"Pass this news to the emperor of the Daming Empire!"

At this moment, Li Shimin said with a serious look in his eyes.

For Li Shimin at this moment, since Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui went directly to the Daming Empire, it also means that the Daomen represented by Ning Daoqi and the Buddha Gate represented by Fan Qinghui are linked.

Then for the actions of the Daomen and Daomen of the Great Tang Empire, Li Shimin felt that he definitely couldn't ignore them, but he couldn't solve the Buddha Gate and Daomen of the Great Tang Empire with his own hands.

Without him, the power possessed by the Buddha Gate and Dao Gate in the competition of the Great Tang Empire is not as simple as it seems!

At the very least, even if he was the emperor of the Great Tang Empire, he faced the Buddha Gate and Dao Gate of the Great Tang Empire, which he did not dare to ignore easily.

But the Daming Empire is different.

Although the strength of the Daming Empire is similar to that of the Tang Empire, on some domestic issues, even Li Shimin has to admit that the Tang Empire is really inferior to the Daming Empire. 24 For example, the family that exists in the territory of the Tang Empire, there is no such thing as a family in the country of the Daming Empire, although there are some big families in the territory of the Daming Empire, but those big families are completely incomparable with the families in the Tang Empire.

The family in the Great Tang Empire can be said to completely crush the great clans in the Daming Empire in all aspects, which is not good news.

This may be completely great news for those major families, but it can simply be said to be fatal bad news for the major empires.

Because this can be said to be completely weakening the strength of the major empires, and weakening the power held by the emperor.

Therefore, the Tang Emperor Li Shimin really felt a burst of envy for the non-existent family in the Daming Empire.

In addition to the family, those jianghu sects in the army of the Daming Empire are not a big deal.

At least the Daming Emperor can easily suppress the rivers and lakes in the Daming Empire, for example, the army sent by the Daming Emperor before directly washed the rivers and lakes in the entire Daming Empire, and completely cleaned up all the rivers and lakes of the Daming Empire, and the rivers and lakes sects in the Daming Emperor either chose to join the Daming Empire, or directly chose death, or even fled the Daming Empire directly.

This all represents that the Daming Empire is completely worthy of those sects.

But unfortunately, this is different for the Great Tang Empire, and the sects of the Great Tang Empire are the same as those families, although they are not enough to make the entire Great Tang Empire die all at once, but they are wrapped around the body of the Great Tang Empire like a disease.

This is more or less uncomfortable for the Great Tang Empire.

Therefore, in the face of the situation that the two representatives of the Buddha Gate and the Daomen of the Great Tang Empire went to the Daming Empire, Li Shimin was absolutely unable to solve it, but he felt that perhaps the Daming Emperor could completely solve this problem that he could not solve.

"It depends on how you should solve this Buddha gate and Daomen."

Li Shimin said to himself with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

And in the eyes that faced Li Shimin, there was such a deep thoughtful look, and I saw a trace of respect flashing in Yuan Tiangang's gaze and replied: "Obey the order, Your Majesty." "



Soon, Yuan Tiangang, who was the leader of the bad guys, soon began to pass the news on to Jinyiwei, who was in the territory of the Great Tang Empire.

That's right, as a bad person of the Great Tang Empire, then this is the Jinyiwei belonging to the Daming Empire, and it is still clear to understand the general situation in the Tang Empire, for example, where are the Jinyiwei in the Tang Empire, it may not be clear where all the Jinyiwei are, and some Jinyiwei are still very clear that they can understand where their station is. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So when Yuan Tiangang, a bad guy from the Great Tang Empire, passed the news to the Jinyiwei of the Daming Empire, those Jinyiwei immediately felt the seriousness of this when they faced the news from the bad people.

"I will immediately pass this news back home, you are stationed here, if there is any other news, all you need to do is to continue to be careful."

The leader of a stationed Jinyiwei said with a serious look in his eyes.

Faced with the words of this leader of the brocade guard at this moment, many of the brocade guards beside him replied respectfully to this 973 man: "Obey the order." "


Soon, I saw that the current Jin Yiwei began to rush towards the direction of the Daming Empire at the fastest speed.

With Jinyiwei, who was in the Great Tang Empire, rushing towards the Daming Empire at the fastest speed, the Daming Emperor Zhu Houzhao at this moment began to reform the entire Daming Empire.

"From now on, the army of the Daming Empire needs a thorough reform!"

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao looked at the many border army generals below with a serious look in his eyes.

For Zhu Houzhao at this moment, it is time for the army of the Daming Empire to undergo a thorough reform, and this reform is still a reform that has become more powerful.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's order, many border army commanders of the Daming Empire were honestly waiting for the emperor's order in the main hall at this moment.

"Obey, Your Majesty!"

A respectful voice echoed in the Golden Luang Hall.


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