"All. "

"Everyone, the wedding of Xu is about to begin, welcome to the world of Xun to participate in Xuan's wedding. "

I saw Zhu Houzhao directly select all of Aite in the chat group, and then said with a hint of laughter.

For Zhu Houzhao's words, I saw that the guys who had in that world after another showed a joyful expression.

"No problem!"

"Let's just pack up and come right away. "

At this moment, when the Ninth Uncle, who was in the zombie world, looked at the head of their Maoshan Sect, the Ninth Uncle said with a firm opening in his eyes.

"Chief, elders, and brothers. "

"Next, I will take you to another world to attend the wedding of that Emperor Daming. "

"At that time, the big guy must not do anything that violates the laws of Daming, otherwise the Emperor of Daming will not spare you because he looks at my face." "

"I don't have the face to let Emperor Daming let you go. "

24. Seeing that Ninth Uncle looked at many elders and his junior brothers with a serious look in his eyes.

Since you want the entire Maoshan faction to believe what he said, you must first let the entire Maoshan faction go to the Kyushu continent, which happens that the Daming Emperor Zhu Houzhao is about to hold a wedding.

Then all he needed next was to bring all the junior brothers and the head of his Maoshan Sect plus all the elders to the Kyushu Continent to attend Zhu Houzhao's wedding.

Then in the face of the wedding of this righteous Emperor Daming, Ninth Uncle felt that he had to remind his many junior brothers.

The other party is a Daming Emperor of the Eight Classics!

The other party's world belongs to the world controlled by the emperor, they can't fool around in the other party's world, once they do it, then the result is really not something he can solve at that time.

In the face of Ninth Uncle's words, the head of the Maoshan Sect beside him also spoke solemnly at this moment: "That's right, next we are about to go to another world, and in the other world you should hear your senior brother's words." "

"That is a world controlled by the Emperor Daming, even if we have power beyond ordinary people in the other party's world, don't forget that what we need to do is let the other party support us, so that the entire Maoshan Sect can prosper." "

"If anyone dares to interrupt the path of our Maoshan Sect's prosperity, I will definitely personally abolish his lifelong cultivation. "

A trace of seriousness flashed in the eyes of the head of the Maoshan Sect towards these many disciples in his field of vision.

The head of the Maoshan Sect could understand a little about the personalities possessed by these disciples of his, but no one was sure what kind of idea they would give birth to once they went to another world.

Therefore, in order to avoid this happening, the head of the Maoshan Sect must give instructions to his many disciples in advance.

In the face of the instructions from the head of the Maoshan Sect, one after another Maoshan Sect disciples replied with respectful eyes: "Obey the order, head!"

For their master's orders, not a single disciple of the Maoshan Sect dared not obey, because they all knew that what they were in charge of the sect was true.

Whoever dares to destroy the key point of their Maoshan Sect's prosperity at this time, their master may really abolish their lifelong cultivation!

After seeing the head of the Maoshan Sect finish instructing, the Ninth Uncle at this moment also nodded slightly: "Then everyone come back." "

"Go to other worlds!"

As Ninth Uncle's words fell, a dark blue crossing door appeared in front of Ninth Uncle.

Looking at this dark blue crossing gate, the head of the Maoshan Sect showed a solemn expression at this moment.

"This power!" (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

For the appearance of this crossing door, the head of the Maoshan Sect could only say that he did not feel where this power came from.

Especially this door, this door seems to be the feeling of being here, then for the head of the Maoshan faction, he only saw one thing, that is, the strength of the strong people behind this door is definitely not an existence that they can compete against.

"Let's go inside!"

The head of the Maoshan Sect exhaled deeply and then spoke solemnly.

"Obey. "

One by one, the figures began to walk towards this dark blue crossing door.


And just when the Ninth Uncle in the zombie world led the entire Maoshan faction to this Kyushu continent, when the hero in the Fengyun world looked at the fire unicorn tied with iron chains in front of him, a trace of satisfaction flashed in the hero's eyes.

"Hehe 113, I'll see which of you gives me this surprise. "

A deep smug look flashed in Xiongba's eyes.

When you go to the wedding, you definitely need to give some gifts, and during that time, you also know what the big guys in Xu Xian's wedding have sent, the barbarian named Tony Stark sent something made of pure metal, and Zhu Houzhao just directly sent a royal sword.

It's all good stuff.

But at this moment, Xiongba said that the gift he gave will absolutely surprise everyone!

"Go, let me amaze the audience this time!"

As soon as Xiongba thought that he would surprise everyone next, there was a deep excitement in his eyes.


In an instant, a dark blue crossing door completely appeared in front of Xiongba.

"Tread, tread..."

Xiongba led his apprentice to drive the Fire Qilin directly towards this crossing gate.

And many guys from other worlds are also doing the same, and their gifts are rushing towards the Kyushu continent.


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscriptions".

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