"This is that big tomorrow man powerhouse is breaking through!"

At this moment, any existence with a little vision in Beiping City saw the aura they had in their field of vision with an incredible gaze, and even for those beings who were themselves a little cultivated, when they felt this sense of coercion as if the sky was falling, a trace of incredulity flashed in their eyes.

When Ning Daoqi, who was in the dungeon, felt the terrifying coercion coming from outside the prison that day, Ning Daoqi's face turned pale.

"This, this..."

"This is definitely not a breakthrough of a strong person in the Heavenly Human Realm, this is a breakthrough of a strong person in the Heavenly Human Realm to break through to the Shattered Void!"

At this moment, I saw Ning Daoqi at this moment looking in the direction outside the dungeon with an incredulous gaze.


"This is Daming's Heavenly and Human powerhouse breaking through the Shattered Void?"

Fan Qinghui, who was imprisoned in the dungeon with Ning Daoqi, asked with an incredulous tone in her eyes.

The powerhouse of the Heavenly and Human Realm and the powerhouse of the 753 Shattered Void Realm are completely two different things, although the powerhouse of the Heavenly and Human Realm is only possessed by the former nine empires and the current eight empires, but the powerhouse of the Heavenly and Human Realm does not belong to some invisible existence, but now?

A powerhouse of the Shattered Void Realm actually appeared!

That's the existence of the Shattered Void Realm!

The Shattered Void Realm, according to the current known situation, has been at least thousands of years, right?

According to the latest recorded situation, the last time the Shattered Void Realm appeared belonged to the Great Zhou Dynasty, which belonged to the entire Kyushu Continent, and at that time, the Great Zhou Dynasty had the existence of the Shattered Void Realm.

With the death of the powerhouse of the Great Zhou Dynasty who shattered the Void Realm, then the strongest in the entire world is the powerhouse belonging to the Heavenly and Human Realm, so since the most powerful existence is the powerhouse belonging to the Heavenly and Human Realm, coupled with the strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty, those forces with the natural (ceei) realm powerhouse are naturally not willing to submit to the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

A war completely burned the entire Kyushu continent, and the final result was the complete demise of the Great Zhou Dynasty, replaced by an extremely chaotic Kyushu continent.

The entire Kyushu continent has been chaotic for hundreds of years, and with the establishment of one empire after another, the Kyushu continent has begun to be divided into nine empires.

The nine empires have ruled the entire Kyushu continent for hundreds of years, and although the nine empires have now become the eight empires, the powerhouses of the Heaven and Man realm are still the most powerful existences in the entire world.

The result at the moment?

That Heavenly and Human powerhouse of the Daming Empire was actually about to break through to the Shattered Void Realm?

If the Tianren powerhouse of the Daming Empire broke through to the Shattered Void Realm, wouldn't this mean that the Daming Empire wanted to unify the entire Kyushu Continent?

The Daming Empire is going to become the next Great Zhou Dynasty?

For Fan Qinghui's incredulous gaze, at this moment, Ning Daoqi said with a heavy face: "That's right, I can say with certainty that this is a strong person who belongs to the realm of heaven and man breaking through to the Shattered Void realm. "

"I once went to fight with that Tianren powerhouse in the Great Tang Empire, and I hope to see if I have that chance to break through to the Tianren realm through the battle with the Tianren realm powerhouse. "

"The final result was that I was defeated, but I also knew what a terrifying existence the aura possessed by the powerhouse of the Heavenly and Human Realm belonged to. "

"At present, the aura exuded by this Tianren powerhouse of the Daming Empire is exactly the same as the aura possessed by the powerhouse of the Heavenly Man Realm of the Great Tang Empire that I encountered at the beginning. "

"Then this day, if the powerhouse of the human realm breaks through, doesn't it belong to the Shattered Void realm?"

"The breath and oppression between these two sides are completely different existences!"

"So I can conclude that the Heavenly and Human powerhouse of the Daming Empire is not a breakthrough between the Heavenly and Human realm next, this is to break through directly from the Heavenly and Human Realm to the Shattered Void Realm!"

Ning Daoqi said with a heavy self-talk in his eyes.

Faced with the answer from Ning Daoqi, I saw a trace of disbelief flash in Fan Qinghui's eyes at this moment. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"This, this..."

"Shattered Void Realm..."


Fan Qinghui really didn't know how to reply for a while.

How to reply?

You know, it belongs to the Shattered Void Realm!

The strength possessed by the Shattered Void Realm is not ordinary strong!

According to the current recorded situation, the Shattered Void Realm can completely beat the Heavenly and Human Realm, and the gap used between the Shattered Void Realm and the Heavenly and Human Realm is like the gap that belongs to the Great Grandmaster and the Heavenly and Human Realm.

They Cihang Jingzhai did not even have a strong person in the realm of heaven and man, and they did not have the capital to fight against the Daming Empire.

Several other empires at least have powerhouses in the realm of heaven and man, and they have the qualifications to fight with the Daming Empire.

But what about their Cihang Jingzhai?

Their Cihang ship's qualifications to fight with the Daming Empire were fruitless, and the strength possessed by the Daming Empire suddenly broke through the Daming Empire's current high-end combat power and became the first in the entire Kyushu Continent!

And their Cihang Jingzhai provoked the Daming Empire, and even they themselves were directly pressed into the dungeon.

"It's over, it's really over this time. "

An unprecedented despair hung over Fan Qinghui's heart.

In the face of this unprecedented despair, even Ning Daoqi, who was a Grand Master realm, fell silent for a while.


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