"It seems that it is necessary to improve the strength of the Daming Empire as quickly as possible, otherwise cats and dogs will dare to provoke the Daming Empire at that time."

Looking at Shifei Xuan, who was dragged away, a deep killing intent flashed in Zhu Houzhao's eyes.

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao seemed that the reason why Shifei Xuan had such a heaven-defying idea was purely that the prestige belonging to the Daming Empire was not loud enough, and Zhu Houzhao wanted the Daming Empire to completely resound throughout the entire Kyushu continent.

Zhu Houzhao wants the prestige of the Daming Empire to resound throughout the entire Kyushu Continent, and let everyone know how powerful the Daming Empire is~ an empire.

And he wants to let the people of the entire Kyushu continent understand a truth, that is, provoke the existence of him, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and the end will only be - death!

As for this Shifei Xuan?

I'm sorry, in Zhu Houzhao's eyes, Shifei Xuan already belongs to the dead man, but Zhu Houzhao needs to use Shifei Xuan to announce a thing to all the jianghu forces on the entire Kyushu continent.

That is, if there is any jianghu force that dares to have an idea that he should not have for him, the Daming Emperor, then this Daming Empire will not let those jianghu forces go.

It depends on whether those jianghu forces can withstand the pursuit and killing of Jinyiwei from the Daming Empire.

As for the towed Shifei Xuan?

She still didn't understand why the Daming Emperor was so angry, she thought that there was nothing wrong with what she said, and even she was thinking completely from the perspective of human life, and from the perspective of making the Daming Empire stronger.

As long as the Daming Empire can treat the group of guys in the Great Qing Empire well, then won't the Daming Empire be able to harvest the hearts of the people from the Great Qing Empire at that time?

Isn't that a good thing?

As for the treatment of Buddhism?

In Shifei Xuan's opinion, this is completely because the Buddha Gate is also a jianghu force, so how can the jianghu power be controlled by the imperial court forces?

But it's a pity that Shifei Xuan didn't know that she had completely touched Zhu Houzhao's bottom line.

One opinion after another, all of the opinions put forward by Shifei Xuan were provoking Zhu Houzhao's imperial power.

Once Zhu Houzhao really implemented it according to Shifei Xuan's method, I am afraid that all the emperors on the entire Kyushu Road would laugh at him as the Daming Emperor, because as the emperor of the Daming Empire, how could he listen to the opinions of a regional martial arts sect?

No matter how strong Cihang Jingzhai's strength is, even if Cihang Jingzhai is in the Daming Empire, even Li Shimin does not dare to move him easily, but this does not mean that Cihang Jingzhai can provoke the emperor.

The reason why Li Shimin did not dare to move Cihang Jingzhai was purely because there were too many things involved behind Cihang Jingzhai, but if Cihang Jingzhai really did something that even Li Shimin could not bear, then Cihang Jingzhai would definitely face a blow from Li Shimin.

It can only be said that the quacks and lakes forces in a small area should not think too much of themselves.

Otherwise, Shifei Xuan's end is the end of all the jianghu forces.



As time passed, the things that the Holy Princess Xuan from Cihang Jingzhai did in the Daming Empire also began to be transmitted.

When Shifei Xuan passed on the things that the Daming Empire had done to the Daming Emperor so thoroughly, not to mention what the rivers and lakes of the other empires belonged to, just by virtue of the Cihang Jingzhai in the Tang Empire, he had already burned his eyebrows.

As the fasting lord of Cihang Jingzhai, Fan Qinghui showed a deep and heavy expression.

"How so?"

"How could you do something so reckless?!"

At this moment, Fan Qinghui, the fasting master of Cihang Jingzhai at this moment, really felt a burst of panic.

Although Shifei Xuan's situation with what the Emperor Daming said basically belonged to Fan Qinghui's heart, she did indeed want to implement such an idea on the Daming Empire and even several other empires. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, she could clearly understand how powerful the Daming Empire and several other empires had.

Not to mention the Daming Empire, even the strength possessed by the Tang Empire does not belong to the existence that Cihang Jingzhai can resist.

Perhaps Cihang Jingzhai is a first-class holy place in the rivers and lakes, but this first-class holy place in the rivers and lakes cannot compete with the entire empire.

If a quack force can influence an empire, then how can this empire exist?

Then this empire must have completely become the world of the entire rivers and lakes!

However, the Great Tang Empire is still consolidated, which is enough to represent that the strength of the Great Tang Empire can completely crush this so-called Cihang Jingzhai.

Therefore, even if Fan Qinghui agreed with Shifei Xuan's opinion, it was a pity that she could not act at all.

Especially at this moment, Shifei Xuan actually said that kind of words to the Daming Emperor, and now that the Daming Emperor directly released the words to the outside world, she must personally go to the Daming Empire and apologize to the Daming Emperor.

What should she do?


"It's a big trouble."

Fan Qinghui frowned and said to herself.

In the face of the words from the emperor of the Daming Empire, she really did not dare to ignore it easily, maybe the Emperor of the Daming Empire could not send an army to personally solve her, but Jing Yue of the Daming Empire was not joking!

She wouldn't think that the Jinyiwei of the Daming Empire would not be able to come to the Tang Empire.

It's impossible!

That is to say, once she chooses to refuse, then the Jinyiwei of the Daming Empire will come to the Tang Empire to solve Cihang Jingzhai, even if it cannot destroy Cihang Jingzhai, but it can definitely make the entire Cihang Jingzhai completely hit hard.


Fan Qinghui's heart seemed to be suspended by a boulder, pressing her to death, unable to move.


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