As a silent aura echoed in the Golden Luan Hall, I saw that Fan Qinghui at this moment couldn't help it.

"Emperor Daming, the apprentice under was arrested by you, I don't know if this matter is true."

I saw Fan Qinghui said with a serious opening in his eyes.

In the face of Fan Qinghui's words, Ning Daoqi's face next to him instantly changed~.


"It's like this, His Majesty the Daming Emperor, I heard that His Majesty the Daming Emperor wants us to come over to understand the problem of Shi'er, so we came over."

"Lord Zhai, she is a little anxious because of the problem of apprentices, and I hope that the Emperor Daming will have some reason-understanding."

I saw Ning Daoqi said in such a hurry.

When Fan Qinghui said those words just now, Ning Daoqi knew that Fan Qinghui's words were wrong.

Although their main purpose this time is to come and let the Daming Emperor release Shifei Xuan, they can be said to use the power of their two Buddhist Dao sects to oppress the Daming Emperor, hoping that the Daming Emperor can know what the consequences of offending the two Buddhist Dao sects are.

But I can't say it explicitly!

After all, the identity of the other party is the emperor of the Daming Empire, and the other party is the emperor who belongs to one of the eight great empires in the entire world, and the power in the hands of the other party is not a joke!

Therefore, in the face of Fan Qinghui's words so rushed, this will definitely cause the dissatisfaction of the Daming Emperor, once the Daming Emperor is really dissatisfied, the other party is impulsive, then even if they use the power of the two Buddhist Daoists to press each other, the other party may not be too lazy to deal with it.

However, in the face of Ning Daoqi's words, Zhu Houzhao, who was sitting on the dragon chair, calmly spoke: "There is no need to explain too much, since you know what the purpose of your coming to the Daming Empire this time is. "

"But before that, it's time to have one thing that is very confusing."

"I wonder if Ning Daoist can answer for Xuan?"

Zhu Houzhao said calmly.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's words, Ning Daoqi's brows frowned slightly and replied: "Please also ask Emperor Daming to ask, as long as I can answer, then I will definitely answer." "

Listening to Ning Daoqi's reply, Zhu Houzhao also spoke so calmly: "There is one thing, I'm afraid it's not just Xuan, anyone in the entire Eight Great Empires who knows this will be very curious." "

"As a Daomen Grand Master, why would you obey the orders of a Buddhist Sect Grandmaster?"

"Daomen Grand Master, in addition to the heavenly and human powerhouses of the major empires, you, the Daomen Grand Master, have already stood at the top level of the current eight empires, so why would you flow like a dog and obey the orders of a Buddhist Sect Grandmaster?"

"Is it because this Buddhist Grandmaster is a woman?"

"Can't resist the temptation of beauty, so you give up your identity as a Daomen Grand Master and honestly obey the orders of this Buddha Sect?"

"Is that what Xu said?"

"Chief Ning Dao, I wonder if I can answer Xuan's doubts?"

"I'm afraid this is not just such a doubt, but all the people in the entire world have such a doubt."

Zhu Houzhao looked at Ning Daoqi below with a calm gaze.

This is his doubt, this is also the doubt that belongs to all the Dao Sects in the entire world, after all, as the Great Master of the Dao Gate, Ning Daoqi is already a guy who belongs to the top level in the entire world, but as a result, he stubbornly submits to the Buddha Gate and obeys the orders of the Buddha Gate.

This makes the reputation of the Buddha Gate naturally soar, but this can be regarded as a very lowly act for the Daomen.

Zhu Houzhao really wanted to know what was going on in Ning Daoqi's mind.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, Ning Daoqi's face changed instantly at this moment, and even Fan Qinghui next to him also looked at Zhu Houzhao sitting on the dragon chair with an extremely silent gaze. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There was still a silent aura that permeated the Golden Luang Hall.

Ling Dodge looked deeply at Zhu Houzhao, how did he reply to Zhu Houzhao's question?

He couldn't reply at all, could it be that he really said that he was tempted because of Fan Qinghui's beauty problem?

If he really dared to reply like this, then I am afraid that the Emperor Daming would definitely pass on this reply of his to the whole world.

Although it is said that Ning Daoqi was tempted because of Fan Qinghui's beauty, it can even be said that the whole world knows that he was tempted by Buddha Fan Qinghui because of every problem, but this cannot be clearly said, after all, his identity is here.

He belongs to the Daomen Grand Master of the Eight Classics, who dares to say nonsense in this regard?

Once he dares to say nonsense in this regard, it is equivalent to belonging to the face of the Daomen, then the Buddha Gate will also not talk nonsense on this issue, after all, the Buddha Gate belongs to the place of profit, how can he talk nonsense in this regard?

So it led to the fact that the whole world knew about such a situation, but the big guys all chose to shut their mouths.

Because behind this is the Buddhist gate and the Taoist gate.

But Zhu Houzhao doesn't care, the power of Buddha and Daomen may be very strong, but in front of a huge Ming Empire, the power of Buddha and Daomen is not good, so Zhu Houzhao directly said it bluntly.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's blunt words, Ning Daoqi did not want to answer this question: "Your Majesty the Emperor Daming, this question cannot be answered. "

"Ask other questions?"

I saw Ning Daoqi exhale deeply and then calmly spoke.

However, in the face of Ning Daoqi's words, Zhu Houzhao smiled: "What if you say no?" "

"It's just about knowing why."

"Chief Ning Dao, say it."

Zhu Houzhao's tone also gradually evolved from the initial smile to the cold at the moment.

With Zhu Houzhao's tone carrying the first cold moment, the Golden Luan Hall was completely filled with a sense of slaughter.


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