
A deep emotion flashed in Bai Suzhen's eyes.

Tianxiao's Bai Suzhen was so moved when she heard Xu Xian's such firm words!

"I didn't marry the wrong person!"

In this regard, Bai Suzhen secretly thought in her heart.

If Bai Suzhen's previous feelings for Xu Xian were because she had to choose Xu Xian because she wanted to become an immortal, then at this moment, Bai Suzhen's feelings for Xu Xian have increased her love, at least at this moment, Bai Suzhen seems that Xu Xian's feelings for her are definitely not weak.

You must know that now she looks like a snake!

So which human is acceptable?

It seems that there really is no human being who can accept it, this Bai Suzhen can be sure.

But Xu Xian accepted!

Xu Xian accepted the fact that she belonged to the snake demon only because she was Xu Xian's wife.

Just by virtue of Xu Xian's words, Bai Suzhen at this moment was like beating chicken blood.

Facing the words that Xu Xian currently had, the current Xiaoqing couldn't help but look at her brother-in-law with a surprised gaze.

For the attitude that Xu Xian currently had, even Xiaoqing felt a little surprised.

Because in the ideas that Xiaoqing has, when Xu Xian learned that her sister did not belong to a human, but to a snake of the Eight Classics, in Xiaoqing's imagination, Xu Xian should belong to horror and then disgust, and it is even very likely that he will directly divorce on the spot and so on.

In Xiaoqing's opinion, this is not an impossible thing.

But what?

The current result is directly in front of him, that is, Xu Xian did not dislike the fact that her sister belonged to a snake, even if her sister belonged to a snake demon, but Xu Xian still chose to accept it.

"Maybe he can really give his sister happiness'."

Xiaoqing's gaze looked at Xu Xian with a sense of thought.

At this moment, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing both looked at Xu Xian with a surprised and even happy gaze, but Fahai looked at Xu Xian with an iron face.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Fahai's gaze looked at Xu Xian with a heavy look.

"You have to make clear the fact that he does not belong to a human, your wife does not belong to a human, your wife is a snake demon who belongs to the Eight Classics!"

"If it belongs to those who eat grass, forget that your wife is a snake!"

"Snakes are not grass-eating animals, snakes are carnival-eaters!"

"If your wife's bestiality eats you, then there will be no one to save you."

Fahai's gaze looked at Xu Xian with a hatred that iron could not be steel.

If Xu Xian's wife Bai Suzhen is a herbivore, then Fahai's resentment against her is not so strong.

After all, even if the animal is beastly, it will not hurt Xu Xian and the like, but the problem is that Bai Suzhen is not a grass-eating animal, Bai Suzhen is a snake!

In the face of this most serious snake, no one knows when he will be beastly, once Bai Suzhen is really beastly, then the first 100% to suffer will definitely belong to Xu Xian. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Faced with the advice from Fahai, Xu Xian shook his head slightly and spoke: "I naturally know the fact that my wife Bai Suzhen belongs to a snake, but since she already belongs to my wife, then I naturally will not dislike her." "

Xu Xian's gaze said with a calm opening.

"Besides, although my wife belongs to a snake, it does not mean that I belong to an ordinary human in the future."

"Then I will naturally choose to embark on the path of cultivation in the future, then my wife Bai Suzhen belongs to the snake demon, isn't this fact easy to solve?"

Xu Xian's eyes said with a calm opening.

In the face of the words from Xu Xian, at this moment, Fahai couldn't help but continue to scold: "You guy! "

"Are you having an abnormal head?!"

Fahai's gaze looked at Xu Xian with an incredulous look.

He had already said it so clearly, but at this moment, he still had such an attitude, which for Fahai, he thought that this Xu Immortal's head was really a little wrong.

At this moment, at the same time that Fahai was angry at Xu Xian's cold mouth, a voice came into Fahai's ears.

"~ Vulture, you're a little out of line."

"Regarding this matter between Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen, you don't have to worry about it."

"Instead of worrying about the problem between Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen, you should directly worry about other humans who are being persecuted."

"They need to be saved by you even more, and as for Xu Xian's problem, you don't have to worry."

I saw an extremely indifferent voice just like that came into Fahai's ears. At this moment, Zhu Houzhao's figure entered Fahai's field of vision.

"Your Majesty, this."

Fahai's brows furrowed slightly.

"Xu said, instead of worrying about the problem between Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen, then you might as well think about how to save more humans who are persecuted by monsters, Xu Xian's problem is not a problem you consider."

Zhu Houzhao looked at Fahaizi calmly.

Facing the gaze from Zhu Houzhao, Fahai at this moment looked deeply at Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing who were suppressed by him, and then looked at Xu Xian with a firm look in his eyes, Fahai's gaze carried a deep heaviness.



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