"From now on, the army of the Daming Empire is divided into five major legions!"

I saw Zhu Houzhao said with a serious look in his eyes.

"As for these five legions, it's simple."

"Divided into Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Xuanwu Qilin."

"In the future, these are the five major legions belonging to the Daming Empire!"

Zhu Houzhao looked at the many border army commanders below, and Zhu Houzhao directly spoke with a trace of serious words in his eyes.

"From now on, the Daming Empire no longer needs all kinds of border armies, what the Daming Empire needs to do is no longer to defend, what the Daming Empire needs is to attack!"

"The best defense is offense, and the border of this defense is no longer needed!"

Zhu Houzhao's tone had a hint of ironism.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, many border army commanders looked at each other like this, and they all saw a trace of deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

They can clearly understand that their majesty will definitely take away all their rights this time, and their military power may never exist again.

They all wanted to refuse, but it was a pity that they looked at the generals of the Great Grandmaster realm who existed in the main hall, and they could only press all the thoughts in their hearts to the bottom of their hearts.

Maybe they are very unwilling in their hearts, but unfortunately, in the face of the powerful power held by the emperor, they can only honestly choose to obey the order, otherwise what else can they do?

Can it be a direct rebellion against the imperial court?

Sorry, if they really dare to rebel against the imperial court, although their courage can indeed be regarded as very brave, but unfortunately, behind this courage belongs to death.

That's right, if they really want to rebel against the imperial court, then their end will be 100% death.

No one would want to die, so they could only honestly prepare to accept how the current emperor should divide them.

In many border army commanders, they were so honestly waiting for Zhu Houzhao's order, and at this moment, Zhu Houzhao just looked at the generals of the five great grandmaster realms in that vision.

That's right, the original Daming Empire did not have generals in the realm of grandmasters, but there were many generals in the realm of grandmasters, such as those general soldiers, the strength of those general soldiers was basically all in the realm of grandmasters, but in the realm of grandmasters?

I'm sorry, the Daming Empire really doesn't have a general in the realm of the Great Master.

Of course, if it is the previous Daming Empire, it is definitely different, and the great master generals of the previous Daming Empire are not lacking at all, but he is that today's Daming Empire is no longer the Daming Empire of the Hongwu Dynasty and the Yongle Dynasty, and the Daming Empire of the Hongwu Dynasty and the Yongle Dynasty has long ceased to exist, so the powerful strength of the Daming Empire in that period is completely incompatible with the current Zhengde Dynasty.

But for Zhu Houzhao, it is different, he wants to build the current Daming Empire into a Daming Empire that is no less than the Hongwu and Yongle Dynasty of the past.

And the most important thing is that Zhu Houzhao has that self-confidence.

For example, the generals of the five great grandmaster realms that appear in the Daming Empire today.

Originally, the Daming Empire only had two generals of the Great Grandmaster realm that he summoned, one named Li Cheng'an, and the other called Li Anguo

But now, he used the power of the Daming National Fortune to summon the existence of three Great Masters realm.

Now the Daming Empire has a total of five Great Grandmaster realms, and as for the Grandmaster realm, there are many.

However, there are currently five Daming Empires in the realm of Great Grandmasters.

Looking at the many generals below, Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Since the big guys are ready, then Zhu Houzhao announced."

"At present, the existence of the five great masters realm is the marshal belonging to the next five great legions." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"They will later be marshals who belong to the five major legions."

Zhu Houzhao looked at the many generals below, and then ordered so calmly.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's order, many generals at this moment could only nod honestly: "Obey Your Majesty's order." "

One after another, respectful words came out of the mouths of many generals.

They really didn't have any opinion on this point, and in the face of the existence of the five great masters realm, who dared not agree with this aspect?

That is naturally an honest choice to agree.

Seeing the scene approved by the many generals below, Zhu Houzhao nodded with satisfaction.

"~ Under the marshal of the five Great Grandmaster realms, that is naturally the general who belongs to the Grandmaster realm."

"As long as the strength reaches the realm of grandmasters, the existence can serve as a general of the army."

"An entity that reaches the realm of a grandmaster can have the position of marshal."

"As for the current words, that is the generalissimo who controls the entire legion, then if it is said that the one who breaks through to the realm of the grandmaster later is the deputy marshal who controls the entire legion."

"The two work together to master a (good Li Zhao) legion, and in the absence of the league, the deputy marshal is the military soul that belongs to the rectification legion."

"Do you understand?"

Zhu Houzhao looked at the many generals below, and said with a calm tone in his tone.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's general words, many generals in the hall looked at each other like this, and they all saw a trace of approval in each other's eyes.

"The end will understand!"

A respectful voice came out of the mouths of many generals.

Obviously, no general chose to resist Zhu Houzhao's military reform, and all the generals very much agreed with Zhu Houzhao's military reform.

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