"Amazing, amazing, I didn't expect that I could actually see the legendary fire unicorn. "

On the other side, Yue Buqun also looked at the fire unicorn who was chained by Xiongba with a surprised gaze.

For this legendary fire unicorn, Yue Buqun had only learned about it in some scriptures, but he had never seen the real fire unicorn.

"That's right, I didn't expect that I would actually see the Fire Qilin on this day. "

Ye Man, who was beside him, couldn't help but speak.

Fire Qilin, although the Qilin is not the most impressive divine beast belonging to their Huaxia, but the status of Qilin in their Huaxia is also very high.

Coupled with the fact that the Qilin has been regarded as auspicious since ancient times, when the real Qilin is now placed in front of them like this, they naturally feel a burst of surprise.

Next to everyone was another slightly smaller guy, his name was Naruto Uzumaki.

At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto looked at this fire unicorn with flames all over his body, and a deep solemnity flashed in Uzumaki Naruto's eyes: "Is the strength of this fire unicorn so strong?"

Regarding the strength that Naruto Uzumaki felt in the Fire Qilin, Naruto Uzumaki at the moment just wanted to say that the strength that 567 this Fire Qilin possessed was very strong!

That's right, in Naruto Uzumaki's induction, the strength of this unicorn is very strong.

"This is what other worlds have!"

Regarding the appearance that this unicorn has, Naruto Uzumaki at this moment can only say that this is indeed worthy of other worlds.

"Qilin. "

At this moment, all the members from the chat group looked at the unicorn who was chained by Xiongba's side.

Obviously, this unicorn can be considered incredible for all the members of the chat group.

In the face of all the members of this chat group, they appeared on the palace square, and those brocade guards in the palace also looked at this group of guys with an unprecedented solemn gaze at this moment.

Especially the fire unicorn with flames all over his body, for those brocade guards in the palace, this can be regarded as incredible.

Before that, they had received news from His Majesty the Emperor that some special beings would come to them (CEBC) and tell them not to stop them.

But when these special beings really came, Jin Yiwei still said that this was simply incredible!

These beings suddenly appeared like a light, and along with the sudden appearance of these guys like a light, there was actually a flameing fire unicorn.

The legendary fire unicorn actually appeared.

"This group of people is simply strange, even fantastic..."

One after another, the brocade guards all looked at the chat group members in their field of vision with a solemn, even incredulous gaze.

Just as many Jinyiwei looked at the members of the chat group, a figure appeared in their field of vision.

"See Your Majesty!"

In an instant, one after another respectful words sounded from the palace square.

For these words, the guys in the palace square were looking at the place where the sound was coming out at this moment.

Soon, Zhu Houzhao's figure entered everyone's field of vision.

Facing this man in regular clothes, the group friends of the chat group were looking at Zhu Houzhao with a smile on their faces at this moment, while those guys who were brought over by the group friends in the chat group flashed a dignified gaze to Zhu Houzhao at this moment.

For example, many members of the Maoshan Sect behind Ninth Uncle, many members of the Maoshan Sect looked at Zhu Houzhao's figure, and some members of the Maoshan Sect couldn't help but open the Heavenly Eye.

But when these members of the Maoshan Sect opened the Eye of Heaven, a shocking scene appeared in their field of vision.

The Dragon of National Fortune, which covered the entire sky, was suspended above Zhu Houzhao.

The breath emitted by the mighty dragon of national fortune made them feel a sense of true despair.

For the ordinary disciples of the Maoshan Sect, when they saw this emperor, they could finally understand why those cultivation sects did not dare to make a move against the emperor before this.

Who dares to do anything to the emperor? (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This was still a scene seen by ordinary Maoshan Sect disciples, and what the head of the Maoshan Sect saw at this moment was even more terrifying.


"This Daming Emperor has more power of national fortune than our world!"

"How terrifying this is!"

The head of the Maoshan Sect had a deep solemnity in his heart.

According to the texts of their Maoshan Sect, the dragon of national fortune is also owned by their world, but it is not so huge.

But now?

The comparison between the dragon of national fortune that appeared in his field of vision and the dragon of national fortune recorded in their world, this is completely the difference between father and son.

This can be judged by virtue of the dragon of national fortune, the head of the Maoshan faction.

"This Daming Empire is more than twice as strong as my world!"

At this moment, the eyes of the head of the Maoshan Sect carried a deep solemnity.

And along with the head of the Maoshan Sect with a deep solemnity, among the two people brought by Xu Xian, they also looked in the direction of the sky with an unprecedented solemn gaze.

The two guys brought by Xu Xian didn't need to open the Heavenly Eye at all, these two guys had already felt the horror contained in this palace the first moment they came to this world, especially when Zhu Houzhao entered their field of vision, the solemnity in the eyes of these two people was heavier than the head of the Maoshan faction.

The woman next to Xu Xian at this moment is Xu Xian's wife Bai Suzhen.

At this moment, Xu Xian's wife Bai Suzhen flashed a trace of thought, and even looked at the dragon of national fortune in his field of vision.

"This dragon of national fortune can be called terrifying. "

After Bai Suzhen was silent for a while, she finally spoke with a hint of silence.


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