Soon, with the leadership of the monk Fa Cong, I saw Zhu Houzhao and his group soon came from Lin'an City to the Jinshan Temple outside Lin'an City.

After everyone came to Jinshan Temple, many monks in Jinshan Temple watched the behavior of Fa Cong monk leading three people to Jinshan Temple, and they did not have any obstruction.

In their eyes, these three people were obviously the people that the monk Fa Cong brought to Jinshan Temple to break the wealth and eliminate the disaster.

It's just that these three people did not act as before after being brought to Jinshan Temple by the monk Fa Cong, and under the leadership of the monk Fa Cong, the figure of everyone came directly to the core of the Golden Mountain Temple, that is, the retreat of Fahai.

"Senior brother, I have brought some distinguished guests, and these distinguished guests have something to see you."

I saw the monk Fa Cong speak with a hint of respect.

Facing the words of the monk Fa Cong, I saw that the monk Fahai at this moment flashed a trace of doubt and replied: "What happened?" "

"Come in and say it."

Fahai in the Zen room spoke in confusion.

For Fahai at this moment, although he didn't know why his junior brother said that, what kind of distinguished guest needed to come to see him? 773

That Fahai felt that it didn't matter, anyway, he just needed to see who his junior brother brought here.

"Crunch, crunch..."

As the door of the meditation room was opened, Fahai, who was meditating in the meditation room, came into view.

"This is?"

As the door of the Zen room was slowly opened, Fahai, who was staying in the Zen room at this moment, saw the three people following behind his junior brother.

Facing this scene at this moment, a trace of doubt flashed in Fahai's eyes.

However, in the face of the doubt in Fahai's eyes, Fa Cong exhaled deeply and said, "Senior brother, this is the distinguished guest in my mouth." "

"Then I'll leave first, Senior Brother, and leave it to you."

In an instant, I saw the figure of the monk Fa Cong directly leaving Fahai's zen room.

With the departure of Fa Cong's figure, at this moment, Fahai flashed a trace of doubt to look at the three people in his field of vision.

And the three people in front of Fahai at this moment also looked at Fahai in front of them with a puzzled and even (cefi) curious gaze.

"You are Fahai?"

Zhu Houzhao looked at Fahai with a hint of interest in his eyes.

Faced with the words from Zhu Houzhao, Fahai at this moment smiled and replied: "That's right, under the Fahai." "

A soft voice came out of Fahai's mouth.

In the face of Fahai's words, Tony Stark, who was next to Zhu Houzhao, still looked at Fahai with a puzzled and even thoughtful gaze.

Obviously, Tonysdak was still thinking about where his impression of this Fahai came from.

Tony Stark could be sure that he had really heard the word Fahai before he came into this world.

However, in the face of Tony Stark, who was in a state of thought, Fahai directly chose to ignore it, and Fahai directly looked at Zhu Houzhao.

As for Li Xiaoyao on the side?

Although Li Xiaoyao also has a little bit of characteristics, in Fahai's eyes, the characteristics that Li Xiaoyao possesses are like stars in the night sky in front of the man next to him.

The stars in the night sky are beautiful, but how can they be compared with the moon in the night sky?

The moon in the night sky is standing there, compared to the entire sky, it is not particularly large, but the moon in the night sky belongs to the most eye-catching one in the entire sky.

Just like Zhu Houzhao, although Zhu Houzhao belongs to one of the three people, the feeling that Zhu Houzhao exudes in Fahai's eyes completely crushes the two people next to him.

"This benefactor, I don't know what troubles you have?"

Fahai looked at Zhu Houzhao with a hint of a smile in his eyes and said slightly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Facing the words from Fahai, I saw Zhu Houzhao looking at Fahai with a smile in his eyes at this moment.


"There is this thing, after all, people will always have some troubles in their lives, but compared to other people's troubles, I don't know if you can solve this trouble master."

Zhu Houzhao had a smile in his eyes, and even looked at Fahai with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

His troubles must be there, after all, who doesn't have troubles?

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, Fahai opened his mouth with his hands merged: "Donor, you may as well say your troubles, only if you say them, I can solve them for you." "

"And please rest assured, although I am not a heavenly immortal Buddha, I can still solve some small troubles and the like for you."

I saw that Fahai's eyes were filled with confidence.

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's troubles, although Zhu Houzhao did not clearly state what his troubles were, what troubles seemed to make him feel worried in Fahai?

He can solve all problems, Fahai has this confidence.

Therefore, at this moment, Fahai assured Zhu Houzhao.

Facing the words from Fahai, Zhu Houzhao smiled.


"Master, master, since you have said so, then if I don't talk about my troubles, won't it give you face?"

"My trouble is also very simple, just thinking about how to destroy some countries."

"Or to destroy some countries!"

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao, who was originally smiling, directly changed his appearance at this moment.

An undoubted domineering aura spread directly from Zhu Houzhao's body towards the surroundings.

At this moment, Fahai instantly realized that something was wrong when he faced Zhu Houzhao's self-proclaim.


This is a title that only an emperor can have!

"This is the emperor?"

In an instant, Fahai's gaze looked at Zhu Houzhao in his field of vision with a serious gaze.


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