
In an instant, I saw that Xiaoqing at this moment was directly slapped by Fahai.

Facing Xiaoqing was directly slapped by Fahai, Bai Suzhen at this moment had a trace of killing intent in his brows.

"Damn bald ass!"

In this regard, a trace of deep anger flashed in Bai Suzhen's eyes.

"Go and die!"

Bai Suzhen continued to attack Fahai.

Facing the attack from Bai Suzhen, Fahai continued to fight back without frowning: "Boom! "

A palm condensed by the Buddha light slapped directly towards Bai Suzhen.

"Boom !!"

In the face of an unprecedented powerful attack, Xiaoqing, who had just been shot out, showed a trace of anxious eyes: "Sister! "

"Damn bald ass, let me meet you!" 24

"Let go of my sister!"

Xiaoqing roared loudly.

"Go and die!"

Xiaoqing, who was slapped out, flew towards Fahai fiercely again.

At this moment, Fahai faced the double attack of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, and Fahai's eyes gradually began to flash a trace of solemnity.

Perhaps Bai Suzhen is not a particularly big threat to Fahai, and Xiaoqing is also not a threat to Fahai.

But Fahai faced the joint attack of Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen, which was more or less a threat to Fahai.

At the very least, Fahai really can't be regarded as Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen, these two figures do not exist.

"Huh, even if you count one more than me?!"

"In the face of you demons and monsters, I can still kill them!"

A golden light flashed in Fahai's gaze.


Streams of golden Buddha light began to burst wildly from the fields of Fahai towards the outside of the body.

When the Buddha light in Fahai's body began to burst out wildly outside the body, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing began to constantly resist the erosion from the Buddha light.

Looking at the appearance of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of Fahai's mouth.


"Devils and monsters, everyone can be cursed!"

"Buddha light shines!"

In an instant, I saw Fahai burst out the Buddha light in his body.

After Fahai fully burst out the Buddha light in his body, the entire sky seemed to have a second sun.

The warmth in the Buddha's light and the light in the Buddha's light exploded directly throughout the sky at this moment.


Facing the light of this Fahai, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing had a deep fear in their eyes.

Bai Suzhen is a little better, at least Bai Suzhen is a thousand-year-old snake demon of the Eight Classics, so Bai Suzhen can resist the Buddha light from the Fahai.

But Xiaoqing can't!

Xiaoqing's cultivation is only a few hundred years, and Xiaoqing, who has cultivated in the past few hundred years, can already be regarded as a relatively large monster, and even Xiaoqing's current cultivation can be called a demon king in some wilderness.

But it's a pity that Fahai's power is much stronger than Xiaoqing's.

"Oh, go and die, demon!"

A trace of killing intent flashed in Fahai's eyes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Just as Fahai was about to kill Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing directly, an anxious voice directly began to sound on the battlefield.

"Please also ask the master to keep his hand!"

In an instant, anxious words began to sound on the battlefield.

In the face of this anxious voice, I saw a trace of doubt flash in Fahai's brows and look into the distance.

Soon, a figure appeared in Fahai's field of vision.

Faced with the appearance of this figure, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, who were suppressed by Fahai, instantly changed their faces.


A trace of anxiety flashed in Bai Suzhen's eyes.

"Get out of here quickly, Xianggong!"

Bai Suzhen couldn't help shouting loudly.

Facing the appearance that Bai Suzhen had at this moment, Xu Xian, who had just arrived at this battlefield, couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Because Xu Xian saw the terrifying look that Bai Suzhen had, this directly made Xu Xian feel a deep tremble.

But Xu Xian thought that Bai Suzhen now belonged to his wife, so at this time, Xu Xian could only suppress the fear in his memory for the time being.

"Please also ask the master to spare his wife!"

I saw Xu Xian speak with a hint of firmness.

Facing the words from Xu Xian, Fahai replied with a frown: "Do you know what you are talking about? "

"You can see clearly, your wife is not an ordinary human, and even your wife is not a human at all!"

"Your wife is a snake, a snake demon!"

Fahai said solemnly.

For Fahai's words, Bai Suzhen, who was suppressed by Fahai, looked at Xu Xian with a tangled expression.

It's just that at this moment, Xu Xian looks like the entangled color revealed by the current appearance of his wife Bai Suzhen's body is particularly terrifying.


Xu Xian exhaled deeply.

"I naturally know that my wife belongs to the snake demon, but since I have successfully married him, then he will naturally belong to my wife in the future."

"As my wife, no matter what kind of existence he belongs to, I only know now that he belongs to my wife!"

Xu Xian's eyes replied to Fahai with a calmness, and that calm words contained an unprecedented firmness.

In the face of the words from Xu Xian, the sky at this moment was completely plunged into an unprecedented silence.


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