"Boom !!"

A powerful force spread directly from the Golden Luang Hall towards the surroundings.

As a powerful force spread out from the Golden Luang Hall, Zheng He's eyes instantly lit up in the depths of the palace.

"Grandmaster realm, very good."

"It looks like the emperor has hope to break through to the realm of the Great Grandmaster!"

At this moment, Zheng He's eyes carried a trace of deep joy.

For the current Zheng He, since the emperor can break through to the realm of grandmasters, then the emperor has such a powerful foundation in the Daming Empire, not to mention the realm of heaven and man, but at least the realm of grandmasters should not have any problems.

After all, the strength that their majesty currently possesses is already a grandmaster realm that belongs to the Eight Classics, so although it is said that he has just reached the grandmaster realm, is it still impossible to break through to the grandmaster realm under the powerful foundation of the Daming Empire?

"Very good!"

For Zheng He, his only thought now ~ is to be happy.

Their Majesty was so young and had a lot of time to hike to the Great Grandmaster realm, and Zheng He felt a burst of joy when he thought that the emperor of their Daming Empire had finally appeared a powerhouse of the Great Grandmaster realm.

Because the strength of their founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang is the Great Grandmaster realm, and now there is finally another emperor of the Great Grandmaster realm.

"The revival of the Daming Empire is promising!"

Just when Zheng He in the depths of the palace fell into a burst of excitement, in the Golden Luan Hall at this moment, Zhu Houzhao was still constantly knocking on the experience pill.


As the Experience Dan continued to be knocked into Zhu Houzhao's stomach, the power contained in the Experience Dan directly began to melt in Zhu Houzhao's body.

As the power contained in the Experience Pill began to unfold, Zhu Houzhao's strength also began to break through to a more powerful level under the push of the extremely powerful medicinal power of the Experience Pill.

"Boom !!"

In the face of the terrifying suction force that erupted in the palace, the surrounding heaven and earth spiritual energy began to be sucked into Zhu Houzhao's body.

"Boom !!"

In an instant, Zhu Houzhao, whose original strength was only in the early stage realm of the grandmaster, had directly reached the middle stage of the grandmaster realm under the powerful push, and now he was still beginning to break the higher level!

In the face of such a powerful force that erupted in the palace, many generals who had just left the palace turned their heads to look in the direction of the palace, and many generals had a deep shock in their eyes, for the strength of their majesty, all the generals knew that the strength they must kill was innate realm.

Although the strength possessed by the innate realm is also quite good, if it is said that in the face of the power of the grandmaster realm, it is obvious that the grandmaster realm has a more powerful deterrent than the innate realm.

An emperor of the Grandmaster realm and an emperor of the innate realm, the deterrent power of the emperor of the grandmaster realm is undoubtedly higher than the innate realm.

This is what Zhu Houzhao has at this moment.

After all, the deterrent power of an emperor of the Grandmaster realm was far greater than that of the innate realm, so when they sensed that the strength of their Emperor Majesty had actually broken through to the Grandmaster realm, all the generals showed a deep and heavy expression.

Because this means that the power held by their emperor has become stronger.

"Oh, guys."

"Honestly think about how we should recruit those troops."

"We're going to train the new army."

One after another, the generals said helplessly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even if their emperor has the strength to break through, then what they need to do now is obvious, that is, to prepare for the new army they need to train next.

The current army of the Daming Empire is only one million, but now the number of troops of their Daming Empire is directly expanded to 5 million.

The 5 million army clearly needs to be trained.

Then this is not an ordinary thing, this can be regarded as a big thing.

At the very least, they need to recruit an army of more than 3 million, they need to integrate these more than 3 million troops with the original army of more than 1 million, and then train all these 5 million troops into the kind of soldiers who can go to the battlefield.

It's a troublesome thing, but it's a troublesome thing that no general would ever be troubled by.

"Makes sense, alas, prepare to go down and train the new army."

One after another, the generals instantly felt that the life they would use next was afraid that there would be some big problems.

Just as one general after another was about to train new soldiers, he saw that Qin Hui, the prime minister of the Great Song Empire, had returned to the Great Song Empire and relayed the words of the Daming Emperor Zhu Houzhao to the Great Song Emperor Zhao Shu.

At this moment, after the Great Song Emperor Zhao Shu listened to the report from Prime Minister Qin Hui like this, the Great Song Emperor Zhao Shu's eyes were so deeply thoughtful.

"Emperor Daming means this."

At this moment, the Great Song Emperor said to himself.

"If you can't become the Empress of Daming, it's not impossible, but you must occupy the position of a noble concubine!"

"Prepare, this time I am ready to marry Daming, and the concubine will be a concubine."

"Xu agreed!"

Great Song Emperor Zhao Shu said with a serious opening in his gaze.

And in the face of the order of the Great Song Emperor Zhao Shu, at this moment, the Great Song Emperor Qin Hui replied honestly: "Obey the order, Your Majesty." "


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