"Your Majesty has a request, come with me."

The Green Dragon Commander looked at the two guys in front of him with a calm look in his eyes.

In the face of the words from the Qinglong Commander, the current Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui saw the Jinyiwei Commander in front of them with a serious look in their eyes.

"If this guy is not mistaken, it should be the Qinglong commander from the Daming Empire, and this should be the Daming Emperor calling the other party over."

Ning Daoqi stroked the beard on his chin slightly, and said to himself.

For this brocade guard wearing a flying fish suit with an embroidered spring knife on his waist, the other party's flying fish suit ordinary brocade guard is different, coupled with the power of the other party's grandmaster realm, Ning Daoqi quickly speculated that the other party's identity should be the Qinglong commander belonging to the Daming Empire.

Listening to Ning Daoqi's words, Fan Qinghui beside her looked at the Blue Dragon Commander in front of her with a serious gaze.

"It was the Emperor Daming who sent you over."

Fan Qinghui asked calmly.

Listening to Fan Qinghui's inquiry, the Qinglong commander's brows furrowed and began to ask, "Is what I just said unclear?" "

"Or is your 267 deaf?"

For this nun's inquiry, the Qinglong commander was too lazy to deal with the other party, so at this moment, the Qinglong commander directly replied without hesitation.

Facing the reply from the Qinglong commander, Fan Qinghui at this moment just wanted to be angry with the Qinglong commander, but Ning Daoqi, who was beside him, said softly: "Don't get angry first, after all, we are currently in the Daming Empire, so it's better to be quiet." "

At this moment, Ning Daoqi just spoke.

Although Ning Daoqi has absolute confidence, the Daming Emperor will definitely not do anything to them, but after all, the other party is also the Daming Emperor, one of the eight empires, if they really hit the Daming Emperor in the face, then even if it represents the Daomen of the Tang Empire, it is even likely to cause the anger of all the Daomen in the entire Eight Empires, but I am afraid that they will also suffer a major blow from the Daming Emperor.

After all, the other party is the Daming Emperor, and the most important thing is that they are still on the territory of the Daming Empire!

You still need to calm down.

Listening to Ning Daoqi's words, Fan Qinghui, who was beside him, could only hold back the anger in his heart.


"Lead the way."

Fan Qinghui suppressed the anger in her heart and spoke.

And at this moment, the Blue Dragon Commander looked at the appearance of the two guys in front of him, and the Green Dragon Commander's gaze had a calmness in his eyes.

But in his heart, these two guys have been beaten to death.

If nothing else, these two guys didn't take their Daming Empire seriously at all, which can simply be said to be provoking their Daming Empire!

Then, as the commander of the Blue Dragon of the Daming Empire, how could he act as if nothing had happened?

"I'll definitely slash you more then!"

The Blue Dragon Commander thought secretly in his heart.

"Follow me."

The green dragon commander calmly spoke.

"Tread, tread..."

Soon, as the Blue Dragon Commander began to walk towards the palace in front, Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui behind him began to follow the Green Dragon Commander.



"This is the Daming Imperial Palace, and it really lives up to its name."

I saw that at this moment, Fan Qinghui looked at the Daming Palace in her field of vision with a trace of envy in her eyes.

Although Cihang Jingzhai has been particularly luxuriously renovated, it can even be said that the decoration of Cihang Jingzhai can already be regarded as a top-ranked existence in all sects (ceee), but at this moment, when Fan Qinghui looked at the Daming Palace, she felt that her Cihang Jingzhai really had a bit of a gap between ordinary small houses and top mansions in front of the Daming Palace. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"If only this Daming Palace was mine."

Suddenly, a thought appeared in Fan Qinghui's mind.

For Fan Qinghui, it would be best if she could occupy the Daming Palace as her territory.

Although she could understand that this was an impossible thing, the strength of the Daming Empire was not comparable to that of Cihang Jingzhai, and besides, the existence that could occupy the palace was only the emperors of the major empires.

No matter how prestigious Cihang Jingzhai is, he can't occupy the palace.

So Fan Qinghui can only press this idea to the depths of his heart, although Fan Qinghui pressed this idea to the depths of his heart, but it does not mean that Fan Qinghui does not have this idea in his heart.

I saw that the Blue Dragon Commander was leading the way in front of him, while looking at the greed in Fan Qinghui's eyes behind him, the Green Dragon Commander already had an understanding of this Fan Qinghui's ending in his heart.

At that time, the other party will definitely belong to the existence that was hacked to death by random knives.

As for whether they were sure that this Great Grandmaster and Grandmaster Realm would stay?

Just kidding, in this palace, there are enough to hide the existence of five Great Grandmaster realms and more than ten Grandmaster realms, five Great Grandmaster realms plus more than ten Grandmaster realms, can't they solve this one Great Grandmaster and one Grandmaster realm?

So for the end of these two guys, the Blue Dragon Commander has already seen their fate.

Soon, under the leadership of the Qinglong commander, the figures of everyone came to the Golden Luan Hall.

"See Your Majesty!"

I saw the Qinglong commander respectfully speaking to Zhu Houzhao sitting on the dragon chair.

Facing the respectful appearance of the Qinglong commander, Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui, who were beside him, stood directly and indifferently in the hall, calmly looking at Zhu Houzhao in their field of vision.

Facing the behavior of Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui, Zhu Houzhao, who was sitting on the dragon chair, also looked at the two guys below with a calm gaze.

In an instant, a silent aura emerged in the Golden Luang Hall.


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