"Tread, tread..."

With the end of the wedding banquet, one figure after another left the White Mansion slightly, and in the face of the departure of that figure after another, there was no intention of leaving in the White Mansion at the moment.

The three cultivators continued to cultivate after eating, and only Zhu Houzhao, Li Xiaoyao, plus Tony Stark, who did not need to cultivate, continued to wander around the White Mansion.

"I find that these buildings have a sense of good mood."

"When I go back, I will definitely build a manor like this."

After Tonisdak looked at the buildings in his field of vision, a deep curiosity flashed in his eyes.

He sent "863" that although these buildings seem to be ordinary buildings on the surface, if you keep looking at them, you always feel a happy feeling, as if you are in a very beautiful place.

In the face of Tonystank's words, Li Xiaoyao, who was beside him, looked at Tony Stark with a flash of envy: "Sure enough, it is worthy of selling weapons to start a business, and this casually wants to build a manor." "


A trace of envy flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes to look at Tony Stark.

Faced with Tonis Dak's inhuman appearance, Li Xiaoyao finally understood what this kind of life at the top rich level was like.

The manor they are in now, although you don't know how much money you need to pay to build this kind of manor, but Li Xiaoyao can probably understand that the money spent to build a manor of this level is absolutely astronomical, and as a result, Tony Stark waved his hand directly without blinking his eyes and prepared to go back to build.

Faced with Li Xiaoyao's words, Tony Stark smiled so easily: "Money is the easiest thing in the world to me, and money is not particularly good to put it bluntly, at least money is that as long as it reaches a level, it no longer cares about money." "

"Like me, I don't care how much money I have now, I care now about whether I can enjoy a good life."

"The body and life are the most important, and money is something outside the body."

"According to a saying in Kyushu, the greatest sorrow in the world is the hard-earned wealth of the family, and I don't want to be that kind of person who died before I used people."

Tonis Dak shook his head slightly.

"Instead of saving this money all the time, then life will be particularly difficult, so why save money?" Isn't that money to be spent, only by spending the money can you enjoy it. "

Tony Stark spoke his mind.

Faced with the words from Tony Stark, I saw Zhu Houzhao beside him couldn't help nodding: "That's right, I have to say that your idea is very correct." "

"This idea of yours can be regarded as a very correct idea."

"Although money is very important, if you talk carefully, you can actually find that money is the easiest thing to obtain."

"And the best option for money is to spend it completely."

Zhu Houzhao also said his thoughts.

Faced with Tony Stark and Zhu Houzhao's idea, Li Xiaoyao, who was next to him, showed a strange face and looked at the two guys next to him.

If he could scold people, Li Xiaoyao said that he wanted to scold people now. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Listen, do you say it?

The two guys next to him have the qualifications to say that money is the easiest thing in the world to earn, after all, one belongs to the emperor of the empire, and although the emperor of the empire is very much in need of money, it is not a special urgent need...

Because of an imperial emperor's concept of money, it can be said that every sum is an astronomical number.

After all, it is impossible for an emperor of an empire to worry about those hundreds of taels of silver every day, right?

What an emperor of an empire is worried about must belong to millions of taels of silver, and that kind of small silver will not be put in the eyes of an emperor at all, so Zhu Houzhao is fully qualified to say that money is the easiest thing in the world to earn, because the other party can really print money to some extent.

As for Tony Stark?

Although Tony Stark can't print money, the other party's industry is a serious arms industry, and the other party's industry is related to selling weapons.

Even if Li Xiaoyao understands that the weapons sold by Tonysdak are not weapons that belong to his world at all, which one of the weapons sold is not strong?

Although the opponent's weapon is not a weapon that belongs to his world, it is also a weapon that belongs to the right country to use.

The weapons owned by a guy who started selling weapons can also be said to be huge in the rank.

These two 4.7 guys do indeed have the qualifications to say the easiest thing in the world in a previous life, but he?

I'm sorry, he's just an ordinary innkeeper!

In this regard, Li Xiaoyao felt that the words of his two guys were extremely harsh, and he wanted to be quiet.

Facing the different expressions possessed by these three people, a figure watched quietly in the distance, revealing a hint of puzzlement.

"In other words, what is the situation of these three people?"

A puzzled voice came out of the mouth of the woman in blue clothes.


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscriptions".

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