Just as Fan Qinghui fell into a period of hard thinking, a figure quietly walked over.

"I'll go with you."

A firm voice came into Fan Qinghui's ears.

"My strength is also the realm of the Great Master, although it is not as strong as the heavenly and human in the Daming Empire, but at least I can represent the Taoism of the Great Tang Empire, and you can represent the Buddha Gate of the Great Tang Empire."

"The two of us can represent the two Buddhist sects of the entire Tang Empire, and I believe that the emperor of the Daming Empire will not dare to do something."

"Otherwise, at that time, he will not only offend the two Buddhist Dao Sects of the Great Tang Empire, but all the Buddhist Dao Sects in the entire Kyushu Continent will be completely offended by him."

"Four three three" A firm voice sounded behind Fan Qinghui.

In the face of this firm word, a deep firmness flashed in Fan Qinghui's eyes at this moment.

"That's right, even if the strength of the Daming Empire is very strong, the Daming Empire cannot compete with the Buddhism and Taoism."

At this moment, a deep firmness flashed in Fan Qinghui's eyes.

According to her understanding, although the strength possessed by the Daming Empire is very strong, the Daming Empire does not dare to contend with all the Buddhism and Taoism in the entire Kyushu Continent, right?

Their Cihang Jingzhai can completely represent the Buddha Gate of the Great Tang Empire, and the existence from the Great Tang Dao Gate placed behind him can represent the Dao Gate of the entire Great Tang Empire.

The two of them can completely represent the Buddhism and Taoism of the entire Tang Empire, and if you ask the Buddhism and Taoism from the Tang Empire, then to some extent, they can completely entrap the Buddhism and Taoism of several other empires to put pressure on the Daming Empire.

The Daming Empire is very powerful, and the Daming Empire is one of the eight empires at present, but it cannot compete with all the Buddhism and Taoism on the entire Kyushu continent.

"Thank you, Ning Dodge."

A soft and weak voice came out of Fan Qinghui's mouth.

Faced with this weak voice, Ning Daoqi's eyes flashed with a hint of joy and replied: "It's okay, these are all things I should do." "

"The main thing is that this Daming Emperor is too bullying."

At this moment, a trace of seriousness flashed in Ning Daoqi's eyes.

For Ning Daoqi at this moment, he absolutely could not accept that the Daming Empire bullied Cihang Jingzhai like this, since the Daming Empire bullied Cihang Jingzhai so much, then he must ask for an explanation for Cihang Jingzhai.

Facing Ning Daoqi's words, I saw a flash of deep satisfaction in the current Fan Qinghui's eyes.

"Very good, in that case, then let's go directly to the Daming Empire."

At this moment, Fan Qinghui said with a soft smile in her eyes.

For Fan Qinghui at this moment, if she was allowed to go to the Daming Empire alone, then she really did not dare to go to the Daming Empire just like that.

Not for anything else, because she could also understand that if she really went to the Daming Empire, then the emperor in the Daming Empire would not really let her go so easily.

After all, what her apprentice Shifei Xuan did can be regarded as a provocation belonging to the Daming Empire, as one of the eight empires in the world, the Daming Empire, this is the Daming Empire that has just been eliminated, then the current reputation of the Daming Empire can be described as heavenly.

How could the Daming Empire accept provocations at this time?

The Daming Empire absolutely does not accept provocations.

Therefore, at this moment, Fan Qinghui can clearly understand that if she goes to the Daming Empire alone, then the outcome she will face will definitely be tragic.

But if Ying Daoqi, the first person in the Daomen possessed in the Great Tang Empire, went to the Daming Empire with her, then this situation may be different....

Not for anything else, because the two of them together represent the two Buddhist Dao Gates that belong to the Great Tang Empire! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Once the two gates of Buddhism and Dao are combined, the power they have is not as simple as it seems on the surface, even the court of the Great Tang Empire has the power that they have both Buddhism and Daoism, at least Li Shimin, as the emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty, does not dare to ignore the power brought by the two doors of Buddhism and Dao, so how can Zhu Houzhao, as the Emperor of Daming, face the power of the two doors of Buddhism and Dao?

Facing Fan Qinghui's words, a smile flashed in Ning Daoqi's eyes.

"Okay, then let's go to the Daming Empire."

At this moment, Ning Daoqi said with a hint of joy in his eyes.


A firm voice came out of Fan Qinghui's mouth.

Soon, I saw that at this moment, Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui began to set out directly in the direction of the Daming Empire.

Facing Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui starting to set out in the direction of the current Daming Empire, Li Shimin of the Tang Empire soon received the news.

I saw Li Shimin with a hint of curiosity in his eyes and said 4.8: "Are you sure that Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui really set off together?" "

Li Shimin said to Yuan Tiangang, the leader of the bad guys, with a hint of inquiry.

For Li Shimin's inquiry, I saw that Yuan Tiangang at this moment replied so respectfully: "See Your Majesty, the current news is true. "

Fan Qinghui and Ning Daoqi combined to go to the Daming Empire.

I saw that Yuan Tiangang at this moment spoke so respectfully.

In the face of the words from Yuan Tiangang, a deep thought flashed in Li Shimin's eyes.

"Spread the news to Emperor Daming."


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