"Master, if we go directly to Emperor Daming to confess our mistake, can we make him forgive us?"

Just when Fan Qinghui and Ning Daoqi fell into an unprecedented despair, a light voice of words came into the ears of the two.

Faced with this word, Fan Qinghui's brows at this moment frowned slightly and looked at the corner in the dungeon.

The existence of these words was none other than Fan Qinghui's apprentice, Shifei Xuan.

However, in the face of Shifei Xuan's words, Fan Qinghui suddenly felt that her apprentice seemed to have some problems with his IQ.

Although her apprentice looks very good on the surface, it seems very bad about this aspect of how to behave in the world.

Let's not mention that the other party actually said that kind of words to the Daming Emperor that caused them to come to the Daming Empire to deal with this matter, is it something that normal people can say with these words?

The power held by the Daming Empire itself belonged to the top group of beings in the entire Kyushu Continent, and as a result, this apprentice of hers actually said something that could be called a great disobedience.

That is, their Cihang Jingzhai is not in the Daming Empire, if their Cihang Jingzhai is in the Daming Empire, I am afraid that their Cihang Jingzhai will definitely face ~ major blows from the Daming army.

Even if their Cihang Jingzhai was not in the Daming Empire, they did not suffer destruction in the first place.

But Fan Qinghui seems to have seen the news that along with her, the Lord of Fasting, and their obsessive backer Ning Dodge is now imprisoned in the Great Tomorrow Prison, once it is transmitted, I am afraid that Cihang Jingzhai has been divided.

And all of this can be said to belong to her apprentice.

Now that he actually said this again, isn't this funny?

The powerhouse of the Heavenly and Human Realm of the Daming Empire is about to break through to the Shattered Void Realm, and once the other party successfully breaks through, then there will be no existence in the entire Kyushu Continent that can compete with the Daming Empire.

Once the other party really succeeds in breaking through to that realm, then the entire Kyushu Continent will be completely pacified by the other party!

The strength possessed by the Daming Empire will also be brought to a new level, as for their Cihang Jingzhai?

That can only be said to be embarrassing, the result of their Cihang Jingzhai can only be regarded as an inconspicuous pebble on the road to the rise of the Daming Empire.

They apologize to the emperor of the Daming Empire, will the emperor accept it?

Not necessarily, even the Daming Emperor is likely to press them to death directly, just like they press ordinary ants to death.

Therefore, at this moment, Fan Qinghui looked at Shifei Xuan again with a trace of unprecedented disgust in her gaze.

And in the face of the disgusted gaze contained in Fan Qinghui's distance, a trace of bewilderment flashed in Shifei Xuan's eyes.


"Why does the master dislike me?"

"Why is that?"

At this moment, a trace of confusion flashed in Shifei Xuan's eyes.

Obviously, Shifei Xuan didn't know what kind of situation this belonged to at all, only knew that she gave advice to her master, but her master directly chose to ignore her advice, and even her master still disliked her.

"What exactly is this situation?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Shifei Xuan's eyes.

At the same time that the three guys in the dungeon were silent, Zheng He, who was in the palace, had already begun to absorb all the medicinal power contained in that pill.

Facing the fact that Zheng He began to absorb all the power possessed in the elixir, a powerful force began to frantically erupt from Zheng He's field towards the surroundings.

"Boom la la !!" (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

In the face of a terrifying force that began to frantically pour towards this week, the realm that Zheng He possessed also came directly to the Shattered Void Realm from the peak realm of Heaven and Man.

"Boom !!"

A terrifying coercion began to completely envelop the entire Beiping City centered on the palace, and the terrifying coercion from Beiping City was felt around Beiping City.

That terrifying coercion enveloped the entire Beiping City.

In the face of this terrifying coercion, many spies in Beiping City and those forces who defected to the imperial court showed an unprecedented silence.

"That Tianren powerhouse of the Daming Empire is afraid that he has directly entered the Tianren peak realm now, right?"

The spies of one country after another couldn't help but explore.

Obviously, in the face of Zheng He's breakthrough, all the guys felt an unprecedented heaviness.

Because the strength that Zheng He possesses can already be regarded as a strong person in the powerhouse of the Heavenly and Human Realm, and now Zheng He has begun to break through again, then Zheng He is undoubtedly a real top level among the powerhouses of the Heavenly and Human Realm, and it is not impossible to even reach the strongest column all of a sudden.

The strength possessed by the Daming Empire can also be regarded as a earth-shaking change.

The strength of the Daming Empire itself is already very strong, and now because of the breakthrough of the strong in the realm of heaven and man, the Daming Empire is undoubtedly at the forefront of the eight empires, whether in terms of high-end combat effectiveness or mid-range and low-end combat effectiveness.

Even these ordinary spies from various countries can realize what kind of result this belongs to.

"The Daming Empire has truly taken off. "


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