"Roar, roar, roar..."

At this moment, I saw a trace of low roar in the eyes of the fire qilin, looking at Zhu Houzhao.

In the face of the fire unicorn's sudden low roar, a figure suddenly appeared next to Zhu Houzhao.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

In an instant, when this figure at this moment looked at the fire qilin with a hint of vigilance, at this moment, Zhu Houzhao shook his head slightly and said, "Zheng Aiqing, retreat first." "

"This fire unicorn is not angry, this fire qilin is releasing goodwill towards Xuan. "

Zhu Houzhao looked at the fire qilin with a calm look in his eyes.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, Zheng He, who was in front of Zhu Houzhao, was looking at the fire qilin in his field of vision with a hint of vigilance at this moment.

Although Zheng He didn't know where this fire unicorn came from, it didn't prevent Zheng He from being able to understand that the aura emanating from this fire unicorn made Zheng He feel a trace of trembling.

Although the strength possessed by this fire unicorn was not particularly strong, at most it could only be regarded as an existence belonging to the early realm of heaven and man, but the real power used in this fire unicorn's body made Zheng He feel a trace of solemnity.

However, under the order of Zhu Houzhao in the face of 110, Zheng He could only begin to retreat his figure, but Zheng He's eyes still looked at the fire qilin with a sense of vigilance.

As long as the fire qilin has any intention of hurting Zhu Houzhao, Zheng He will definitely use all the power in the track and field to make a move against the fire qilin.

Soon, looking at the pill in Zhu Houzhao's hand, the fire qilin exhaled deeply, and then began to swallow the pill without hesitation.

"Roar, roar, roar..."

In an instant, when the fire qilin did not hesitate to completely swallow this elixir into his stomach, an inexplicable force directly gushed out in the fire qilin's body.

When this inexplicable power was frantically gushing out in the body of the fire qilin, the head of the Maoshan faction beside the ninth uncle, as well as Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen, all showed a solemn expression and looked at the fire qilin.

"A force suddenly appeared in the fire unicorn's body that was suppressing a force in his body, and was even trying to eliminate it. "

I saw Bai Suzhen, the most powerful cultivator on the scene, speak so seriously.

Listening to Bai Suzhen's words, Xiaoqing beside him showed a curious gaze towards the fire qilin.

At this moment, the head of the Maoshan Sect looked at Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing with a solemn gaze.


The head of the Maoshan Sect exhaled deeply.

He actually heard Bai Suzhen's words, and for Bai Suzhen's words, the head of the Maoshan faction chose to believe them.

Although the head of the Maoshan faction can be regarded as very jealous of Bai Suzhen, because the head of the Maoshan faction detected an unprecedented powerful demon qi on Bai Suzhen's body.

This can only represent one thing, that is, the other party is not a human at all, and even the other party is a monster belonging to the Eight Classics, and the strength of this monster can be called extremely terrifying.

If it weren't for the fact that they were all in this palace, under the gaze of this mighty Daming National Fortune power, the head of the Maoshan Sect might have the idea of escaping.

No way, the oppression given to him by the other party was only under the dragon of national fortune.

The words of such a powerful monster seemed credible to the head of the Maoshan faction.

And everyone's eyes also looked at the fire qilin with a sense of curiosity.

For this fire unicorn who was staring at them with a hint of murderous (ceeh), the members in the chat group all roughly understood from the mouth of the panda that this fire unicorn seemed to have no problems on the surface, but in fact it was very angry, which was similar to their cultivation of madness.

If it weren't for the hero suppressing this fire unicorn, I'm afraid this fire qilin would have been furious long ago. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

And now, can this fire unicorn similar to them be successfully cured by a pill from the Daming Emperor?

Everyone expressed great anticipation.

In the face of everyone's expectations, Zhu Houzhao, who provided the elixir, also flashed a deep expectation in his eyes.

Zhu Houzhao also wanted to know if this elixir could restore this fire qilin's consciousness.

If this Fire Qilin really regained its sanity, then it could definitely be regarded as great news for the entire Daming Empire.

In front of everyone's eyes, the power contained in the elixir directly began to wear out the power contained in the fire qilin's body, and in the face of the power contained in this elixir, the power from the fire qilin's body also directly began to fight back at this moment.

"Boom !!"

A powerful force began to run wildly in the body of the fire qilin.

If it weren't for the fact that the Fire Qilin itself was a divine beast of the Eight Classics, and the Fire Qilin's body was abnormally hard, I am afraid that the Fire Qilin would have been completely killed by these two forces in his body that were running wild.

However, it is precisely because the fire unicorn is a divine beast of the Eight Classics, although the power in his stay seems to be very powerful, but unfortunately it can still be under the control of the fire qilin.

I saw that the force began to continue to emerge wildly in the ranks of the fire qilin.

The power contained in the elixir began to suppress the magic in the fire unicorn's body.

"It's done!"

When Zhu Houzhao sensed this scene, Zhu Houzhao's eyes instantly revealed a hint of joy.

The magic power possessed in the fire unicorn's body was suppressed!


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