"The monk of Jinshan Temple?"

Listening to the words of the monk in front of him, Zhu Houzhao said to himself with a thoughtful look in his eyes at this moment.

If it is the Golden Mountain Temple in other worlds, I am afraid that Zhu Houzhao will not think of the point in his mind at all, but if it is the Golden Mountain Temple monk in the White Snake World, it is different.

There is a guy in the Golden Mountain Temple monk in the White Snake World.

"Who is Fahai with you?"

Zhu Houzhao said with a calm look in his eyes.

And in the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, I saw that at this moment, Fa Cong replied with a trace of fear in his eyes: "See Your Majesty, Fahai is my senior brother." "

Listening to this fearful word, Zhu Houzhao's eyes only flashed a deep curiosity and even thought.

"Fahai is your senior brother, then this is interesting."

In this regard, a trace of interest flashed in Zhu Houzhao's eyes.

Fahai's guy is not simple, if the White Snake Legend in the White Snake World belongs to the well-deserved protagonist, then Fahai is an important supporting role that belongs to the Eight Classics, and it can even be said that the importance of Fahai is not inferior to Bai Suzhen as the protagonist.


Zhu Houzhao looked at the monk in front of him with a smile in his eyes.

It's just that in the face of Zhu Houzhao's smiling face, Fa Cong felt a heaviness at this moment.

Although he didn't know why this emperor was interested in his senior brother, he could understand that his senior brother was not an ordinary person, his senior brother's strength was there, then this emperor was interested in his senior brother again, then his senior brother was in danger!


A silent look appeared in the eyes of the monk Fa Cong.

"Your Majesty, this guy's senior brother is famous?"

At this moment, a trace of doubt flashed in Li Xiaoyao's gaze.

Obviously, Zhu Houzhao's attention to that Fahai monk made them feel doubts for a while.

In the face of Li Xiaoyao's doubts, Tony Stark, who was beside him, looked at the monk in front of them with a slight frown at this moment.

"Fahai's junior brother Fa Cong, Fahai?"

A deep doubt flashed in Tony Stark's eyes, he didn't know why, he seemed to have heard the word Fahai from somewhere.

"Why do I feel like I heard the word Fahai there?"

Tony Stark said to himself with a frown.

Facing the words from Tony Stark, there was a smile in the eyes of Zhu Houzhao beside him.

"You may not really understand the name Fahai, but you should have heard the word Fahai more or less in your ordinary life."

For Zhu Houzhao, the era in which Tonyslake lived was placed there, although the core theme of that world belongs to the beautiful country, but after all, that era did not belong to only a beautiful country, Kyushu is still there, there are many people from Kyushu in the beautiful country, then some culture about Kyushu and some legendary things will naturally be transmitted to the beautiful country.

For example, the legend of the White Snake, the story between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian plus Fahai, naturally all appeared more or less in the beautiful country.

Therefore, in the face of the situation that Tonysdak is particularly familiar with the words Fahai, it does not seem to be an impossible thing in Zhu Houzhao.

"Huh?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Are you familiar with the word Fahai?"

After Li Xiaoyao on the side listened to Tonis Tank's words, a deep curiosity flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, Li Xiaoyao at this moment is a little confused, why is this Tony Stark familiar with the words Fahai? They don't belong to the existence in this world at all, but they are familiar with this Fahai?

In the face of the words from the Tonis tank, the monk Fa Cong in front of them showed a puzzled expression.

"Could it be that this overseas barbarian has heard of my senior brother's prestige?"

I saw a hint of curiosity flashing in the eyes of the monk Fa Cong looking at Tony Stark.

For Tonisdak's appearance of the overseas barbarian, then the other party must be the overseas barbarian of the Eight Classics, although I don't know why this overseas barbarian can be mixed with the emperor, but it still can't hide the identity of the other party as an overseas barbarian.

"~ I didn't expect that the prestige of my Jinshan Temple had actually spread overseas."

"What a congratulations!"

In this regard, the monk Fa Cong at this moment showed a hint of a smile.

However, in the face of the smile on the face of the monk Fa Cong, Zhu Houzhao showed a hint of displeasure: "What are you doing?!" "

"Lead the way ahead, Xu is going to see your senior brother Fahai."

Zhu Houzhao's tone flashed a calm opening.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the monk Fa Cong (Wang Zhao) nodded honestly at this moment: "Obey the order, Your Majesty." "

For Zhu Houzhao's order, the Fa Cong monk at this moment could only honestly choose to obey.

"Tread, tread..."

Soon, the monk Fa Cong began to walk in front of him, following Zhu Houzhao and the three in his life.

"Go, go and meet this so-called Fahai monk."

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"No problem."

For Zhu Houzhao's thoughts, the Tonis tank beside him and Li Xiaoyao did not have any opinions at all.

Because they also want to meet the local powerhouses in this world.


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