind of person who can have the ability to perceive what the other party is thinking in his heart, although he can probably understand that the other party's coming to the Daming Empire should be for Cihang Jingzhai's plan to choose the emperor on behalf of Heaven.

But after all, this belongs to the real world, and the real purpose of Cihang Jingzhai, he really doesn't know what it is.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, Shifei Xuan, who was in the Golden Luan Hall, took a deep look at the Daming Emperor in her field of vision.

Indeed, she naturally came to the Daming Empire not simply to see what the Daming Empire belonged to.

Could it be true that she had nothing to do?

"The purpose of my coming to the Daming Empire this time is very simple, that is, to come and see the Buddhist gates in the territory of the Daming Empire."

"Emperor Daming, your killing is too great."

"You directly killed the lives of unknown people in the Great Qing Empire for your own selfish desires, and now that you have imprisoned the Buddha Gate again, you need to reflect on it."

"Your killing is too great."

Shifei Xuan looked deeply at Zhu Houzhao in her wilderness.

This was the purpose of Shifei Xuan's coming to the Daming Empire.

She hopes to change the Emperor's thinking about the current Qing Empire's treatment of the commoners, and at the same time change the days of the Buddha Gate in the Daming Empire.

As for Shifei Xuan, why did the Daming Empire with this face say such a thing directly to Zhu Houzhao?

It should belong to this confidence given to her by the Great Tang Empire.

However, in the face of Shifei Xuan's request, Zhu Houzhao, who was sitting on the dragon chair, felt a trace of ridiculousness.

"You mean to let Xu treat the group of guys in the Great Qing Empire well?"

"Then take a good look at those Buddhist sects in the heat of the Daming Empire?"

"Let them go back to their respective sects?"

"Do you mean this?"

Zhu Houzhao looked at Shifei Xuan calmly, with an indifference in his eyes.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, a trace of seriousness and even seriousness flashed on Shifei Xuan's face: "That's right, that's what I mean." "

"I think the Daming Empire should treat the guys of the Great Qing Empire well."

"After all, the group of guys in the Great Qing Empire also belong to humans, and the Daming Empire should not have broken out such a powerful killing on the territory of the Great Qing Empire."

Shifei Xuan persuaded Zhu Houzhao.

"You can completely treat that group of ordinary people well in the territory of the Great Qing Empire, I believe that as long as you can treat that group of people well, then the group of guys in the territory of the Great Qing Empire will definitely treat you well, and even when the time comes, the Daming Empire will definitely be fully recognized by all the common people in the territory of the Great Qing Empire."

Shi Fei Xuan's eyes flashed a slight and said.

"As for the Buddhist sects in the territory of the Daming Empire, although I don't know why they reject me so much, I can't give them up because they reject me."

"Your treatment of Buddhism is too cruel, and you should treat Buddhism with kindness."

"The monks in the Shaolin Temple and those other temples should all return to their sects." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I saw that Shifei Xuan became more and more excited the more she spoke, and even Shifei Xuan seemed to have seen that the Emperor Daming really did what she said under her persuasion, then by then Cihang Jingzhai would definitely be completely transmitted in the Daming Empire.

Thinking of the possible outcome next, Shifei Xuan had a deep smile on the corner of her mouth.

However, in the face of Shifei Xuan's words, the Qinglong commander who put her in the Golden Luan Hall looked at this Shifei Xuan with a gaze like an Internet retardation.

For Shifei Xuan's brain circuit, the Qinglong commander wanted to split this guy's head to see what was going on inside this guy's head.

In the Blue Dragon Command, it looks like this guy is not a little mentally retarded in his head.

Facing the Qinglong commander's gaze that seemed to be looking at a mental retardation, Zhu Houzhao, sitting on the dragon chair, said with a calm opening in his eyes: "~ Does this belong to you or does it belong to the meaning of Cihang Jingzhai?" "

Zhu Houzhao calmly looked at the senior concubine below and said lightly.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, Shifei Xuan's eyes shone slightly and replied: "This naturally belongs to me." "

"I believe that as long as you can do what I say, then the Daming Empire will definitely become stronger by then."

Shifei Xuan said with a hint of a smile in her tone. Listening to Shifei Xuan's words, Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly: "Although Xu does not particularly value the group of nuns in Cihang Jingzhai, and even has a bad impression of that group of nuns. "

"But at least the nuns seem to know what they are doing, at least the nuns in Cihang Jingzhai are not stupid in their heads."

"But you saint, it seems that something is wrong with your head."

"I'll just ask you a word."

"By what?"

"How old are you?"

"What qualifications do you have to guide Xuan?!"

A cold and heartless word came out of Zhu Houzhao's mouth.


A vast and incomparable force erupted from the harem of the royal palace.


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