"Boom !!"

An incomparably powerful force erupted directly from the depths of the palace, and then directly pressed on Shifei Xuan's body.

In the face of the force that erupted from the depths of the palace, the master concubine Xuan who was in the hall at this moment was directly crushed to the ground at this moment.


Faced with this behavior that was completely pressed to the ground, Shifei Xuan looked at Zhu Houzhao on the dragon chair with a confused look in her eyes.

At the same time, Shifei Xuan was feeling the powerful force that pressed her to the ground, and there was a deep fear in her eyes.

"This force, could it be that this is a heavenly and human powerhouse belonging to the Daming Empire?"

At this moment, after feeling this powerful force, a thought immediately emerged in Shi Fei Xuan's mind, this is probably not the powerhouse of the Heavenly and Human Realm in the Daming Empire.

But why did that Tianren powerhouse in the Daming Empire treat her like this?

Shifei Xuan didn't understand very much.

Facing Shifei Xuan, who still had an incomprehensible look in her eyes, Zhu Houzhao, who was sitting on the dragon chair, calmly spoke: "About this idea of you, I can only say that shit is not!" "

"A nun, there is actually that one who has the audacity to come and guide Xu on how to deal with the Great Qing Empire."

"Or do you know better than Shu 717 how to deal with the group of guys in the Great Qing Empire?"

"The killing is too heavy?"


"Are you going to come and make it happen?"

"Do you want to turn Xuandu into a monk in your Cihang Jingzhai?"

"You want Xu and the entire Daming Empire to serve your Cihang Jingzhai?"

Zhu Houzhao looked at Shifei Xuan below with an icy meaning in his eyes.

For Shifei Xuan, there was only one thought in Zhu Houzhao's mind at the moment, that is, this guy was afraid that there was not a problem with his head.

How did the other party come up with this idea?

Could it be that this nun thinks that Cihang's current prestige can already interfere with the Daming Empire, and how should it deal with this aspect of the Qing Empire?

Although the strength of the Daming Empire may not have been as good as the Tang Empire before, after the current Daming Empire completely annexed the Qing Empire, the Daming Empire currently possesses no weaker hard power than the Tang Empire.

In the case that the current strength of the Daming Empire is not weaker than that of the Tang Empire, then where did this Cihang Jingzhai have the courage to come and guide him how to deal with the problems above the Great Qing Empire?

And even if the Daming Empire did not annex the Qing Empire, the Daming Empire still belongs to one of the original nine empires, and the strength of the Daming Empire can still make the entire Cihang ship completely destroyed.

The strength of the Daming Empire is not weak.

The result?

As a result, at this moment, as the contemporary Cihang Jingzhai Holy Daughter, Shifei Xuan actually had such an idea against the sky.

This had to make Zhu Houzhao feel that there was something wrong with Shifei Xuan's brain circuit? Is there even something wrong with the head?

"No, no, I never had that idea."

"I mean your killing is too heavy and needs to be well raised."

Concubine Xuan Qiang endured the extremely powerful oppressive force, and said tremblingly.

However, in the face of Shifei Xuan's words, Zhu Houzhao smiled.

"The killing you committed is too big?"

"You should know what exactly Xuan's identity is, Xuan's identity is the emperor of the Daming Empire!"

"Xun's identity is one of the most noble people in the entire world, and now you actually say that Xuan's killing is too big?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Xu really wants to know, do you treat Xu as an ordinary martial arts person?"

"How else could you possibly say such mentally retarded words?"

"Even your master doesn't dare to say this in front of Xuan (cech)."

"But I didn't expect that this apprentice of yours actually has such great boldness."

"It seems that Cihang Jingzhai's teaching is really good."

Zhu Houzhao said faintly.

"And the Buddha Gate that let Xu treat the Daming Empire kindly?"

"What qualifications do you have to dare to give this order to Xuan?"

"Could it be that the Daming Empire is a subordinate force of your Cihang Jingzhai?"

Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of surprise.

"No, the Daming Empire has always been a sovereign state."

Shifei Xuan couldn't help but speak.

Even if Shifei Xuan is stupid, she doesn't dare to say such things in this regard.

If the Daming Empire really belongs to the subsidiary forces of Cihang Jingzhai, then forget it, but the Daming Empire is one of the sovereign empires that belongs to the Eight Classics, and the Daming Empire exists on an equal footing with several other empires, how can it be a subsidiary force of Cihang Jingzhai?

Facing Shifei Xuan's reply, Zhu Houzhao continued to speak: "Since the Daming Empire is not a subordinate force of Cihang Jingzhai, what qualifications do you have to dare to give this order to Xuan?" "

"Let Xu treat the Buddha Gate of the Daming Empire well, your Cihang Jingzhai's face is really big."

"Even Li Shimin of your Great Tang Empire doesn't dare to speak like this to Xuan, you are very powerful."

"You are really powerful, I just don't know if you can eat the revenge of the Daming Empire behind this powerful person."

Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a hint of murderous intent to see through the Shifei Xuan in his field of vision.

For this bold and faulty existence, Zhu Houzhao was not ready to let this guy go.

"Abandon martial arts and press into prison, and use Jinyiwei to spread this news to the Great Tang Empire, so that Cihang Jingzhai knows what their holy daughter has done."

"And I want to let the lord of the contemporary Cihang Jingzhai come to the Daming Empire to personally make amends to Xuan."

"Otherwise, they won't die as simple as just a saint."

Zhu Houzhao ordered with a calm tone in his tone.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's order, the Qinglong commander in the hall replied respectfully: "Obey the order, Your Majesty." "

Soon, the Qinglong commander directly dragged away Shifei Xuan, who was pressed to the ground.


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