"The grandmaster realm is a general, then the bottom of the general actually belongs to the ten thousand soldiers, the thousand soldiers below the ten thousand soldiers, the centurion below the thousand soldiers, and the ten soldiers below the centurion."

"I believe that with the meaning of this rank, you should be able to understand what it is."

Zhu Houzhao said with a calm tone in his tone.

This is the rank that belongs to the next Daming Empire, and there is no need to engage in something superfluous, it is directly very simple and rude.

One million million, the top of the ten thousand belongs to the general, the general above belongs to the marshal, the rank of the Daming Empire is so simple and rude, but behind this simple and crude rank is the 5 million army belonging to the Daming Empire.

That's right, Zhu Houzhao next prepared to push the army of the Daming Empire directly to 5 million troops.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's order, many generals in the hall at the moment had no opinion at all.

"The end will have no opinion."

One after another, the generals spoke so respectfully.

Looking at the respectful gazes of the generals one after another and the respectful words, Zhu Houzhao nodded with satisfaction.

"Good, every legion will have a million troops next."

"Then whether you can successfully hold the position of general 290 depends on whether you can maintain your current strength."

Zhu Houzhao said in his tone instead of a serious opening.

"If you want to reach the level of marshal, you must have the power of the grandmaster realm, the grandmaster realm can be a general level, the innate realm can be a thousand and a thousand soldiers, and the existence of the acquired realm is to be a centurion and a ten-year-old."

"As for those soldiers who don't have any cultivation, they can only honestly be an ordinary soldier."

Zhu Houzhao looked at the many generals below lightly and said calmly.

For the children of these generals' families, if the children in the generals' families are also strong enough, (cefj) then Zhu Houzhao is not unable to let the other party serve as an officer in the army, but if the other party's strength is not enough at all, but the other party wants to force his children into the army, then it is embarrassing.

Even if the opponent's position is a general, he will also completely remove the other party's position.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's oppressive gaze, all the generals replied with a trembling opening: "Obey the order, Your Majesty!" "

One after another, the generals spoke respectfully.

At this juncture, they did not dare to provoke their Majesty's orders.

Besides, they can be sure that they can serve as generals at the moment, as for those who are not strong enough?

Then quickly break through to the position of general at the fastest speed, I don't know how many generals in the five major legions are waiting for them, if by the time their majesty has recruited all 5 million troops in the five legions, they still can't break through to this grandmaster realm, then honestly go and be their ten thousand soldiers.

"Okay, stand down."

Zhu Houzhao lightly skimmed the many generals below him.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

Soon, one after another, the figures of the generals began to honestly leave the place.

With the departure of many generals, Zhu Houzhao at this moment began to look at the national transport system.

"It's time to improve your strength."

Zhu Houzhao said to himself while flipping through the interface of the national transport system.

The Daming Empire needs to expand the plan next, so when the Daming Empire needs to expand the plan in the future, the strength of he, the Daming Emperor, must need to be improved. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It is impossible that the strength of he, the Emperor of Daming, is still in the innate realm, right?

Although even if his strength as the Daming Emperor is in the innate realm, after all, the entire Daming Empire belongs to his subordinates and can be used to protect his safety.

But sorry, Zhu Houzhao believes more in his own great strength.

Because only the strong strength he possesses can truly protect his life.

"That's it!"

"Experience Dan."

Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of joy in his eyes.

I saw that in Zhu Houzhao's field of vision, the system interface showed the experience pill, which is the experience pill condensed by the power of the origin, as long as it can swallow this experience pill, then the existence of the experience pill can digest the power contained in this experience pill to achieve the purpose of enhancing strength.

This is what Zhu Hou took care of.

As the emperor of the Daming Empire, his strength must be strong, but he does not necessarily need to let him, the emperor of the Daming Empire, personally go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, so it is not impossible to improve his strength in the form of this single medicine.

Anyway, if he really waits until he, the Emperor Daming, personally goes to the battlefield, I don't know when it will be, let's pay respects first.

"Exchange for 100!"

In an instant, Zhu Houzhao did not hesitate to choose to exchange 100 experience pills first.


Soon, one by one, the experience pills were directly swallowed into Zhu Houzhao's stomach, and as many experience pills were swallowed into Zhu Houzhao's stomach, the power contained in the experience pills directly began to melt in Zhu Houzhao's body.

As the Experience Dan began to melt in Zhu Houzhao's body, strands of dots began to spread directly from Zhu Houzhao's limbs.

At the same time, Zhu Houzhao's own innate realm began to accumulate continuously under this force, and as the innate realm accumulated to a certain extent, a more powerful force burst out directly from Zhu Houzhao's body.

"Boom boom..."

An incomparably powerful coercive pressure spread directly from Zhu Houzhao's body towards the surroundings.


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