Just when everyone who participated in Xu Immortal's wedding began to return to their respective worlds, those chat group friends who did not go to Xu Immortal's world were busy with their own affairs at the moment, for example, the Ninth Uncle at this moment returned to the Maoshan Sect.

When Ninth Uncle returned to the Maoshan Sect, all the members owned by the Maoshan Sect had already come to the Maoshan Sect.

The contemporary head of the Maoshan Sect, that is, the master of the Ninth Uncle, stared at the Ninth Uncle so closely.

"Is what you said true?"

At this moment, the head of the Maoshan Sect spoke so seriously.

Facing the words from the head of the Maoshan Sect, I saw that the other Maoshan Sect disciples showed a puzzled expression.

As the master brother of the Maoshan Sect, Shi "Six Three Three" Jian flashed a curious gaze at this moment, looking at the situation between their master and his junior brother Ninth Uncle.

"In other words, what happened here?"

Shi Jian looked at this scene with a hint of doubt.

Not only did Shi Jian have a trace of doubt at this moment, but many junior and disciples of the Ninth Uncle also looked at this scene with a puzzled gaze.

For example, the four-eyed Daoist also looked at his senior brother Ninth Uncle with a hint of doubt.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Just as all the disciples of the Maoshan Sect looked at Ninth Uncle with a puzzled gaze, after facing what his master had said, Ninth Uncle exhaled deeply and said, "Everything I said is true. "

"As long as our entire Maoshan Sect is willing to join each other, then our Maoshan Sect will usher in real prosperity at that time!"

"If we don't make a choice, then by then our Maoshan Sect will definitely decay over time, and it is not impossible to even tell when the Maoshan Sect will completely die due to some accident."

A trace of seriousness flashed in Ninth Uncle's gaze.

For Ninth Uncle, he felt that their entire Maoshan Sect chose to join this Daming Empire was the best choice.

At the very least, as long as their Maoshan faction is willing to join the Daming Empire, then their Maoshan faction can definitely win an unprecedented prosperity at that time.

As for why Uncle Nine was so sure?

Very simply, their Maoshan faction has not always been such a power, the power of their Maoshan faction is very strong, but unfortunately, with the passage of time, the power of their Maoshan faction finally fell directly to the current level.

Especially when the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi in the entire Heaven and Earth is getting less and less, then the number of strong people of the Maoshan Sect at that time still need to be said?

The number of strong people of this Maoshan faction will definitely decrease rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, even if their Maoshan faction wants to save this matter, it is a pity that what to save?

It is impossible to come up with something to save this ending, so at this moment, the Ninth Uncle seems that as long as their Maoshan faction can join the Daming Empire, then when the time comes, their Maoshan faction can rely on the power that the Daming Empire has, so as to directly let their Maoshan faction usher in an unprecedented real prosperity.

This is the purpose of the Ninth Uncle.

While listening to Ninth Uncle's words, many disciples of the Maoshan Sect looked at Ninth Uncle with incredible eyes.

Many of the junior brothers of the Ninth Uncle all had a bewildered gaze.

For the many junior brothers of the Ninth Uncle, they really didn't expect that the Ninth Uncle would actually say such a thing.

Let the entire Maoshan Sect flourish again?

I'm afraid this is unrealistic!

The situation of the whole heaven and earth today is here, want to make the Maoshan Sect prosper again?

It's definitely not just lip service. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Therefore, in the face of Ninth Uncle's words, many of Ninth Uncle's junior brothers were the first to choose not to believe it.

It's just that in the face of the disbelief that many of the Ninth Uncle's junior brothers had, the Ninth Uncle continued to speak...

"Master, you should have noticed the feeling that you had in the entire heaven and earth before, is it a purple microstar flashing?"

Ninth Uncle asked calmly.

Faced with the inquiry from the Ninth Uncle, as the current head of the Maoshan Sect, he squinted his eyes slightly and said, "Do you know what is the reason for this?" "

For the current head of the Maoshan faction, regarding the power of luck that the Daming Emperor had bloomed from Zhu Houzhao before, although the head of the Maoshan faction did not see Zhu Houzhao himself, the power of luck exuded by the other party filled the entire heaven and earth.

That Zhu Houzhao was the emperor of the Eight Classics, so the purple micro star naturally began to flicker again because of Zhu Houzhao.

At that moment, the head of the Maoshan Sect listened to his apprentice Lin Zhengying's words, as if he knew why this purple micro star was shining.

Regarding the inquiry held by the head of the Maoshan Sect, the Ninth Uncle nodded slightly and said, "That's natural, the existence that caused the purple microstar to flicker was in my Yizhuang before, and I naturally know why the purple microstar flickered." "

"It's because of him."

Ninth Uncle said calmly.

For the words of the Ninth Uncle, the current head of the Maoshan Sect and many elders, and even the many disciples of the Maoshan Sect of the same generation as Kyushu, squinted their eyes slightly and looked at each other.

"Say it, tell me everything you know, and I'll listen."

The head of the Maoshan Sect exhaled deeply, and then calmly spoke.

For the words of the head of the Maoshan Sect, Ninth Uncle spoke without hesitation: "Quite simply, the main reason for all this is because I met a Daming Emperor from another world!" "

"Emperor Zhu Houzhao of Daming Zhengde from other worlds!"


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