"A demon qi!"

A trace of seriousness flashed in Fahai's gaze and said to himself.

Facing the solemnity that flashed in Fahai's eyes, the wedding in the White Mansion had come to an end.

Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen are now ~ completely married.

When facing that Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen had already become husband and wife, among the six people in Zhu Houzhao's table, I saw a trace of seriousness flash in Ye Man's gaze and said, "Your Majesty, I think of who Xu Xian's wife is." "

I saw a serious opening flash in Ye Man's gaze.

He didn't think so much when he first came to this world, because he was in a state of cultivation when he first came to this world, but now that he is quiet, he also learned that Xu Xian's wife is Bai Suzhen.

The name Na Xu Xian plus the name of his wife Bai Suzhen, the most important thing is that the era they are in now is the Great Song.

This series of evidence directly made Ye Man understand a truth, that is obvious, Xu Xian's wife should belong to the white snake he knows!

Facing the solemnity in Ye Man's eyes, Li Xiaoyao, who was beside him, spoke slightly at this moment: "We already know that Xu Qing's wife is a white snake. "

"Right, Ye Daxia?"

I saw Li Xiaoyao's eyes with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

Facing the inquiry in Li Xiaoyao's eyes, a trace of confusion flashed in Ye Man's eyes: "Ah, do you know too?" "

Listening to Ip Man's confused words, Tony Stark on the other side smiled and said: "Don't you forget the era I live in, although the world between us is not the same world, but there are Kyushu in my world, then there are many, many Kyushu people in my country, then the myths and legends about these Kyushu naturally spread in our country." "

Tony Stark said with a smile.

For Tony Stark's words, Ip Man was stunned and then slowed down: "It seems to be right too." "

In this regard, Ip Man instantly reacted, the other party's world is to some extent the situation that belongs to his era a hundred years later.

"So shall we stop it or something?"

I saw a trace of seriousness flash in Ye Man's gaze.

If Xu Xian's wife did not belong to the snake demon, then they were too lazy to care about this issue, they would only come over to eat the banquet, but when they learned that Xu Xian's wife did not belong to humans, or even to monsters, then Ye Man felt that they had to interfere?

For Ye Man's approach, Zhu Houzhao shook his head slightly: "No, no, no, no need at all." "

"Although Xu Xian's wife is Bai Suzhen, Bai Suzhen does not belong to humans, but there is no particularly great hatred between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, and Bai Suzhen has not eaten humans or the like, he is not the kind of monster who does wrong."

Zhu Houzhao said softly.

"Moreover, this marriage between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian itself is destined to belong to this world, and if we interfere too much, it is not impossible, but something may happen that we cannot understand."

"So don't interfere."

"At most, let Xu Xian cultivate well at that time and strive to have a strong power."

"In addition, about this matter of Bai Suzhen, it can only be solved by Xu Xian himself."

Zhu Houzhao said calmly.

For Zhu Houzhao's words and opinions, the other five people at this moment all nodded slightly.

"I think what His Majesty said is very much, if we really consider Xu Xian, then all we need to do is to improve his strength, as for the fact that his wife is not a human being, I don't think it's unacceptable."

"We will definitely not be ordinary people in the future, and we will definitely encounter those gods and ghosts and other things in the future, and no one knows what kind of fate we will have in the future."

Yue Buqun shook his head slightly.

If Bai Suzhen belongs to the kind of demon that kills countless people, then Yue Buqun will definitely persuade Xu Xian, but the problem is that Bai Suzhen does not belong to the demon who kills countless people, and even listening to what their majesty said, that Bai Suzhen has never killed anyone at all.

Since this is the case, then they don't need to let Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian separate.

"Makes sense."

For Yue Buqun's opinion, Li Xiaoyao on the side also nodded and replied.

"Eat vegetables and eat meat, the dishes and meat of this world are different from our world, and the dishes and meat of this world contain a trace of heaven and earth aura, and it is good to eat more."

Zhu Houzhao looked at the dishes placed in front of him and said with a smile.

This is also a mythical world that belongs to the Eight Classics, so some of the dishes in this world are quite good for them.

Some of the heaven and earth aura contained in the dishes of this world is not too much, but it also contains some of it, and it is true that eating more is good for them.

"Makes sense, eat it."

"This is my first time attending a wedding, let's eat."

Li Xiaoyao directly picked up a piece of chicken with chopsticks and ate it beautifully.

Soon, the six people at Zhu Houzhao's table began to continue to gulp meat and drink alcohol.


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