"This, I didn't expect that the Fire Qilin actually managed to recover his sanity!"

At this moment, when everyone's eyes looked at the fire qilin's eyes, they soon saw that the fire qilin's eyes that were originally full of fury were now surging with unprecedented clarity.

There is no doubt that the fire unicorn has regained its senses!

For this fire unicorn who had regained his sanity, everyone's eyes at this moment were filled with a deep surprise.

After everyone in the Maoshan Sect looked at the rejuvenated fire qilin, a deep envy flashed in their eyes.

Especially the head of the Maoshan faction, but the head of the Maoshan faction looked at the fire unicorn who had recovered his sanity, and an unprecedented emotion flashed in his eyes: "This Daming Empire has obtained this legendary divine beast Fire Qilin, and the luck possessed by this Daming Empire will usher in a new change!"

"Even this Daming Empire is afraid that it will become stronger. "

At this moment, the head of the Maoshan Sect sighed slightly.

The unicorn belongs to the well-deserved divine beast, so what kind of scene would it be if the people of Daming knew that their emperor had obtained this legendary divine beast unicorn?

The head of the Maoshan Sect did not know, and it did not prevent him from knowing that the appearance of this Qilin Divine Beast could definitely stabilize the Daming Empire.

Once those ordinary people know that their emperor actually has a divine beast and still belongs to the legendary fire unicorn, then this can definitely make all the common people more loyal to the court of the Daming Empire, thinking that this current emperor is the son of the destiny of heaven.

This is a very normal thing.

Isn't that the national fortune of the Daming Empire becoming stronger?

Therefore, at this moment, the head of the Maoshan Sect really had an unprecedented emotion in his eyes after looking at this fire unicorn who had recovered his consciousness.

And when the current Xiongba looked at the Qingming that gradually emerged in the eyes of this fire unicorn, the Xiongba at this moment shook his head helplessly.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor for obtaining a divine beast unicorn. "

At this moment, I saw Xiongba speak with a slight emotion.

Although it was said that this unicorn belonged to him and handed it to Zhu Houzhao, there was also a transaction between them, and he exchanged this fire unicorn for the fact that he would be able to become the emperor in his world.

In Xiongba's opinion, this transaction was completely worth it, but when he saw this regained his sanity, he still felt a little regret in his heart.

After all, this is more or less a legendary fire unicorn.

As the highest cultivator present, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing looked at the fire qilin, who had recovered their senses, and their eyes also carried a deep emotion.

"It seems that this fire unicorn has been completely restored, I didn't expect that this Daming Emperor actually had such a means. "

Bai Suzhen shook her head slightly and sighed.

Facing the emotion and surprise in everyone's eyes, the current Zhu Houzhao looked at the restored fire unicorn with a deep satisfaction.

"From now on, you will follow Xuan, in the future, Xu will definitely make your strength increase rapidly, not to mention let your strength reach the strength of your Qilin clan ancestor, but it will definitely make your strength surpass your current hundred times." "

Zhu Houzhao looked at the fire unicorn in front of him with a serious look in his eyes.

For this legendary divine beast Fire Qilin, maybe others don't have the confidence to raise each other at all, but Zhu Houzhao is different.

Zhu Houzhao has absolute confidence that he can raise this divine beast Fire Qilin, and can also make the other party's strength even stronger.

If nothing else, he is the Daming Emperor!

The entire Daming Empire belonged to him, and he had a strong enough foundation and enough resources for this Qilin to grow up successfully and become stronger.

It can be said that as long as this divine beast fire unicorn follows him, then it is destined to eat fragrant and spicy in the future. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the current fire qilin mainly looked at Zhu Houzhao with his eyes as big as a lantern, and then directly lowered his head and rubbed slightly at Zhu Houzhao.

"Roar, roar, roar..."

Facing the fire unicorn while rubbing and roaring low at Zhu Houzhao, this eye can see what the attitude that the fire qilin has at the moment can be seen as long as it is not blind.

After Zheng He, who was beside Zhu Houzhao, watched this divine beast Fire Qilin actually submit to their Majesty like this, a deep incredulity flashed in Zheng He's eyes.

"This, the legendary fire unicorn has since become His Majesty's mount?"

Zheng He saw that this fire unicorn, which was no different from the legendary divine beast unicorn, was at most a little crotch-pulling in strength, but in addition, every bit that this fire unicorn possessed was a legendary divine beast belonging to the Eight Classics.

In this regard, the divine beast at this moment actually became their majesty's mount, or this divine beast fire qilin became their majesty's pet.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty for recovering the Qilin Divine Beast!"

I saw a hint of respect flashing in Zheng He's eyes.

And many members of the chat group on his side of life, as well as the many members of the chat group who brought over, also spoke with a slightly respectful word: "Congratulations to Your Majesty for recovering the Divine Beast Qilin." "

In the face of the congratulatory sounds, Zhu Houzhao smiled slightly.

"Hahaha, thank you for your congratulations. "

"From now on, you will be a protector beast belonging to the Daming Empire!"

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao's eyes towards the fire unicorn carried a firmness.


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