"In other words, what is the situation of these three people?"

A puzzled voice sounded not far away, but this doubtful voice could not reach the ears of Zhu Houzhao and the others at all.

Faced with this doubtful voice, I saw that next to getting up, I remembered a calm word: "These three people, these three people don't need to cultivate." "

Bai Suzhen, dressed in white, appeared next to Xiaoqing.

"These three people are different from those three people, those three people should be in urgent need of strength, so those three people are cultivating all the time, but these three people according to my observations, one is not short of money at all, one is the emperor of the empire, although strength is very important to him, it is definitely not particularly important, as for the other one, let alone the other one is completely an ordinary person."

When Bai Suzhen looked at Zhu Houzhao again, a trace of calm flashed in her eyes.

"So it is."

Listening to Bai Suzhen's answer, Xiaoqing beside him also showed a hint of realization.

"Sister, are we really supposed to do nothing that hasn't happened?"

Looking at Zhu Houzhao and the three of them looking at this manor, Xiaoqing couldn't help but speak.

Faced with the words from Xiaoqing, Bai Suzhen replied with a slight nod: "That's right, all we need to do now is when nothing happens." "

"Maybe they do have some special abilities, and even their identity is a little incredible, but all we need to do now is when nothing happens."

Bai Suzhen shook her head slightly.

Why didn't she want to know the true identity of this group of guys?

But Bai Suzhen clearly understood a truth, what is the use of knowing the true identity of this group of guys?

Did this group of guys hurt Xu Xian?

No, no, according to what Bai Suzhen knows, this group of guys has known each other long before she and Xu Xian met, so the relationship between this group of guys and Xu Xian must be very good.

Since this group of guys is willing to come over to participate in Xu Xian's wedding, it means that the relationship between them should be considered to be relatively good, and since the relationship they have between them is relatively good, then Bai Suzhen can naturally choose to ignore their existence.

Listening to Bai Suzhen's instructions, Xiaoqing was slightly unwilling in his heart at this moment.

Because Xiaoqing really wants to solve this group of unknown existences, but her sister seems to have no idea about this group of unknown guys, then he and she can only choose to watch this group of unknown guys wander around in their white mansion.


Xiaoqing couldn't help but sigh.

Just as Xiaoqing couldn't help sighing, an aura began to gradually condense from outside the White Mansion.

"Boom boom..."

In an instant, a vast Buddha light directly enveloped the entire White Mansion.

When this vast Buddha light enveloped the entire White Mansion, everyone in the White Mansion couldn't help but look beyond the sky.


Zhu Houzhao, who was watching, frowned instantly.

"This is, lean, special!"

"This is the means of that group of bald donkeys!"

"This is Fahai!"

Zhu Houzhao was still confused for a moment about this sudden Buddha light, but he quickly reacted, Buddha light may be possessed by those Buddhist Dao practitioners, but the most powerful one belongs to the Fahai around?

That is to say, Fahai did not take his advice to heart at all, and when Fahai learned that Xu Xian, a human, and Bai Suzhen, a monster, were married, the other party rushed over non-stop.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's scolding, Tony Stark and Li Xiaoyao, who were beside him, both looked in the direction of the mid-air with a hint of displeasure.

Obviously, for the Buddha light that surged in the sky above that White Mansion, coupled with Zhu Houzhao's words, they naturally knew that this was the power that belonged to the Fahai.

But they had just gone to tell Fahai not to move blindly before, and as a result, this Fahai didn't bother to deal with them at all, so he took action directly!

This made him feel unhappy for Tonysdak.

"Your Majesty, I think these bald donkeys need to be put in order!"

"Otherwise, this group of bald donkeys won't take us seriously at all!"

A hint of anger flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes.

And at this moment, when Zhu Houzhao and the three felt a trace of anger, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing flashed a dignified expression and looked in the direction of the 7th side of the day.

"This is a Terran cultivator, and it is also a Buddhist cultivator."

A trace of heaviness flashed in Xiaoqing's eyes.

Facing this sudden Buddha light, Xiaoqing immediately thought that this was obviously a human cultivator.

"Be ready for the enemy."

Bai Suzhen, who was beside Xiaoqing, exhaled deeply and spoke. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although Bai Suzhen didn't know who she had provoked, but in the face of this sudden enemy, the only thing they seemed to do at the moment was to choose to meet the enemy.


As the overwhelming Buddha light enveloped the entire White Mansion, one after another shaking sounds began to sound within the White Mansion.

"Tread, tread..."

A crisp sound of footsteps echoed at the gate of the White House.

Soon, Fahai, who was dressed in a robe, entered the White Mansion.

"Oh, it's really a monster."

"Such a strong demon qi, it should be killed!"

Fahai looked at the White Mansion where he was with a hint of murderous spirit in his eyes.


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