"Boom la la !!"

With a flash of streamers, the figures in many worlds disappeared directly into their worlds, and when their figures appeared again, they had already appeared in Beiping City on the Kyushu continent.

"Here, it's another world." "

When Ninth Uncle led all the disciples in the entire Maoshan Sect to the Kyushu Continent, what entered their field of vision belonged to the solemn imperial palace.

One after another, the disciples of the Maoshan Sect flashed a trace of amazement and looked at the imperial palace that exuded an incomparable aura in their field of vision.

"That's right, this is the royal palace. "

Looking at the scene they had in their field of vision, they saw that the current head of the Maoshan Sect spoke with an affirmative tone in his eyes.

"Although I have not been to the imperial palace of the Ming Dynasty, I have at least visited the palace of the Great Qing Kingdom, although there is a little gap in this palace, but you can see that this is the palace that belongs to the Eight Classics. "

A trace of seriousness flashed in the eyes of the head of the Maoshan Sect.

In the face of the words of the head of the Maoshan Sect, many disciples beside him flashed a trace of surprise at this moment, looking at the Daming Palace in their field of vision.

They had never been to the palace before, so when they looked at the scene they had in their field of vision, a surprise flashed in their eyes like never before.

Just when a trace of deep surprise flashed in the eyes of many disciples of the Maoshan Sect, flickering figures began to appear around them.

Looking at the appearance of this Dao figure, the head of the Maoshan Sect and the many elders and disciples of the Maoshan Sect were quietly watching there at this moment.

Because they don't know any of them, they can only honestly watch here.

But Ninth Uncle stepped forward directly at this moment and said with a smile.

"Long time no see, Brother Tony. "

I saw Ninth Uncle smile at Tony Stark.

For Ninth Uncle's words, Tonis Dak's eyes flashed with curiosity as he looked at the many disciples of the Maoshan Sect behind Ninth Uncle.

"Brother Lin, are these the many junior brothers of your Maoshan faction?"

Tony Stark's eyes flashed with a hint of doubt.

In the chat group, Tonysdak could probably understand that the other party was persuading all the disciples they had in the Maoshan Sect to come to the Kyushu Continent.

For Tony Stark's words, Ninth Uncle smiled and said with a smile: "That's right, those are the many junior brothers who belong to my Maoshan Sect, as well as the elders of my Maoshan Sect, and the most important thing is the head of my Maoshan Sect. "

I saw Ninth Uncle facing Tony Stark and beginning to introduce the people of his Maoshan faction.

For Ninth Uncle's words, everyone from the Maoshan Sect naturally showed a kind smile.

Although they don't know what the relationship between the Ninth Uncle and this foreigner belongs to, the identity of the other party should not be bad for this foreigner who can come to the emperor's wedding.

Then they naturally will not snub each other too much, although they say they don't know each other, but it does not prevent them from treating each other with a smile.

Looking at the people who were full of smiles and many Maoshan factions, Tony Stark once showed a hint of realization: "So it is." "

"It's still hello, like me, I'm alone. "

I saw Tony Stark shook his head and sighed.

The Maoshan faction belongs to the forces behind the ninth uncle, and the ninth uncle can completely rely on this Maoshan faction to obtain better and more resources and status in the Daming Empire, but unfortunately he does not, there is no force behind him at all, he is a lonely person.

For the emotion that Tony Stark had, the ninth uncle replied helplessly: "Although you said that you are a person on the surface, I am afraid that your Stark Group has forgotten it, right?"

"Your arms syndicate is not as simple as it seems. "

Ninth Uncle said helplessly.

Faced with the words from the Ninth Uncle, Tony Stark smiled.

While Tony Stark and Uncle Nine were talking, one figure after another began to flicker around each other.

As one figure after another flickered, a huge figure appeared on the square of the palace. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Roar, roar, roar..."

In the face of this sudden strange scene, an angry roar filled this square.

For this sudden roar, everyone's eyes turned to the source of this sound.

"~This, this, this..."

"This is the legendary Fire Qilin?!"

In an instant, many guys from the Maoshan Sect looked at the roaring existence with an incredible expression at this moment, and even several other people from the chat group looked at the fire unicorn in their field of vision with a trace of disbelief.

You must know that the fire unicorn is a divine beast of the Eight Classics!

And what did they see?

They actually saw this legendary divine beast!

At the same time that there was a sense of surprise and even incredulity in everyone's eyes, I saw a kind voice come into everyone's ears: "Everyone, my gift is good, right?"

Xiongba looked at the surprise (Wang Li's) in everyone's eyes, and saw Xiongba's tone with a smile in his voice.

Listening to Xiongba's words, everyone quickly turned their eyes to Xiongba.

"Is this the existence that captures the Fire Qilin?"

When everyone's eyes looked at Xiongba, they instantly realized that this fire unicorn was probably arrested by this guy.

After all, the thick iron chain wrapped around the Fire Qilin was enough to represent that this belonged to the Fire Qilin Li who was caught.

This legendary fire unicorn was actually arrested just like that.


"Is this the scene in other worlds?"

Many guys from the Maoshan Sect instantly had a deep trance in their eyes at this moment.


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