"Emperor Zhu Houzhao of Daming Zhengde from other worlds!"

I saw Ninth Uncle said with a serious look in his eyes.

For the words of the Ninth Uncle, many disciples of the Maoshan Sect behind the Ninth Uncle couldn't help but speak at this moment.

Ma Madi couldn't help but speak at this moment: "What you said, if you know the current one, then forget it, after all, the other party can barely be regarded as belonging to the emperor to some extent." "

"You actually told me that you met Emperor Zhu Houzhao of Daming?"

"And it's Emperor Zhu Houzhao from other worlds?"

"Aren't you kidding us?"

Ma Ma Di said with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He originally thought that Ninth Uncle would say something that made him feel incredible, but he didn't expect Ninth Uncle to actually say such an unreliable thing.

That's right, at this moment, it seems that the words spoken by the Ninth Uncle are completely different from the 24th spectrum.

However, in the face of the words from Ma Madi, the current head of the Maoshan Sect calmly spoke at this moment: "Quiet. "

In an instant, as the words of the head of the Maoshan Sect fell, all the disciples of Maoshan completely closed their mouths.

Although they said that they really wanted to directly mock Ninth Uncle because of Ninth Uncle's unreliable words, in front of their Maoshan Sect leader, they still directly held all the ridicule in their hearts to the bottom of their hearts.

"Are you sure what you said is true?"

The head of the Maoshan Sect looked at Ninth Uncle so calmly and continued to ask.

For the inquiry that the head of Maoshan Mountain possessed, Ninth Uncle replied with a deep breath: "That's right, master." "

"Everything I say is true!"

"And I can be sure that there is not the slightest mistake in what I have said!"

"I'm not crazy, I'm very sane and I know exactly what I'm saying. "

"I did meet the Daming Emperor from other worlds, the other party invited our Maoshan faction to refine the zombie legion for the other party, as long as we can refine a zombie legion for the other party, then the other party can support our Maoshan faction, an empire stands behind our Maoshan faction, then the revival of our Maoshan faction can be said to belong to the bright side, right?"

I saw that the Ninth Uncle at this moment spoke so seriously.

In the face of the words from the Ninth Uncle, the many elders of the current Maoshan Sect were looking at each other like this at this moment.

For the many elders of the Maoshan Sect, they really didn't know how to explain this problem at the moment.

What to say?

Sorry, they don't know how to answer this question.

They only knew that the words told by the current Ninth Uncle could be said to be a little exaggerated.

"Are you sure there isn't anything wrong with what you said?"

"You know, this belongs to the zombie army, and training zombies is not a good thing. "

The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall said solemnly.

"Elder, I can be sure that this is true!"

"Although it is indeed not good to practice zombies, we will not use this zombie for anything, we are refining zombies for the empire." "

"At that time, this cause and effect will also be directly transferred to the body of the Daming Empire, and it has nothing to do with our Maoshan Sect at all. "

Ninth Uncle replied one question after another so calmly.

For the reply that came from the Ninth Uncle at present, he immediately patted the palm and still closed his eyes for a while in his heart.

After all, for the head of the Maoshan Sect at this moment, Ninth Uncle's current words can be said to be particularly special and incredible.

But the head of the Maoshan Sect believes very much in what kind of person his apprentice is, this apprentice can be said to not deceive him at all and so on, plus he also saw that his apprentice was not bewitched or so on, and the purple micro star flashing in the sky before is enough to represent those emperors who belong to the Eight Classics, although the guy under the present day can barely be regarded as belonging to the emperor, but compared with the emperor of the Eight Classics, the other party is undoubtedly a fake emperor.

The other party does not belong to the emperor recognized by them at all, and it should be said that the other party does not belong to the emperor recognized by heaven and earth at all.

There is no real emperor in today's world, so Purple Microstar has naturally completely declined.

That is only when the real emperor appears in the purple micro star will he really shine with his light, so the head of the Maoshan faction is half-convinced of his apprentice's words. 303

"No problem, then I'll trust you for the time being. "

"Then can we go to each other's world?" (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

"After all, this thing needs to be seen to be believed. "

"No matter how good you say, I must investigate this issue that concerns other worlds and is still related to the new students of our Maoshan Sect. "

I saw that the head of the Maoshan Sect said with a serious opening in his eyes.

In the face of the words from the head of the Maoshan Sect, Ninth Uncle also saw that many of the group friends in the chat group had returned from the world where Xu Xian was to their respective worlds.

So Ninth Uncle can be sure that he can completely promise his master.

"No problem, I can take you to the other party's world to have a look. "

For the words of the ninth uncle, the head of Mao Shanbai exhaled deeply.

"Well, the prosperity of the Maoshan Sect depends on you!"

The head of the Maoshan Sect said deeply.


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